I have tried turning the game off then on again but nothing happens. (STO missions: "New Romulus Aid", "Patrol the Tau Dewa Sector Block", "Azure Nebula Rescue"), Captains in service to the Republic also served alongside either Federation or Klingon forces as they served in defense of their new nation. The Romulan Republic was founded to create a more open society, but it is unclear exactly how dominant each ideology is. The Romulan Republic invited their allies, the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire, to participate in the effort of consolidating and exploring New Romulus. Abomination: Klingon D6-26. Eredh are the bulk of the Ranger forces Private: Farien: No authority, trained in the field, fresh recruits. The prefixes USS and IKS were retained on ships received from the Republic's allies. Their main base of operations is a flotilla of various Romulan ships. The Romulan Republic (Rheilhhu Rihan) was a breakaway state of the Romulan Star Empire following the Hobus supernova of 2387. The Romulan Republic has consolidated its rank in to one set that represents the Navy, Republic Intelligence, and other branches. The New Romulans dubbed the planet Mol'Rihan (New Romulus) and begun with the construction of a city and orbital facilities. For generating Star Trek Romulan Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Male Names, Get Female Names Button to randomly … It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Star Trek Romulan Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. The Romulan Bird-of-Prey was an experimental vessel which had one of the most sophisticated cloaking devices of its era. These can be identified from other Romulan ships from their colour scheme - green and purple combined in a somewhat gaudy pattern. Its capital is New Romulus (Mol'Rihan in the Romulan language), in the Nimbus sector of the Tau Dewa sector block. The two names … 6 comments. Romulan Star Empire - All Ships. 84% Upvoted. Romulan Command Sergeant: Erein: Senior-grade troop, commands a ‘File’ (5-15 soldiers), and serves as the sub-senior specialist in ship departments. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? This thread is archived. The Mandalorian. Most first names are no more than three sylables. The Romulan Republic was a Romulan Star Empire breakaway state, or replacement, formed by Romulans. The meaning of the name is given, if applicable. This page was last edited on 10 September 2016, at 01:03. This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total. Close. There may be other science-fiction franchises that are known for awesome ships and massive space battles, but Star Trek made a name for itself when "Deep Space Nine" ramped up the action to massive levels. Their assembled ships formed a base known as the Romulan Flotilla. We’re partnering with Mixed Dimensions to allow you to create custom 3D handcrafted starship collectibles for your desk, home and more. Prior to the Clone Wars, the Republic did not maintain a standing navy in a thousand years, which forced member worlds to manage t… The old hulls do well with hiding the new shield and weapon upgrades that the Republic has purchased over time. Because of this, many of the newer Romulan ships were lost. To achieve that, they also invited the Remans to join as equals. With the destruction of most of their shipyards, the Romulan Republic has relied on the surviving military that sided with them for their defense. The Romulan government consists of several parts: the Romulan Senate, the main governing and legislative body in a large chamber on Romulus. Ships such as Haj-Class birds of prey, Jach'Eng-Class cruisers and K'Tanco-Class battle cruisers have all been sighted along the Republic's border, usually operating in their own squadrons rather than integrated with Republic fleets. Along with the Romulans, the Remans begun to settle down on New Romulus. Romulans are notable for using a word that translates into English as Commander to mean captain. https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Romulan_Republic/Fleet&oldid=229958, Weaponry: 2 disruptor cannons; 1 plasma torpedo; 2 phaser arrays, Weaponry: 4 disruptors; 1 plasma torpedo; 4 phaser arrays, Weaponry: 2 plasma cannons, 6 phaser arrays, plasma torpedo. Hirogen hunters, hired by Sela as mercenaries, had also been reported on New Romulus and in surrounding sectors. Dewa III had been unclaimed because of high rates of radiation. Republic Day It was defeated by the combined efforts of RRF, KDF and Starfleet. They're ready to invade. Starfleet, the KDF and the RRF joined forces to repel the invasion, and the success of the effort led to the creation of the Jenolan Accords, which ended the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410 and led to the foundation of the Alpha Quadrant Alliance. (STO missions: "The Search for New Romulus", "Turning Point") Starfleet assisted in surveying the Tau Dewa sector block in search for a viable homeworld, dispatching the USS Huxley. It had at least one forward torpedo launcher able to fire four plasma torpedoes for each recharge. When the Reman Resistance succeeded in gaining their freedom from the Star Empire, they joined forces with the Romulan Republic. (STO video game: Legacy of Romulus), The Romulan Republic was spearheaded by D'Tan, leader of the Romulan unificationists and former disciple of Ambassador Spock. This generator will generator 10 random names at a time, fit for the Romulan species of the Star Trek universe. A showcasing of the Romulan Republic, in a enlightened view of their ships and how did it all begin. "2379-2409" Here's a timeline of the politics and scheming that led to the creation of the Romulan Republic and the current state of the Star Empire. The Romulan Republic sees notable assistance from it's Klingon allies. Games Movies TV Video. Ships of the Mogai-class featured several forward-mounted disruptor banks located on each wing and some on the forward section of the ship. Sovereignty: So I'm currently doing the "Tradecraft" mission as a Romulan Republic Centurion (current rank) however I am unable to access my ships library files. The construction of Romulan names varies by region and class, however, in general, formal names follow a standard format of: Given Name + Locative + House-Clan. energy credits When it suffered a malfunction because of Iconian sabotage, its deactivation by a team of RRF, KDF and Starfleet officers led by Ambassador Worf led to the reemergence of the entire Iconian gateway network. Proconsul of the Romulan Republic (D'Tan) The Republic Navy was the naval branch of the military forces of the Galactic Republic that was created by the Military Creation Act along with the Grand Army of the Republic in 22 BBY, although it already held a proud naval tradition that dated back thousands of years to the foundation of the Old Republic. Players can obtain this starship from the Zen Store for 2,000 under the name D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser Retrofit. Romulan Republic Government New Romulus, also known by itsRihannsunameMol'Rihanand formerly known asDiWahn, Dewa III,andVastam, is the third planet of the Dewa system and the capital of theRomulan Republic. Patrol ships . The seat of government was the first city build on the surface after its relocation from the Romulan flotilla. The bulk of the military equipment was re-purposed material from the Romulan Star Navy. The Romulan Republic's fleet was built around assets formerly under control of the Kassus family, who like all Romulan aristocrats. (STO missions: "Surface Tensions", "Escalation"), The head of government was the Proconsul of the Romulan Republic. The Romulan Star Empire (or simply Romulan Empire) was a major interstellar state encompassing the Romulan people and their subject worlds and species.The Empire was known for its xenophobic character and policies of extreme secrecy, subterfuge, and territorial expansionism. The Reman and Romulan Republic versions of the vessel mounted plasma weapons instead of disruptors. (Smooth Fine Detail Plastic makes an excellent cloaked ship!) Category:Romulan Republic Starships. The first new starship class developed by the Romulan Republican Force in the New Romulus Shipyards was the Ar'Kif-class tactical warbird. (STO mission: "Explore the Flotilla") However, the military soon begun to build ships of their own. Doesnt that make more sense? The following is a list of common Romulan male names. Seat of government: (STO website: Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #43), The RRF had its own uniform. Currency: INTERSTELLAR STATE The New Romulans dubbed the planet Mol'Rihan (New Romulus) and begun with the construction of a city and orbital faciliti… This ship can be purchased individually, or as part of the Legacy of Romulus … Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Abolition: Lyran DWX. The D'deridex-class Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit is a Tier 5 (Level 50) Warbird Battlecruiser which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. System of government: For its ships, the the Republic Navy (RRN) used the standard prefix RRW (Romulan Republic Warbird). For the Romulan state of the same name in Star Trek Online, see Romulan Republic. The fan fiction series RIS Bouteina uses the Romulan names to refer to the ranks of their personnel. Continue this thread level 2. (STO mission: "Beginning of a New Future"), During the colonization, New Romulus became the target for numerous attacks by hostile governments. Holiday: Due to the destruction ofRomulusin2387, and as a counter weight to theTal ShiarandSela's deceitfulStar Empiregoverned fromRator … (STO mission: "Sphere of Influence"). It was officially formed in 2409 by Romulan and Reman refugees and resistance fighters who were opposed to the regime of Empress Sela and the Tal Shiar. Romulan intellectuals thrive on deceit and subterfuge, and they favor more of a cunning approach to battle rather than sheer brute force, and this is reflected in the Romulan's long history with cloaking technology. (If used for A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, simply change the measurements from inches to centimeters.) (STO website: Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #43), The Romulan Republic was situated in the Tau Dewa sector block but sought to expand into the territory of the Romulan Star Empire. (STO missions: "Acamar System Patrol", "The Helix") There were no formal relations with the Deferi, however. : At the end of "Uneasy Allies", various Starfleet, KDF and Romulan Republic ships are taking notice of the third Dyson Sphere in Iconian space. (STO mission: "Devil's Choice"), After the Tal Shiar forces on the planet were crippled and the Tholians defeated, the New Romulan government took advantage of the archaeological wealth of their world and begun to reactive an Iconian gateway. Log in sign up. After the Dominion were revealed, a combined Cardassian/Romulan fleet featuring many D'deridex-class war birds under command of the Tal Shiar were sent to destroy the Founders. Place Names of Rihanssu Origin: Aihai: area of plains outside Ra'tleihfi ch'Rihan: capital world of the Romulan Empire ch'Havran: companion world of Romulus Elehu: district in the Nn'Verih ship-bloc nation on Romulus' north continent Fethraie: a river on Romulus Hartlhei Caves: a large comples of caves near Mhiessan Ihhliae: a great city near i'Ramnau They were added in the Legacy of Romulus expansion, and are a playable faction in-game. Many of his followers, including D'Tan, sought to escape the constant fear and paranoia that pervaded the Star Empire and were given an opportunity to do so following the Hobus supernova in 2387. • Y148, took part in raid to capture a Tholian ship, Escape From the Holdfast, SL109-SL110. Common usage of names is simply Given Name + … Ally ships which remain unusable by the Romulan Republic characters are: Chimera / Manticore Heavy Destroyer (All variants) Peghqu' / Duvqu' Heavy Destroyer (All variants) (STO missions: "Flight from Virinat", "The Search for New Romulus", "Installation 18", "Skirmish") The Republic was also a major target of Iconian aggression during the Iconian War, to the point that some observers speculated the Republic was targeted with more frequency than their Federation and Klingon allies. The Romulan ranking system is similar, in many ways, to Starfleet ranking. Our goal is to unify the shattered Romulan people under a new democracy, instead of Sela's tyrannical rule. This generator will generator 10 random names at a time, fit for the Romulan species of the Star Trek universe. (STO mission: "Neutral No More"), As of 2409, the leader of the military was Admiral Kererek. The origins of the Republic can be traced back to the teachings of Spock during his time on Romulus with the Reunificationists. Kaol told the Leviathan 's senior staff that, although they were still a newly-formed government, they had "already taken great steps toward true independence in … (STO mission: "The Search for New Romulus"), Dewa III had been unclaimed because of high rates of radiation. The Romulan Republic in the game, which is thought to be a "terroristic cell" by the Romulan Empire, however, can choose to ally the Klingon Defense Force or the Federation, depending on the player's choices. The Romulan Republic have also used the assumed weakness of the old frames to their advantage against their enemies. This ship was absolutely massive. Its raw firepower and sturdy hull was made to fight off Federation and Romulan ships alike, and that’s exactly what it did. (STO mission: "Beginning of a New Future") Portions of the Romulan Star Navy rebelled against the Tal Shiar's excessive power and followed D'Tan, whom they elected as their leader, to the Tau Dewa sector block in search for a new homeworld for the Romulan people. Clan membership is matrilineal. Name, good to see you and Tovan Khev made it to the flotilla of the New Romulan Republic. All Romulan names are assumed to be used in RIS Bouteina. Main bridge This article includes the paragraph: "The Romulan government resembles the Roman Republic before it became the Roman Empire. The Romulan Republic was formed in 2409 as an alliance of Romulans, Remans and a few other scattered species who wish to build a peaceful civilization as opposed to Sela's oppressive Star Empire. (STO mission: "Crossroads at Crateris"), The Romulan Republic was formally allied with the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. All Romulan vessels are equipped with cloaking devices unless stated otherwise in their description. save hide report. NPC Starships used by the Romulan Republic. Old-School Dogfight: Not only do you have massive ships flying around like it's 1941 again, but NPCs often have fighter ships accompanying them. Romulan ship classes at Ex Astris Scientia; Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Romulan … "2379-2409" Here's a timeline of the politics and scheming that led to the creation of the Romulan Republic and the current state of the Star Empire. Utilizing many ships from mothball and purchased weaponry, the Republic fleet is filled with old style, but tough warships to defend their limited territory. By 2409, the radiation was diminished to such a degree that, with proper medication, continuous habitation was possible. The Republic's chief enemies were the Tal Shiar, the Star Empire's dreaded secret police, their Elachi allies, and the Tholian Assembly, which captured Republic ships and held them in drydocks in the Azure Nebula. All of its ships were considered warbirds. The Romulan miner Nero rediscovered his species' dormant abilities during his time on Rura Penthe and honed them through the usage of mind-altering drugs. What's the canon color scheme fir the romulan republic uniforms. or for married males: Given Name + Maternal House-Clan + Wife's House-Clan. Seeing the markings were different from the other Terran ships of their universe, they opened fire on the Terran vessel and offered assistance to the Federation ship and helped them return to … Republic Romulan warbirds have also been spotted in the following instances: An unspecified Romulan warbird, bent on destroying Deep Space Nine and the wormhole as a catastrophic Dominion defense, was detected while cloaked. 3 years ago. List of starships employed by the Romulan Star Empire or the Romulan Free State. Mol'Rihan ("New Romulus") in the Nimbus Sector served as the republic's capital. Feb 10, 2014 - Romulan Warbird Vessels!. January 2409 Memory Beta articles sourced from video games, Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online, https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Romulan_Republic?oldid=681413. Purveyor of Street Knowledge … … This ship is also available as a sprue of two ships. Category:Galactic Republic starship classes | Wookieepedia | Fandom. The Republic was at odds with the Tal Shiar-led Romulan Star Empire, the Tholian Assembly, the Elachi, the True Way Alliance and the Devidians. These clans form the elite of Romulan society. The Republic is centered on New Romulus, though it also has several systems and colonies throughout the Beta Quadrant as additional members. Weaponry: 6 disruptor arrays; 2 torpedo launchers; shield inversion beam. Known names include Warwing and Deltawing. (STO missions: "Cutting the Cord", "Darkness before the Dawn", "Beginning of a New Future") Refugees from the formerly Star Empire-supported Crateris colony agreed to resettle on New Romulus as well. D'Tan, the leader of the unification movement that favors the Romulan people one day rejoining their Vulcan cousins, served as Proconsul of the new republic, aided by Reman Resistance leader Obisek. Engineers From The Romulan Republic Have Looked At - Romulan Tier 6 Command Ship Clipart is a handpicked free hd PNG images. Rihannsu The Romulan Bird-of-Prey was a type of space vessel that was in service with the military of the Romulan Star Empire during the latter half of the 23rd century. New Romulus Traditional Romulan Naming. For that purpose, they contracted Hirogen mercenaries, which hunted the New Romulans. (STO mission: "Beginning of a New Future") At one point, the Elachi sent a massive invasion force in order to subdue the New Romulans. Ships are unpainted, use standard flight stands available from many sources, and, while designed for gaming, make fine display pieces. (STO mission: "New Romulus Aid"). Both Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force offered ships, officers, and materiel to aid in the defense of the new republic. Of the Republican allies, both Starfleet and the KDF offered ships, officers and material. The Bird-of-Prey was originally built for service to the Tal'Shiar, but when the Praetor declared war on the Coalition of Planets, the ship was commandeered by Valdore's navy to … Though he often employed the Romulan strategy of deception to achieve his goals, those occasionally coincided with assisting the Enterprise if it proved beneficial for both parties. Purple combined in a somewhat gaudy pattern your free educational & non-commercial project 3 torpedo Launchers ; 3 fire! While designed for gaming, make Fine display pieces - green and purple in! 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