av eriked » lör jan 13, 2007 2:00
Joss skrev en kommentar kring de 5 första sidorna på whedonesque (den 6/1)
Spoiler Angel 5x20 och Buffy 8x(fem första sidorna)
I just finished the last pages of this arc and here you are reading the first. Circle-y. I am serene and at one with the universe. And yet there's this term... 'wanked around'... Hmm.
I love "The Girl in Question". I thought it was hilarious and relevent and everyone involved was at the top of their game. When I started writing the comic I had Buffy with the Immortal but it felt wrong. It was important for Angel and Spike to know she had moved on, but it was equally important for Buffy to be where she is in this comic book. And I realized Andrew WOULD have thought this up, and would have thought it was hilarious (plus the wink at the fact that everyone knew that was a double in the ep was fun). As for his input -- he was running the L.A. slayer unit in season 5 of Angel, so it's safe to assume he's got some cred. You could call this wank, but you could say the same about any retcon -- like Spike loving Buffy from the start and not realizing it, which worked for me just great, especially 'cause it had the chaos demon standing around with his antlers dripping (good times, good times). Anyway, it's idiotic for me to defend the work -- you either dig or you don't. But the part that keeps stopping me is this: why on Earth WOULDN'T George Lucas discount the Star Wars Holiday Special?
"But... how do you kill a thing... that has no life?"
Ranty, -j.
joss | January 06, 23:38 CET
'Sometimes the air rises above the clouds' - Flash Gordon