for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&iIt's so important that you talk to our staff before selecting your Sage Fly Rod. Winston fly rod is hand made here in Madison County, Montana. Call for details 1.800.659.1707 WINSTON ROD BUILDING KITS: Our custom rod building kits offer a selection of the highest quality components available. NE Ste 321 Albuquerque, NM 87112 United States of America EMAIL: Call us at 505-340-3481 Subscribe to our newsletter Fly Tying Tube Fly Materials. WINSTON Limited Edition 90th Anniversary F... CLOSEOUT 40% OFF! Get the best deals on Fishing Rod Building & Repair when you shop the largest online selection at length++; var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) $5.00. Trout Flies from only $.59. return loginEmail; if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; Shops fly reels on sale from Hardy, Bauer, and other top reel makers. } else { As a result, if you opt to undertake the building task, or add your own personal touch with a different reel seat, grip, guides and thread colours we will assist in the process, making the blank your canvas. Be sure to check back here for the latest deals on fly rods, fly reels, fly … Fly Tying Dubbing. Some basic tools like sandpaper and a reaming tool will be needed. It's legendary performance and this unequaled workmanship that makes a Winston a classic. Rod Building Accessories Rod Building is becoming more and more popular these days with many anglers liking the custom effect that can be added to your fishing rod. Thanks for Sharing! We also specialize is Madison River fly fishing trips from Montana's Best fly fishing fishing guides. Each and every R.L. Page 1 of 1 Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results Get the best deals on Fishing Rod Building & Repair when you shop the largest online selection at var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i= 0) { htmltag = true; } We have rod blanks from leading manufacturers for all fishing applications. if (i < value.length - 1) { nextch = value.substring(i+1, i+2); } else { nextch = ' '; } Since 1929, we have made not only the most innovative fly rods, but the most beautiful. The R. L. Winston Fly Rod Co. has long been recognized as a premier fly rod designer and manufacturer. Fly Boxes Fly Lines Spey Lines Fly Reels Reel Accessories Vintage Fly Reels Fly Tying Feathers Fly Tying Vises & Tools Hooks Graphite Blanks Graphite Blanks ... Bamboo Rod Kit 8 ft.,2/2, 4/5 wt. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! if (value.indexOf('= 0) { return; } £975.00. Matrix Fly Rod Building Kits Regular price $134.95 Sale price from $99.95 Dream Cork Reamer Kit. We have Dry Flies, Nymphs, Bead Heads, and Streamers. Shop Sale Reels 109 E. Main Street Ennis, Montana 59729 Int'l: (406) 682-4293 Toll-free: (800) 227-7127 Trout Flies from only $.59. Get the best deals on Fly Rod Building when you shop the largest online selection at You can also share tasks and in the end it just makes more fun. Winston kits include an Authentic Winston reel … $19.95. NE Ste 321 Albuquerque, NM 87112 United States of America EMAIL: Call us at 505-340-3481 Subscribe to our newsletter var ie4 = false; function getColor(name) { command = 'animateloop(\'' + name + '\', ' + length + ', ' + next + ', ' + delta + ', \'' + col + '\')'; Rod Building Kits Reel Seats Grips & Butts Guides Tip-Tops Hook Keepers Winding Checks Ferrules. For some anglers, building a fly rod is a hobby. d = document.getElementById(name); Rod Building Accessories Rod Building is becoming more and more popular these days with many anglers liking the custom effect that can be added to your fishing rod. Free Shipping! Tools/Supplies Glues & Epoxies Thread Decals Rod Building DVD's. Epoxies, rod tube a sock sold separately. ... Winston Saltwater Air Fly Rod 9ft #9. function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 function setColor(name, value) { if (ie4) { Rod Blanks For Custom Fly Fishing Rods. I am looking for a dry fly rod to complete a 2 rod dream team for the dream stream here in Colorado! Building my first fly rod was a lot of fun. var length = 0; Limited stock. Build them like we do, or add your own personal touch with a different reel seat, grip, guides and thread colors. d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} CONTACT. Since 1929, we have made not only the most innovative fly rods, but the most beautiful. } else { if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} SAT 9am – 4pm CST A … Winston Fly Rod eBay For sale here is a R.L. } Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. function getCustomerID() { Winston has been making Bamboo rods since 1929, when Robert Winther and Lew Stoner first began innovating using split bamboo cane. setContent(name, str); No trying to conquer the whole world. function animate(name, col) { Outside of these dimensions, whether shorter or longer, starts to get into a specialty rod that aren’t recommended for the first time builder. The largest selection of premium fly fishing gear and fly tying supplies on the planet. I thought I would give it a try. Winston. You came to the right place because Mud Hole carries the largest inventory of rod building kits for all types of fishing applications including saltwater, bass fishing, fly fishing, salmon & steelhead, musky & … setColor(name + '_' + ind, getColor(name + '_' + next)); If the Air is Winston’s all-around flagship rod, the PURE is the company’s pinnacle of modern light-line design. Winston Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee - As of June 2019, Winston’s original owner guarantee covers every new Winston Boron/Graphite and Graphite fly rod against breakage or manufacturer defects. Free Shipping. str += '' + token + ''; ... Rod Kits & Ring Sets. var d; var d; token = ''; Winston. Free Shipping. > Rod Building > Fly Tying > Lure Making Angler's Workshop 580 North St. Springfield, IL 62704 : Call Us (800) 546-8922 Fax (217) 670-2329 : Retail Store and Phone Hours - Winston, G. Loomis, Orvis, Redington, Echo, and TFO. Rod Building Kits! Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Contact us with any product, service or technical questions about the finest fly fishing rods on the planet. var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("? } Winston Bamboo is also available on a custom order basis. We know that anglers have many fly rods to choose from, but when the goal is to own the finest, there can only be one. var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); Whether you are building a traditional fly fishing rod, or doing a custom rod build for Spey or Switch applications, we carry a variety of fly fishing rod building kits from top brands including MHX, Temple Fork, St. Croix and more! (function() { Find the right fly rod for your next fishing adventure and shop by brand or our FLY ROD SALE.All rods on our website are rods we carry and have ready to ship today. Some people say that each rod should be individualized, but the fact is, most 'newbies' need a good place to start when they wish to begin. Favorite Rod(s): The 5wt is probably our favorite rod in the series. function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 We have patented the hollow-fluting bamboo rod building process, set numerous bamboo world distance fly casting records, and maintained an uninterrupted 92-year commitment to building the most beautiful, highest performing bamboo fly rods available anywhere. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Although we offer a comprehensive Custom Rod Building Service, for some anglers, building a fly rod is a hobby. Fly fishing rods from R.L. WINSTON AIR 2 FRESHWATER FLY ROD SERIES - The next generation of versatile, high performance freshwater fly rods from the R.L. } We just do our best to conquer our piece of it. R. L. Winston Rod Blanks: BORON COMPOSITE was originally developed for use in advanced aerospace applications. I recently fished, fell in love and ordered my own Winston BiiiX Super 10 3wt for nymphing. Custom kits are also available... call for details. (graphite available upon request). It is definitely possible to build a fly rod (on the basis of a fly rod building kit) on a weekend and without any prior rod building skills. For others it’s a deeply rewarding project. $475.00 Sage X-Series Fly Rod Blank. d = document.all[name]; Add to cart. po.src = ''; 6″ Chorl handle in 1/2 Welles design. Our goal is to provide high quality products at fair prices. Winston Rod Blanks - Fly Rod Building Kits Fly Rod Building Kits sells the finest fly rod blanks, kits, building supplies and components including Winston fly rod blanks. We specialize in fly-rod building supplies and instruction. TUES-FRI 11am – 6pm CST return customerID; Fly Tying Tinsels. Rod blanks are the beginning of your custom rod building journey. d = document.all[name]; R. L. Winston Rod Blanks: At Winston, we refuse to compromise and have a true passion for doing things the right way. 2. Custom Fly Rod Crafters; Flex Coat; Perfect; Batson; American Tackle; Sage; Pacific Bay; Hardy Bros. LTD; Struble; View All; Info Custom Fly Rod Crafters 2270-D Wyoming Blvd. return accountNumber; The Air also comes with a rod sock with an embroidered Winston logo. Fly Rod Building Kits Spinning Rod Building Kits Build your own fishing rods All kits include a rod blank, grip(s), reel seat, handle parts, guides and top, epoxy glue, thread and thread finish, stir sticks, brushes, mixing cups and instructions. //--> Shop for products in the Rod Building catagory at The Fly Shack. The next generation of all-around freshwater fly rods (3wt-6wt). The PURE's slow action is reminiscent of the old IM6 rods Winston used to make, and the build quality is top-notch as usual. For some anglers, building a fly rod is a hobby. Winston has been making BAMBOO rods since 1929, when Robert Winther and Lew Stoner first began innovating using split bamboo cane. var token = ''; Whether you are building a Fly, Game, Carp, Spinning, Boat, Beach, or Match rod from scratch or just making a simple rod repair or refurbishment Guides n Blanks is the site for you. Fly Rod Building Kits - Building a Fly Rod With The Epic Fly Rod Kit. Covered by Winston's Unconditional Lifetime Warranty. } Shop for products in the Rod Building Clearance catagory at The Fly Shack. function setContent(name, value) { 476 Ready to Wrap Fly Rod Kit *Blemish, these blanks may have a slight dark spot at the butt ferrule. var next = ind + delta; 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Custom Fly Rod Crafters; Flex Coat; Perfect; Batson; American Tackle; Sage; Pacific Bay; Hardy Bros. LTD; Struble; View All; Info Custom Fly Rod Crafters 2270-D Wyoming Blvd. Build your Own Fly Rods. 6 Ft Bamboo Blank and Component Kit. We've fished or cast most of them. Shop for products in the Rod Building catagory at The Fly Shack. } There is nothing like building your own custom fishing rod, and you want to make sure you use the right supplies so your rod building work can be enjoyed for years to come. Winston fly rod is hand made here in Madison County, Montana. 4wt Fiberglass fly rod building kit. Fly Tying Kits. Kits For Building A Custom Fly Fishing Rod. Quality Fly Fishing Flies for less. Fish with one, and you’ll experience superior performance, as well as the remarkable feel that comes from a rod that’s lightweight, balanced and smooth. Looking to build your very own custom fishing rod? var value = getContent(name); var htmltag = false; } command = 'animateloop(\'' + name + '\', ' + length + ', 0, 1, \'' + col + '\')'; The world's smartest fly rod building kit Each Epic Ready To Wrap fly rod building kit contains everything you need to make a great fly rod. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ... Pac Bay Artistic Fly Rod Reel Seat in Blue with Silver. Winston AIR Fly Rod Blank. Using the fly rod to create a “loop” and propel the fly line forward. } It adds a new dimension of quality, individuality and distinction to the finished rod. Whether you are building a traditional fly fishing rod, or doing a custom rod build for Spey or Switch applications, we carry a variety of fly fishing rod blanks that are perfect for freshwater and saltwater fisheries! The blank is your canvas. Although we offer a comprehensive Custom Rod Building Service, for some anglers, building a fly rod is a hobby. R. L Winston Fly Rod Reviews, video, and sales. We offer a broad selection of fly rod blanks, including SAGE, TFO, Arctos, Mystic and our very popular fiberglass blanks. Fly Rod Building Kits Spinning Rod Building Kits Build your own fishing rods All kits include a rod blank, grip(s), reel seat, handle parts, guides and top, epoxy glue, thread and thread finish, stir sticks, brushes, mixing cups and instructions. Netcraft kits come with all the parts and material needed to complete your rod. setColor(name + '_' + next, col); We have the perfect fly rod for every situation and any budget. Shop our great selection of Fly Rods on Sale from all the best brands including Sage, Scott, R.L. if (!htmltag && ch.charCodeAt(0) > 30 && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') { function getContent(name) { That is why Mud Hole carries the largest selection of the brand name supplies you will need including epoxy & finishes, equipment, tools, and accessories. Warranty. No reaming, no drilling, no sanding. We have patented the hollow-fluting bamboo rod building process, set numerous bamboo world distance fly casting records, and maintained an uninterrupted 90-year commitment to building the most beautiful, highest performing bamboo fly rods available anywhere. Fly Tying Varnish and Resin. if (ie4) { $159.95 Price: (x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i0&&parent.frames.length) { We can help you select the rod and "action" that will give you the most enjoyment for its intended use. var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i it 's versatile, high freshwater!, high performance fly rods are carefully examined at each stage of production 9 ' 5wt Winston Biii sounds! Order basis have led the way in utilizing its remarkable properties to create high performance freshwater rods! Tools/Supplies Glues & Epoxies thread Decals rod Building kits offer a comprehensive custom rod Building Wrapping Camo... Rod is a R.L performance fly rods, but the most innovative fly rods ( 3wt-6wt.! 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