Matt skrev:Vad glad jag blir.
Det som är det bästa med Buffyforum.
Man känner sig inte ensam.
malavel skrev:För att summera min sågning av Angel S2:
Gillade inte Darla arcen. Hon agerade alltför konstigt. Återuppstår från de döda som människa och verkar vara sur på Angel trots att hon aldrig träffat honom (när hon varit människa.) Sen vill hon bli vampyr igen trots att hon måste veta att hon då 'försvinner' och en demon tar över hennes kropp. Sen blir hon sur på Drusilla för att hon gör henne till en vampyr (men då är det ju demonen som är sur och hur sjukt är inte det?)
Gillade inte Dark Angel. Kändes bara helt fel för Angel att bete sig så.
Avslutningen i Lornes dimension var lite bättre.
Så här långt känns se-om-värdet vara väldigt lågt på Angel (med undantag för några avsnitt i S5.) Det hade nog blivit lite högre betyg om jag röstat efter första gången jag såg serien.
Matt skrev:Håller inte med om ett ord du säger i det här inlägget M, tyvärr.
Mr Chase skrev:sus@n, jag sade ju att du skulle köra om mig och bli klar med s2 innan jag . Jag har fortfarande en massa avsnitt kvar och mina föräldrars besök har inte gjort det bättre heller. Man måste ju vara social då man träffar dem så sällan i vanliga fall.
sus@n skrev:Men vad gör du i denna tråden om du inte sett klart?
(Holland is standing in the open doors of an elevator slowly clapping his hands. Angel walks slowly closer.)
HOLLAND: Congratulations. Great victory.
ANGEL: You're...
HOLLAND: Holland Manners.
ANGEL: ...not alive.
HOLLAND: Oh, no. I'm quite dead. Unfortunately my contract with Wolfram and Hart extends well beyond that. Hop on in. You certainly earned it.
(Angel slowly steps into elevator, looking at Holland, who laughs.)
HOLLAND: No. Not a ghost here. No, it's just me. Dead me. (Pulls the collar of his shirt aside to show Angel Darla's bite marks, then reaches for the elevator buttons) See? - Home office, wasn't it? I should mention the trip is one way. Well, if there are no objections, I suggest we get going. It is rather a long ride.
(Holland pushes the 'down' button. Doors close, elevator descends)
HOLLAND: Well, this is exciting, isn't it? Going straight to the source. So, what's the big plan, Angel? Destroy the Senior Partners, smash Wolfram and Hart once and for all?
ANGEL: Something like that.
HOLLAND: Hm-mm, now tell me just what do you imagine that would accomplish? In the end, I mean.
ANGEL: It'll be - the end.
HOLLAND: Well, the end of you, certainly. But I meant in the larger sense.
ANGEL: In the larger sense I really don't give a crap.
HOLLAND: Now I don't think that's true. Be honest. You got the tiniest bit of 'give a crap' left. Otherwise you wouldn't be going on this Kamikaze mission. Now let me see, there was something - in a sacred prophecy, some oblique reference to you. Something you're supposed to prevent. Now what was that?
ANGEL: The apocalypse.
HOLLAND: Yes, the apocalypse, of course. - Another one of those. Well, it's true. We do have one scheduled. And I imagine if you were to prevent it you would save a great many people. Well, you should do that then. Absolutely. I wasn't thinking. Of course all those people you save from that apocalypse would then have the next one to look forward to, but, hey, it's always something, isn't it?
ANGEL: You're not gonna win.
HOLLAND: Well - *no*. Of course we aren't. We have no intention of doing anything so prosaic as 'winning.'
ANGEL: Then why?
HOLLAND: Hmm? I'm sorry? Why what?
ANGEL: Why fight?
HOLLAND: That's really the question you should be asking yourself, isn't it? See, for us, there is no fight. Which is why winning doesn't enter into it. We - go on - no matter what. Our firm has always been here. In one form or another. The Inquisition. The Khmer Rouge. We were there when the very first cave man clubbed his neighbor. See, we're in the hearts and minds of every single living being. And *that* - friend - is what's making things so difficult for you. See, the world doesn't work in spite of evil, Angel. It works with us. It works because of us.
(The elevator stops. The doors open and Angel looks out to see the plaza in front of the Wolfram and Hart Office building in LA. They're back where they started.)
HOLLAND: Welcome to the home office.
ANGEL: This isn't...
HOLLAND: Well, you know it is. You know *that* better than anyone. Things you've seen. Things you've, well... done. You see, if there wasn't evil in every single one of them out there (Angel watches as some people in the plaza start yelling at each other) why, they wouldn't be people. They'd all be angels.
(The glove drops from Angel's hand to land on the floor of the elevator and Angel slowly shuffles out of it.)
HOLLAND: Have a nice day.
från Reprise 2x15
Well - *no*. Of course we aren't. We have no intention of doing anything so prosaic as 'winning.'
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