Tob skrev:Redan under Pylea arcen så tyckte jag inte om Groo. Tycker inte det finns någon trovärdighet överhuvudtaget mellan Cordy och Groo. Ingen kemi för fem öre.
Groo: I shall present this beast's head to my princess as a token.
Angel: (sarcastically) Right, because she'd love that.
dansdansdans skrev:hur kommer det sig att cordy kan ta potion och ha sex men inte angel?
fast han kan ju faktiskt ha sex utan potion med . jäj
Lipton skrev:(Angel & Groo wander through the demon brothel)
ANITA: Oh, I love your outfits.
ANGEL: Well, I really wouldn't call them 'outfits.'
ANITA: But you are together.
GROO: (puts a hand on Angel's shoulder) Yes! Two champions here together.
ANGEL: (pushing Groo's hand off) Not 'together' together. Just 'get the potion' together.
GROO: So I may com-shuck my princess.
ANGEL: Just to reiterate, (Angel points at himself) *not* the princess...
Det är många roliga repliker i detta avsnitt.
Anita: Oh, I love your outfits.
Angel: Well, I really wouldn't call them "outfits."
Anita: But you are together.
Groo: Yes! Two champions here together.
Angel: Not "together" together. Just "get the potion" together.
Groo: So I may com-shuck my princess.
Angel: Just to reiterate, (Angel points at himself) *not* the princess...
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