DARLA: Shh. Shh. That wasn't Angel.
DARLA: Wasn't Angelus either
latarmig skrev:Mr Chase
Oj, oj, oj, you've got it bad, dude. Detta oavsett om du suttit uppe hela natten och kollat på Angel, eller om du ställt klockan (på semestern!) och gått upp tidigt på morgonen för att se mer. Buffyverse är rena giftet. :-))
Dru: "He sees you. Sees what you were. (Tar ett steg mot Darla) You'll never be alone again."
Darla: "Stop! Just don't."
Dru: "He's watching you, my sweet, right now."
Darla spins around and looks at the crowd of demons.
Darla: "Angel."
Darla: My name's Darla and this is Drusilla. We're new in town though some of you know us by reputation.
Demon: I never heard of you before.
Darla: Now you never will.
Virginia: You can't fire someone on a mission
Darla: That wasn't Angel. Wasn't Angelus either. Who was that?
a bear skrev:Angels träningsmontage och voiceovers är outsägligt fåniga
I start fighting a war, I guarantee you'll see something new.
Angel: Let them fight the good fight. - Someone has to fight the war.
DARLA: Who was that?
Drusilla: Dank and dark. It reeks of death.
Darla: That's motor oil, Dru.
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