sus@n skrev:Latarmig; Skriver du alltid sådär i varje avsnittstråd som saknas det är bra.
noike skrev:Koala: (Buffy -> s6)Nej, jag är långt ifrån en A/C-shipper men Angel/Cordy har byggts upp under bra mycket längre tidn än Buffy/Spike och det på ett bättre sätt också.
Pazuzu skrev:Men det känns lite underligt att Cordy helt tar Darlas parti i början,[...]
ANGEL: We're very different. VERY different. Obviously, human - vampire. Woman - man...pire.
WES, GUNN & FRED: We love you Angel!
LORNE: This is way beyond my ken... and my Barbie... and ALL my action figures!
DARLA: I don't breathe, you idiot! You can't strangle me!
Hello Lover
ANGEL: Wes, let's get on this.
WES: What do you suggest?
ANGEL: I suggest you use your books and find out what's going on. Do I have to think of everything?
FRED: Who's Darla?
GUNN: Angel's old flame from way back.
FRED: Not the one who died?
GUNN: Yeah. No, not that one. The other one that died and came back to life. She's a vampire.
FRED: Do y'all have a chart or something?
GUNN: In the files. I'll get it for you later.
Angel: Darla.
Cordy: Darla?
Wes: Darla!
Fred: Who's Darla?
Gunn: Angel's old flame from way back.
Fred: Not the one that died?
Gunn: Yeah. No, not that one. The other one that died and came back to life. She's a vampire.
Fred: Y'all have a chart or something?
Gunn: In the files. I'll get it for you later.
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