AKS skrev: Och en av de böcker jag läst om flest gånger i Sagan om Isfolket-serien är Dödens trädgård då Shira måste genomgå sina prövningar.
Lindsey: Maybe not. - But I'd save her if I could. And you can. And you won't. So you got a choice pal: waste the last two months of her life searching for a cure that doesn't exist, watch her wither away and die - or you can use the only real power you got. You can make this disease go away today if you wanted to.
Angel: By killing her again.
Lindsey: By giving her life! Eternal life.
Darla: You can't force me to stay here.
Angel: You're not a prisoner.
Darla: I've been hearing that a lot lately.
Angel: Just give me a chance. Okay?
Cordy: So, first up - you're a prisoner.
Wesley: I'd have to concur with that, yes.
Cordy: See, you've got our friend - all - in knots.
Wesley: Can't say we like you much.
Cordy: So, sorry about the dying, but if you try to escape - we will hit you.
Wesley: On the head.
Cordy: With very large and heavy objects. Okay?
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