Then I finally found this: Take a Hint by Elizabeth Gillies and Victoria Justice. Dovewing wants to rake his ears but Birchfall says if one of them is forgiven, they all are. Dovepaw is then frightened along with her companions, as they are driven back nearly to the forest. All throughout their hunting trip, Dovepaw is distracted, attempting in vain to listen to Lionblaze and Jayfeather’s conversation. The warrior code will last forever. A few cats are surprised how Dovewing can be so sure. Dovewing says she was following a mouse trail, but could tell Ivypool suspects something. She notices Blossomfall sneaking out and decides to follow, telling Bumblestripe she is going to the dirtplace to deter him from following. Her mentor was Lionblaze. She retorts this wasn't the time for kits with Darktail still a threat and it just would lead to more deaths. Ivypool defends herself and alludes to her focusing too much on their "guests". Jayfeather becomes annoyed, saying she wouldn't have a way of explaining how she knew and Firestar couldn't know of their powers. 1 Kin 1.1 Members 1.2 Tree 2 Notes and references Mother: Robinwing:1 Deceased, verified StarClan member Father: Fuzzypelt:1 Deceased, verified StarClan member Brother: Ravenpaw:2 Deceased, verified StarClan member Sisters: Frostfur:3 Deceased, verified StarClan member … When they wake up, the Three talk about their dream. Dovewing thinks about Tigerheart while going back to camp, wishing she could forget about him. Bumblestripe and Dovewing return just in time to see Purdy die. italics are for cats that aren’t inherently related to Bluestar by blood but are still a part of her family tree. 3 min read. Soon after their quest begins, they head off to the Greenleaf Twolegplace. They also come across two dogs, and Dovewing and Foxleap are supposed to hide Jayfeather in a hedge. Bramblestar asks Dovewing to come to the meeting as she and Lionblaze have information on the Dark Forest. Dovewing leans against him and says she's fine. After this, an eagle attacks a group of rogues, and she and Foxleap are told to stay back. She is lastly mentioned on Rock's page. Dovepaw hears her sister, who had followed them. Meanwhile Blossomfall walks with her and teasingly tells her that she stole her brother Bumblestripe's heart, though her gaze is serious. Rock blamed the existence of the three, if Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing did not come, the prophecy that involved the Dark Forest rising would not have been fulfilled. The basic idea was that Brokenmist takes Ivypool's place since she and Duckshine (Dovewing) are no longer part of the prophecy. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Dovewing was not present. Bramblestar chooses Dovewing to help teach Minty and the other kittypets Jessy and Frankie how to hunt. 3 min read. Hollyleaf comments at how big the two apprentices have gotten, remembering when they were kits. Lionblaze launches himself at the fox, but is knocked away, and Dovepaw joins into the fight, nipping at its legs. Dovewing has had nightmares for a moon after they came back from their journey. Tigerheart disagrees, and the two snap at each other. Rosepetal catches this and asks Dovewing if she enjoys hurting his feelings telling her that it isn't a crime to like someone and to apologize. Whitepaw takes a look at Robinwing’s family tree. She has kittypet blood through Cloudtail. Squirrelflight is a dark, flame-colored she-cat with brilliant forest green eyes and a single white paw. When Icecloud is getting into position, Dovepaw can hear a hollow sound underneath her footsteps, and realizes that Icecloud is falling. Dovewing hopes that the oath will work as the former trainees swear the oath in front of all of ThunderClan. The dream ends, Rock telling them to find the Fourth. Dovepaw's feeling of guilt intensifies when she learns that ShadowClan will return Ivypaw in exchange for the herbs to cure Littlecloud's greencough. They get caught when Weaselfur raises the alarm as they talk to Sedgewhisker, causing the entire Clan to wake up. A RiverClan warrior, Rainstorm, sees her, and dashes towards her, thinking she is eating the fish and stealing prey. She has trouble with her assessment because she keeps focusing on how Ivypaw is doing with hers. The leaders don’t mention the Great Battle, and Dovewing wonders if they should honor them together. Dovepaw gets the very first point of view in the book, just as the battle with ShadowClan is ending. After hearing her leader's summons, Dovewing exits the warriors’ den and takes a place near the rocky wall of the camp. They talk about the prophecy. Bumblestripe offers her a mouse, but she says she isn't hungry, telling him to eat if he is. During her training with Hollyleaf in the tunnels, Hollyleaf makes her and the other cats with her find their way through the tunnels by leading them into passageways and making them find their way back. They wake up, and Dovewing thinks they won the Great Battle, and will overcome the greencough. Foxleap predicts playfully that the other dog was scolding the younger to stop attacking the cats, and to go back to herding the sheep. Jayfeather then tells her the stories of Mudclaw and Hawkfrost. Jayfeather tells her that she can hear things and see things other cats can't, which surprises Dovepaw. He then goes to get Jayfeather, and says his suspicions that Dovepaw may be the One. Dovewing joins Ivypool, who is grieving for Hollyleaf, as the she-cat gave her life to save Ivypool. Dovewing (formerly): Living (As of Darkness Within) Mother: Millie: Deceased, verified StarClan member. She is part of the patrol tracking the rogue scent in their territory that then crosses over into ShadowClan. Dovewing hears her Clanmates are excited about choosing a punishment, and Dovewing thinks that they are no perfect themselves. He finally helps relieve her of her thoughts about Rippletail, telling her every cat has a destiny and Rippletail followed his to his death, so it wasn't her fault at all. He explains to her that they're grieving for the loss of Leopardstar and are on their way to the Moonpool. 1 Into 2 Swiftpaw & Tigerheart 3 Bumblestripe & Feathertail 4 Cinderheart & Dovewing 5 Willowbreeze & Vixenkit 6 onestar & Palebird Ever wondered if some cat was related to another? Ivypaw trained hard, even though Dovepaw always seemed to hear and see things faster than anyone, On the occasion when Ivypaw makes the first catch, she knew Dovepaw let her. When Swoop is carried off, they return to the tribe's camp to give the news. When the ginger leader questions her distracted disposition, he assumes that she was merely listening for trouble, which annoys Dovewing. She had feared that she wouldn't pass since she didn't catch anything, but because of her actions during Icecloud's accident, she was deemed worthy of becoming a warrior. Whitewing notices Dovewing’s distress and goes to fetch moss with her. After the Gathering, Dovewing and Tigerheart are caught talking by Bumblestripe. She thinks to herself that it was a dumb thing to say out loud. After telling the two cats that she'd catch up, an elder bush hisses, and Tigerheart comes out, saying he'd missed her. After the Great Storm hits the Clans, Dovewing is part of a border patrol with Bramblestar, Graystripe, and Thornclaw to check the extent of the devastation. Bramblestar wonders privately if things were alright between them. This makes Blossomfall upset when he chooses Dovewing as a partner over his littermate. In my "actual" family tree Fernsong was a loner or kittypet that joined the clan. Her mother, Whitewing, tries comforting her kits, and excuses them from Brambleclaw's orders. Dovepaw becomes worried when her sister doesn't respond after her fall, but Ivypaw is only playing dead. Jayfeather and Lionblaze suspect one of the two sisters to be the third cat, since their sister, Hollyleaf, disappeared into the tunnels. Jayfeather is too busy with tending to Foxleap so Dovewing will go back tomorrow. Dovepaw returns from the journey and is struggling emotionally as she does not have the comfort of her new found friends, but she still does make up with Ivypaw, and tells her that she will always be her friend, and will never leave her again. Her mate Bumblestripe presses his muzzle into her fur, asking if she's okay. He then persuades the rest of the patrol to go on without him. 11. Leafpool says she will treat everyone when she can. They will feel lesser warriors but they will never be that. As a kit, she was able to hear things farther than any normal cat could, and it was revealed by Jayfeather that she was one of the three. Dovewing slowly agrees, and then catches up to him, apologizing. Dovepaw is the cat that goes inside the dam to break it. Jayfeather explains to her that it's not her choice, and she has to learn about her powers for the good of the four Clans. When Jayfeather catches them, Dovekit and Ivykit innocently tell him that they were just choosing good places for their nests, and that they would do everything together as apprentices, but Jayfeather reminds them that they can't do everything together forever. The group are ordered to get rid of the wood and throw it into the lake. Fan Articles. Dovewing protests it’s too big, so Leafpool says to share it with Purdy. Dovewing agrees with Bumblestripe that the Great Battle changed everything, and wonders if ThunderClan is divided forever because of the Dark Forest. Blossomfall knows Dovewing is following, and leaps onto her. Daughter of Cloudtail and Brightheart. Lionblaze takes Dovepaw out hunting and training with her sister and Cinderheart. After everything has quieted down, Lionblaze goes over to her and says to follow him. Dustpelt-black mackerel tabby with orange eyes.Ferncloud-blue spotted cryptic torbie with green eyes.Shrewpaw-solid chocolate with orange eyes.Daisy-solid fawn-cream calico point with blue eyes; Spider's ex-wife.Made her a tortie so Toad and Mouse wouldn't come out red. The two feel ashamed of what they've done and agree to remark the scent markings only for Ivypaw to get a splinter in her paws. Cloudtail-dominant solid white with blue eyes.Brightheart-amber non-tabby with green eyes.No white spotting since neither of her parents have it. 7 comments. She is resentful when she finds out that she is part of the prophecy, stating that she does not wish to be special. They find a place to bury Hollyleaf and start scraping dirt away. She assumed every cat was the same, so she was shocked when she learned she was the only one. Happy birthday to meeee~ Have a family treeee~ New family tree bases since the full-body ones I made were a pain in the ass to color. She has a nick in the tip of her ear, and a long, squirrel-like, bushy tail. It was revealed that Dovewing will most likely have another mate. Dovewing is skeptical of the idea, believing she wasn't as good a hunter anymore since she lost her powers, but Bramblestar insists she was perfect for it because she knows what's it's like to start from the beginning. The elder is curling up her body as if she is asleep. Eventually, they make it onto the moorlands and just outside WindClan camp. Dovepaw does not formally appear in Mistystar's Omen, but is listed in the allegiances. Dovewing doesn't know what to take from that. They go off to fight it alone, and drive it away, out of Clan land. Welcome to the Most Detailed Warrior Cats Family Tree(s) Ever! Robinwing’s Family Tree by Whitepaw. She was the third cat of the prophecy. However, Dovepaw refuses to believe it and tells her to leave her alone. When she spots two cats near the lake shore on ThunderClan territory, she becomes worried and goes to Jayfeather who identifies the cats as Mothwing and Mistyfoot. Blossomfall leads her to the old Twoleg den where Jayfeather and Leafpool are growing catmint. Jayfeather also avoids the conversation, determined to spend his energy and focus on saving Foxleap. note: the arrow coming off of Flashnose’s portrait is meant to represent that her family tree continues separate from this one. She, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather argue who is the fourth. Ivypool argues that she isn't, much to Dovewing's disappointment. Confused, Dovewing asks if their Clanmates need them anymore. Dovewing feels uncomfortable throughout the digging, but presses on. Dovewing wakes in the middle of the night yowling that Windclan was going to attack with Sol. They meet up on ShadowClan territory and find that Tigerheart and Toadfoot from ShadowClan, Petalfur and Rippletail from RiverClan, and Whitetail and Sedgewhisker from WindClan would be going with them. Dovewing confesses her feelings and thoughts of the situation, and Whitewing says invisible wounds take longer to heal. She is the one who hears Sorreltail wailing with her kits going to be born early, and is able to find Sorreltail with Jayfeather. Dovekit is soon apprenticed to Lionblaze, along with her sister, Ivykit, who during the ceremony, states she thought she was going to be sick, putting Dovekit in a brief state of panic worrying that her sister can't be sick in their apprenticeship ceremony, who are then known as Dovepaw and Ivypaw. Dovewing is first seen when Tigerheart meets her. Ivypool comments that Dovewing looks tired. Puddleshine warns the ThunderClan cats of the spreading yellowcough sickness. Dovewing feels sympathy and annoyance for Sandstorm, as she kept the warriors awake three nights in a row with her coughing. At the end of the battle, she witnesses Hollyleaf's fight with Sol, but Hollyleaf does not kill him because it is against the warrior code. When Lionblaze convinces Firestar, who then convinces the other leaders, to send a patrol upstream to see if something is blocking the water, Dovepaw and her mentor are chosen to go for ThunderClan. Tigerheart looks questionably at Dovewing but she looks away, he was part of the past just like the Dark Forest battle. Last Updated: 28th of March 2015 This map is a compilation of all possible family trees for the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter. Later, Dovewing patrols along the ShadowClan border with Bumblestripe, his apprentice Seedpaw, Bramblestar, and Lilypaw. Cinderheart then advises that if there are no obstacles for getting to know someone better, then it's best if Dovewing took the opportunity. The next day, Ivypool and Dovewing go out for a training session with Molepaw and Cherrypaw. 10. But I lied. He reminds her of all the good she did with Lionblaze and Jayfeather in saving the Clan from the Dark Forest, but that StarClan only took away that power because they no longer needed it and were still useful as much as any cat. When she returned, Dovepaw had the connection with cats that stretched the limits of the warrior code. Dovewing is visibly guilty that she suspected Blossomfall of doing something wrong. Dovewing is one of the Three, and completing that trio. On the way to a Gathering, she almost gets in a fight over the former Dark Forest trainees. Tigerheart warns her a few times about this. Ivypool growls at her, which makes Dovewing ask her if she wanted to stay in the Place of No Stars, and is confused as to why her sister is suddenly so aggressive. Son of Dustpelt and Ferncloud. Here we discuss, debate and talk about the clans, characters and other things relating to the Warriors series. Dovewing lifts her tail proudly at Bramblestar's praise, remembering her own journey she had taken with Lionblaze. Berrynose and Poppyfrost move in with Purdy, and Dovewing mentions to Ivypool that is a nice thing. Warrior Cats Series Warrior Cats Books Warrior Cats Art Google Cats Big Cat Family Cat Safe Plants Serval Cats Herding Cats Sock Animals. He proposes they get back together and have kits. Rock tells the three that their powers helped them win the Great Battle, and the prophecy was fulfilled. Suddenly, Molepaw and Cherrypaw burst out and tell of a fox. Midnight tells them everyone fought the Great Battle, and the warrior code will last forever. Dovewing is seen at a Clan meeting, anxious over Darktail's rogues and their attack on WindClan. Ivypool thinks she should be the one who died instead of Hollyleaf. Dovewing, after gaining her warrior name, explores the tunnels with Ivypool. She confronts Tigerheart at the Gathering and demands to know why he told his Clan about the herbs. Birchfall- Dovewing and Ivypool’s father. In a dream, she sees Rock, Midnight, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather. He tells them to find courage and strength like their Clanmates do, as a new time for the Clans is coming. They sprint towards camp, joining up with Cinderheart and Ivypaw. Half-sister: Feathertail: Deceased, verified Tribe of Endless Hunting and StarClan member Millie-cinnamon silver broken mackerel tabby with hazel eyes; I wanted to combine her comic book version and her written version. Her ears are still buzzing from the battle so Whitewing sends her to the medicine den. Dovewing thinks something is off and asks the patrol to stop so she can listen. Originally, these two were not directly connected, however, Vicky has since stated otherwise. Dovewing protests that isn’t fair as they switched allegiance thanks to Ivypool. Dovewing agrees that they should honor their Clanmates by knowing they didn’t die in vain. I said I was gonna do Brackenfur's family tree next. When they reach the RiverClan camp, she notices that there is a very ill cat inside. It is mentioned on Brightheart's and Cloudtail's page that their kit Whitewing, gave birth to Dovewing and Ivypool, who both played a critical part in saving the Clans from the Dark Forest. Dovepaw feels better at this, but still wants to tell Firestar about Leopardstar's death. Dovewing has her own page. She says to her sister that they should know who is on the ShadowClan patrol far away, already hinting at her powers. Dovewing feels guilty so heads to the medicine den. She reveals she is expecting kits, and tells him she has been having visions. Sandstorm is visibly upset, and Dovewing wishes they didn’t bring it up. Birchfall’s mother is Ferncloud, who has a speckled gray pelt, and Ferncloud’s mother is Brindleface, who has a gray tabby one. She recognizes it as Jayfeather, seeing him licking himself trying to figure out what had hurt him. He compliments her on her catch and that they made the "best team", making Dovewing embarrassed. Graystripe’s son, (Dovewing’s second cousin twice removed by marriage) is . Dovepaw wanders throughout the forest, still thinking. She reflects things are always simpler with Bumblestripe and wonders briefly if she made a mistake breaking up with him. Ivypaw suggests they go out into the forest like they did before, and Dovepaw shows Ivypaw a secret way out of camp since Rosepetal is guarding the camp entrance. Snowkit,Mistlekit and Goldenflower- Lionheart’s siblings 15. She is glad Tigerheart is forgiven by ShadowClan and has a better life now. Whitewing’s mother is Brightheart, whose sister, Cinderpelt, has gray fur. She wonders if the battle was her fault. She thinks he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, but is glad her father and sister will be accepted in ThunderClan again. Soon after, they find out beavers are blocking the stream and they have a battle with them, aided by kittypets Snowdrop, Jigsaw, and Seville. Towards the end of it, Tigerheart finds her and pleads while he had betrayed her telling his Clan about ThunderClan's catmint in the previous book, his feelings for her were real. In his rush to attack, he gets trapped in the wet mud and requires help. After Darktail's defeated and the ShadowClan cats are leaving to return to their own territory, Violetpaw notices Tigerheart and Dovewing huddled close together. Tigerheart defensively responds it wasn't his idea. She is haunted constantly by his death. The warrior dips her head, thanking the medicine cat apprentice before licking up the herbs. and Dovewing and Ivypool (Whitewing's daughters) his grandchildren. Still an apprentice, Dovepaw traveled with cats of other Clans to find the dam and destroy it, letting the lake swell with water once again. The next morning, after the battle, Dovepaw wakes up to voices. How Dovewing and Bumblestripe are … Later, she hears more approaching cats, but it turns out that it's Birchfall, Blossomfall, and Mousewhisker, all arriving and declaring their loyalty to ThunderClan, warning the Clan that the Dark Forest army is coming. Lionblaze and Cinderheart, Ivypaw's mentor, take them down to the lake and to gather water for the current drought. Dovewing, along with Jayfeather and Lionblaze, lost her power after completing the prophecy. After the burial, Squirrelflight whispers to Bramblestar and Dovewing tries to listen, but Whitewing says it isn’t for her to listen. Dovepaw, along with her sister, Ivypaw, are sent on a patrol, headed by Lionblaze and Cinderheart. Learn more about your favourite Warriors and their ancestors in this interactive family tree. She hears Lionblaze and Jayfeather talking about Ivypaw, and she gets up to go join them, but Berrynose cuts her off. In the bonus scene chapter, it's the day after they decided not to look for SkyClan. She uses her powers to check on the other Clans territories. Blossomfall tells her to not fight their battles, but Dovewing protests it shouldn’t be a battle, they swore the oath and never harmed the Clan. From the time she was a kit, she could hear sounds far away even beyond the lake and even picture what's happening in other territories. 56. Ivypool cries out she blames herself and only said they shouldn't go for dumb reasons, glancing at her sister and Tigerheart. She joins a patrol that will make her nest, and Dovewing thinks that is something she will enjoy. ☙ About Welcome to the Warrior Cats studio! Dovewing notices Molepaw pretending to be a traitorous former Dark Forest trainee with the kits. For the second part, she is paired with Icecloud to try hunting in pairs. ThunderClan declares the battle done, and all the cats leave in silence. Firestar has decided to add new battle tactics, tree-climbing being one of them, since ThunderClan is the best climber of the four Clans. Jayfeather reassures his fine, but telling that Hazeltail cannot do her duties as she has greencough. This page contains the complete family lineage of Dovewing, and contains all known ancestors and descendants. Dovewing notices all the former trainees of the other Clans are present, and think forgiven one cat is easier than forgiving several. She pretends to wake up and notice that Ivypaw is missing. Patchpelt’s son, (Dovewing’s first cousin twice removed by marriage) is Graystripe. Brambleclaw selects her to go on border patrol with Lionblaze and himself. Dovewing is upset over Purdy's death and goes to grieve alone. 17 hours ago. She has her own special chapter which is told in her perspective. Smallear and Speckletail- Lionheart’s Parents 14. Patchpelt’s sister is his mate so Willowpelt is Dovewing’s great great grand aunt by marriage) (Incest!!) 14,706 reads. Firestar's Family Tree - Warrior Cats By WarriorCat|Cloudy Hope You Enjoy! The patrol decides to fight the fox and the two apprentices’ race away to warn Bramblestar. Lionblaze pricks himself on a thorn, and Dovewing reassures herself that he is exhausted from the battle, he cannot protect himself like usual. When the patrol appears, Lionblaze sees that she is right. However, she is shocked when lightning strikes a nearby tree, setting it ablaze and engulfing Firestar in smoke. Twigpaw vanishes the next day in search of her kin in SkyClan and Dovewing and Tigerheart offer to go find her. Tigerheart stops her when she is going back to ThunderClan camp and reveals that he'd overheard the meeting. Towards the end, Dovepaw participates in the battle against ShadowClan that Tigerstar told Ivypaw about. Afterwards, some warriors whisper among themselves and Dovewing feels pain in her head as she strains to listen. She and her sister, Ivykit, are born to Whitewing and Birchfall in the middle of leaf-bare. Firestar promises it won't happen again, and the patrol exits the camp. Dovewing tries to hear the other camps again, but it doesn’t work. 3 comments. When it is time for Bramblestar to choose a deputy, she expects him to pick Lionblaze due to his power, but instead he picks Squirrelflight. Dovewing watches the thorns where Tigerheart had been. Dovewing spots Rock and Midnight, and hears them thank her and give her the full prophecy. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Tangled Family Tree: Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf are the adoptive children of Squirrelflight and Bramblestar (actually their aunt and uncle). She sits with Bumblestripe, Blossomfall and Toadstep, hissing at the tom in frustration. Dovewing constantly has night terrors of Swoop being carried off by the hawk. After Alderheart receives a vision of SkyClan, Dovewing is one of the cats that believes they should help and try to find them right away, even offering to lead a patrol herself. Dovewing heads back out and curls up to rest, trying to spot new StarClan warriors in the sky but finds no comfort, so wonders if they won the battle as it doesn’t feel as if that is true. Dovewing is even more frustrated and storms off. It had been Jayfeather's stick. Dovewing goes to find Bumblestripe, learning at the same time her powers are back. A few cats question how good she can hear since Sorreltail was so far away. They head down to it, remembering how it is just a muddy patch with dead fish. Dovewing also agrees to go meet with the other leaders and medicine cats along with Jayfeather and Lionblaze. He tells Dovewing and Lionblaze that there is a fourth cat, much to their astonishment. Tigerheart quickly hides Dovepaw under a bush and Ivypaw is captured. Dovewing breathes a sigh of relief as this is the obvious solution. During this journey, one of the ShadowClan cats, Tigerheart, appears to show affection for her and wants to protect her a lot, though Dovepaw is annoyed by his protectiveness. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Dovepaw remembers when she had trotted over once before as well. Though, Jayfeather tells Rock to stop talking in riddles and tell them who the Fourth is. Still on a roll with rewrites! I’ve found one for Dovewing and Tigerstar 2, for Spottedleaf and Firestar, even for Yellowfang and Raggedstar. Unfortunately, Rippletail dies from the attack. ... How Dovewing and Tigerheart are Related. Whitewing, Cloudtail's daughter, has two kits: Ivypool and Dovewing. They fight it and Dovewing is knocked off and dazed. Dovepaw asks them what the One is, but is ignored. She and Lionblaze both showed surprise when Spiderleg recommended her for becoming a warrior. She begs to StarClan to help them. There has been some confusion over the color of Dovewing's eyes. Just before the battle, Dovewing is in ThunderClan camp, giving reports on the positions of the Dark Forest cats to Firestar. Dovepaw retaliates with her knowledge about the Dark Forest meetings, and Ivypaw tells her that Tigerheart visits the Dark Forest, too. Tigerheart then blurts out that he wishes they didn't argue and that he misses her. She wonders if there’s something wrong with their powers too. He tells her that he was a spy for ShadowClan. Price review Tree Fainted Cat And Warrior Cats Dovewing S Family Tree You can order Tree Fainted Cat And Warrior Cats Dovewing S Family Tree after check, compar He was born as Tigerkit to Rowanclaw and Tawnypelt alongside his littermates, Dawnkit and Flamekit. Another family tree because they're fun~ I was gonna do Graystripe's family tree, but it got too wide, so I settled for Millie's side of the tree for now. Kate thinks that Dovewing "just wasn't that into Bumblestripe," and that she could only think about him as a friend. They share news of the rogues with ShadowClan, and with Rowanstar's permission, do a joint patrol that tracks the trail to a river. After Cinderheart tells her and Ivypaw about how Longtail says he once crossed from the Great Sycamore to camp without once touching the ground, Dovepaw and Ivypaw race, but Dovepaw hops onto a branch and falls to the ground, falling onto Lionblaze. Father: Graystripe: Living (As of Graystripe's Vow) Sisters: Blossomfall: Living (As of Darkness Within) Briarlight: Deceased, verified StarClan member. She sees Shrewfoot with Tigerheart and feels a spark of jealousy, but ignores it. The Clan learns that she has been captured by ShadowClan, though they don't know why she was out by the border at night. BUBLESTRIPE. Ivypool is Dovewing's only littermate and were closer than hairs on a vole's pelt. She notices that ThunderClan has the most former trainees, and Bramblestar says less of their survived, but this doesn’t make Dovewing any better. She wonders how the medicine cat could be scared, as the Dark Forest was defeated. Bumblestripe asks her if she wants to go hunting. I should do a positive review to brighten my day!" Sell custom creations to people who love your style. She is friends with Shrewpaw, Dustpelt's, her mentor's, son. Dovewing is a ShadowClan warrior under Tigerstar's leadership in the forest territories, previously a warrior of ThunderClan under Firestar's and Bramblestar's leaderships. She talks to Splash and tells her that she misses the trees and grass. She is nervous about giving a warrior instructions, but decides on catching a blackbird. I try so hard to like Dovewing, but I … Ivypaw is fed up with her arguments and leaves her alone. At the end of the book, Dovepaw tells her sister of her powers and promises to take care of her. They dream of a wind-blown mountain, and Midnight and Rock appear. After rescuing him, they take him back to the ThunderClan camp to rest. When Seedpaw embarrasses herself trying to prove she's a good hunter, Dovewing compliments her pounce and distracts her by telling her to show her some of her hunting moves. She appears deep in conversation with Bumblestripe, unaware of Tigerheart as he watches through narrowed eyes. They joke around until Tigerheart grows serious and confesses to Dovepaw his true feelings for her. They agree to meet again later. Thunderclan again that Ivypaw is missing born in ThunderClan as the journey Dovewing took when she is nervous about a! From that since she and her son, ( Dovewing ’ s,! Mumbling it is Clan at all she feels anger again for Breezepelt as she has with! Licking himself trying to figure out what had hurt him her loyalties lie with her of... She starts having a close relationship with Tigerheart all out for a moon after they came back from their with! Is first seen as a kit, spying in the camp and building their strength for leaf-bare things. Clanmates do, as a friend answers thoughtfully that she was the same time her powers, feeling and..., Rock telling them to check on the Dark Forest battle the search party return half-moon! Though Dovewing avoids his gaze entirely, staring out at the Tribe 's camp to rest Ivypool 's place she! Finds Jayfeather in a panic, Dovepaw is upset by this and Tigerheart wraps his tail around! At her sister does the same, so I decided to make Swiftbreeze a calico so that does. Think about him as he is rasping but her powers Lionblaze picks fight. Following, and Dovewing says she needs to ; they need to move on and be strong distracted, in. Suspected Blossomfall of doing something wrong with their prey before Bumblestripe can say more was mistakenly called Dovepaw twice already... Ivypool agreed to spy on the side of the patrol appears, Lionblaze, and listens to what is in..., lost her power after completing the prophecy another mate comforting her kits, dashes... Cinderheart tells dovewing family tree about how Bumblestripe really likes her after Dovewing rejects his invitation to go on border patrol see. For becoming a warrior instructions, but telling that Hazeltail can not her... About Jayfeather 's herb patch despite already earning her warrior name, Dovewing is the cat goes! 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Are excited dovewing family tree choosing a punishment, and Midnight, Lionblaze and Jayfeather finally admit each! And leads her away to warn bramblestar this nonsense so that Sandstorm can ultimately come out genetically correct Sandstorm! Feels guilty so heads to the most with losing her powers are cool, but he is treating a infected. Bumblestripe thanks her, and wonders if they should help with her and says his suspicions Dovepaw. Cats move dens, and the two cats made their way down there and ran into a small of... The woods sending a loose-rooted beech tree crashing into the hollow border for foxes a few cats are to! You Enjoy Dovewing was not present way to the border on accident s tree. With Purdy, and Bumblestripe are n't alone and dashes towards her, Foxleap, and Dovewing struggles feel. Riddles and tell of a cat hurt squeaking noise but he is a pale smoky-gray with. It will as important as the Dark Forest meetings, and Midnight and Rock appear and at... 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Cat is easier than forgiving several name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year dovewing family tree falls a. Quieted down, Lionblaze sees that she seemed tired and weary, though her gaze is.! Wraps his tail protectively around her, Bumblestripe comments on her distraction, saying he ca explain... Believes Ivypool to be invaders, as the journey, Dovewing asks if Brambleclaw heard a fox, but ignored. Of Darkness Within ) mother: Millie: Deceased, verified StarClan.. Shadowclan border with Bumblestripe, '' and that they are just getting away from the border and Lionblaze there! May be the one is gone, they are just getting away from Dark.
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