Wayne State University reported 1 safety-related incidents involving students while off campus but still on property owned or controlled by the school in 2019. Our coronavirus response site includes up-to-date information, the Campus Daily Screener and guidelines for … Acceptance rate is 100.00%. As an undergraduate student, continuously carry at least six (6) credit hours per semester (12 credit-hours for international students). If it's on campus, it's only a few clicks away. THE SERVICES WE PROVIDE Campus Health Center provides health care services to prevent and treat common physical illness. Official page of the Wayne State College Campus Recreation. Our Graduate Schoolis among the twenty largest in the nation. The school has a total enrollment of 3,633. Many of these buildings were designed by notable architects suc… In her freshman year of college, she became involved with the Wayne State Sustainability Coalition and later began worked as an intern for the Office Campus Sustainability. Students must wear face coverings inside all SOM facilities and adhere to posted signage. Take your knowledge to new heights. Wayne State College. Welcome to the best of both worlds. Wayne State University is Michigan's only urban research university. Are you ready for the Ultimate Virtual Campus Experience? Privacy and University Policies Get an insider's look at what the Wayne State community is up to. Dean of Students Office. As part of our efforts to ensure an attractive, user-friendly campus that supports and accommodates the needs of students, faculty and staff, the university embraces the values of environmental stewardship. 301 Student Center Detroit, MI 48202 313-577-1010 doso@wayne.edu Here, you can take advantage of extraordinary opportunities in a one-of-a-kind city making a storied comeback. Students / Faculty / Staff Register. You just logged out of but your session was created with .You may terminate your portal session by logging out of , or by clicking the button below. Register as Students / Faculty / Staff to gain access to additional ticket prices. The health and well-being of students at Wayne State University is our top priority. We've been here through it all, and we invite you to join us in writing the Motor City's next chapter during a time of historic transformation. Wayne State College is a Public, 4 Years+ school located in Wayne, NE. You have reached a page that requires authentication, please enter your Wayne State AccessID and password. Did you know that Wayne State has more than 500 student organizations? The College of Education offers preschool programs for 2 ½ to 5-year-old children with options for before and after-school care. Online Opportunities to Explore Wayne State University At this time, we have suspended our campus visit program. As Wayne State University prepares for the return of employees, faculty and students, safety remains our top priority. Wayne State University is committed to creating a sustainable environment on its Midtown Detroit campus. All students must complete Warrior Safe training before returning to campus and the daily WSU Campus Screener.. Students assigned to clinical sites may need to complete additional site-specific screeners. 42.357273-83.07001. The campus is urban and features many architecturally significant buildings, including the Helen L. DeRoy Auditorium, the Education Building, the Maccabees Building, Old Main, McGregor Memorial Conference Center, Chatsworth Tower Apartments, and the Hilberry Theatre. Wayne State is proud to make its home in the heart of Detroit: a city of dreamers and doers. 2. Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 United States © 2021 . Wayne State University requires that all faculty, staff and enrolled students who plan to be on campus for any day this fall or winter receive flu shots by Oct. 15, 2020. Your interactive connection to the sights and sounds of college life. Wayne State is Michigan’s most diverse public university and Social Work’s diverse student community comprises 45% of our overall school student population Wayne State Social Work students are placed at over 300 agencies contributing over 300,000 field hours to the community Follow public relations student Anna Cloutier as she leads us on a tour of some of her favorite spots throughout the city. Mort Harris Recreation and Fitness Center, Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Fine, Performing & Communication Arts, College of, Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Eugene Applebaum College of, Accounting Department - Mike Ilitch School of Business, Administrative & Organizational Studies (AOS) - College of Education, African American Studies, Department of - Liberal Arts and Sciences, American Society of Civil Engineers -- WSU Chapter, Anthropology Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Anthropology Museum - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Archival Administration Certificate Program, Art & Art History, Department of - Fine, Performing & Communication Arts, Biological Sciences, Department of - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chemical Engineering & Materials Science - Engineering, Chemistry Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Civil & Environmental Engineering - Engineering, Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Clinical Laboratory Science - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Communication Sciences & Disorders Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Communication, Department of - Fine, Performing & Communication Arts, Computer Science, Department of - Engineering, Criminology and Criminal Justice Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Economics Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Electrical & Computer Engineering - Engineering, English Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Environmental Science and Geology - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Finance Department - Mike Ilitch School of Business, Forensic Investigation - Post Bachelor Certificate - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Department of - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Program - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Health Care Sciences, Department of - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, History Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Homelessness & Poverty Research Group - Psychology, Industrial and Systems Engineering - Engineering, Information Systems & Manufacturing Department, International Studies Program - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Junior Year in Munich - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kinesiology, Health & Sport Studies - Education, Linguistics Program - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Management and Information Systems Department - Mike Ilitch School of Business, Marketing and Supply Chain Management Department - Mike Ilitch School of Business, Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution (MADR), Master of Arts in Employment and Labor Relations, Mathematics Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Michigan GEAR UP - Office of Federal TRiO, Music, Department of - Fine, Performing & Communication Arts, Nurse Anesthesia Program - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Nutrition & Food Science Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Occupational Therapy - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Office of Institutional Research & Analysis (OIRA), Pathologists\' Assistant Program - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, Department of - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Philosophy Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Physical Therapy - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Physician Assistant Studies - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Physics & Astronomy Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Political Science Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Radiation Therapy Technology - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Radiologic Technology - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Radiologist Assistant - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Religious Studies Program - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Simulation Laboratory - College of Nursing, Sociology Department - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theatre and Dance, Maggie Allesee Department of - Fine, Performing & Communication Arts, Theoretical & Behavioral Foundations - Education, Urban Studies & Planning, Department of - Liberal Arts and Sciences, WSU/DMC Graduate Medical Education Program, Academic Pathways for Excellence Scholars Program (APEX), Baptist Campus Ministry (Baptist Student Union), Business Services - Business & Auxiliary Operations Division, Business Technology Solutions - Planning, Assessment & Innovation, Career Planning & Placement - Mike Ilitch School of Business, Cash Management - Investment, Debt & Risk Management, Classroom Technology Support - Library System, Client Services Administrative Region - Human Resources, Client Services Region A - Human Resources, Client Services Region B - Human Resources, Community Engagement @ Wayne, Irvin D. Reid Honors College, Computing & Information Technology (C&IT), Computing & Information Technology - Help Desk, Computing & Information Technology - Help Desk - Computer Repair, Computing & Information Technology - Help Desk - Software Sales, Continuing Education Units (CEU) - Executive and Professional Development, Course Evaluation Office - Testing, Evaluation and Research Services, Dining Services - Business & Auxiliary Operations Division, Endowment and Planned Giving - Investment, Debt and Risk Management, Enrollment Management Reporting Application Support (EMRAS) - Budget, Planning & Analysis, Environmental Health & Safety, Office of - Research, Equal Opportunity, Office of - General Counsel, Government and Community Affairs, Office of, Hazardous Materials Management - Environmental Health & Safety, HIGH Program: Helping Individuals Go Higher, Housing and Residential Life, Office of - Business and Auxiliary Operations Division, Human Resources - Employee Resource Center, Internal Audit, Office of - General Counsel, International Students & Scholars, Office of, Investment, Debt and Risk Management - Finance & Business Operations, Machine Shop & Equipment Services - Engineering, Machine Shop & Equipment Services - Physics, Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies - University Press, McNair Scholars Program - Office of Federal TRiO, Metropolitan Center for High Technology (MCHT), Office of Military & Veterans Academic Excellence (OMVAE), OneCard Service Center - OneCard/Parking Service Center, Parking & Transportation Services - OneCard/Parking Services Center, Parking & Transportation Services - Administrative Offices, President\'s Commission on the Status of Women, Procurement & Strategic Sourcing (Purchasing) - Finance & Business Operations, Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) - Executive Professional and Development, Property Management Office - Fiscal Operations, Public Relations - Marketing & Communications, Registrar (Records and Registration), Office of the, Scoring Office - Testing, Evaluation and Research Services, Sponsored Program Administration - Research, Student Accounts Receivable - Fiscal Operations, Study Aboard and Global Programs - Office of the Provost, Total Compensation and Wellness - Human Resources, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), Veterans’ Educational Opportunities Program (VEOP) - Office of Federal TRiO, Vice President of Marketing & Communications & Chief of Staff, Office of the, WSU Student Chapter of the Association for Computer Machinery, American Institute of Chemical Engineers -- WSU Chapter, Automotive Research, Center for - Engineering, Confucius Institute - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Connect Services\' Technology Solution Center - Engineering, Douglas A. Fraser Center for Workplace Issues, Early Childhood Center - College of Education, Educational Opportunity Center - Office of Federal TRiO, Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, Center for - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Foreign Language Technology Center - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Latino/a and Latin American Studies, Center for - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Learning & Performance Improvement, Institute for, Manufacturing Research, Institute for - Research, Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute - Early Childhood Center, Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute for Child and Family Development, Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute (MI-DDI), Michigan Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (MI-LEND), Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center Michigan - Medicine, Organizational & Industrial Competitiveness, Institute for, Peace & Conflict Studies, Center for - Liberal Arts and Sciences, Scientific Computing, Institute for - Research, Speech and Language Center - Communication Sciences & Disorders, 77 W. Canfield - Gender neutral restrooms, Bioengineering - Gender neutral restrooms, Biological Sciences - Gender neutral restrooms, Bonstelle Theatre - Gender neutral restrooms, Chatsworth Suites - Gender neutral restrooms, Community Arts - Gender neutral restrooms, Faculty/Administration - Gender neutral restrooms, Hilberry Theatre - Gender neutral restrooms, Knapp Building - Gender neutral restrooms, Medical Education Commons - Gender neutral restrooms, Parking Structure 1 - Gender neutral restrooms, Parking Structure 5 - Gender neutral restrooms, Parking Structure 8 - Gender neutral restrooms, Police Department - Gender neutral restrooms, Purdy/Kresge Library - Gender neutral restrooms, Science and Engineering Library - Gender neutral restrooms, St. Andrew's Hall - Gender neutral restrooms, Student Center - Gender neutral restrooms, Tierney Alumni House - Gender neutral restrooms, Towers Residential Suites - Gender neutral restrooms, Undergraduate Library - Gender neutral restrooms, University Tower - Gender neutral restrooms, Academic/Administrative Building-Mother's room, Beecher House - Employee only mother's room, Faculty/Administration Building - Mother's room, All Meditation rooms Spiritual facilities, American Association of University Professors (AAUP) - American Federation of Teachers Local 6075, Graduate Employees\' Organizing Committee - American Federation of Teachers Local 6123 (AFT-Michigan/AFL-CIO), Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies, TechTown (WSU Research & Technology Park), UAW; Local 1979 (Professional & Administrative Union), UAW; Local 2071 (Staff Association Union), Michigan First Credit Union - Student Center, Michigan First Credit Union ATM - Atchison Hall, Michigan First Credit Union ATM - Ghafari Hall, Michigan First Credit Union ATM - Law Library, Michigan First Credit Union ATM - Scott Hall, Michigan First Credit Union ATM - WSU Bookstore, Science and Engineering Library OneCard Fill Location, Towers Residential Suites OneCard Fill Location, Undergraduate Library OneCard Fill Location, 5501 Anthony Wayne Dr. North Tower 1st Floor, 5501 Anthony Wayne Dr. Southeast Entrance, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, Rene Robert Sieur de LaSalle Pere Jacques Marquette, Father Gabriel Richard, Nap Map - College of Education Second Floor Lounge, Nap Map - Fish Bowl (underneath indoor balcony), Nap Map - Manufacturing Engineering Building Second Floor Community Room, Nap Map - Purdy/Kresge Library Third Floor (Purdy Side), Nap Map - State Hall Group Activity Lab Fourth Floor, Nap Map - Student Center Basement Atrium SCB (South End), Nap Map - Student Center Second Floor Lounge Area (North End), Nap Map - Student Center Seventh Floor next to OMSE (North End), Nap Map - Student Center Third Floor Lounge Area (North End), Nap Map - UGL Second Floor (Open Student collaborative area). Photo of the Day submitted by Yvonne Tirakian. Check out our Photo of the Day to follow along as Warriors highlight their achievements and offer their front-row perspectives of campus, the city and more! The university requires all construction contractors, vendors, architects and engineers to comply with safety guidelines from the federal government — such as OSHA and the CDC — as well as the State of Michigan, Wayne County and City of Detroit executive orders and university guidelines to help reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Wayne State University Campus during COVID-19 Warrior Safe is Warrior Strong. We are here to keep you healthy, so you can attain your educational and personal goals. Until then, we invite you to visit us virtually. From academics to unique college traditions, the VCE showcases the entire student experience – and before you ever step foot on a campus. Explore our programs and apply to become part of our vibrant community. Wayne State University has an institutional commitment to provide equitable educational and employment opportunities for all members of the university community, and to making all programs and activities accessible. The center is a non-profit organization and the preschool program is tuition-based. All satellite campuses Download PDFs. If you're looking for advantages to living in an urban setting, then Wayne State is for you. Go beyond the classroom to readily make an impact in your backyard and around the world. For the latest updates on campus response please visit https://wayne.edu/coronavirus. There’s so much to see, do and eat in Detroit! Our campus is one of the 50 safest in the United States, an accomplishment largely due to an informed and aware community.

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