Press J to jump to the feed. Obwohl die Bewertungen ab und zu nicht neutral sind, geben sie in ihrer Gesamtheit einen guten Überblick; Welche Absicht verfolgen Sie nach dem Kauf mit Ihrem The Famous Grouse Smoky Black … Famous Grouse Smoky Black Blended Scotch Whiskey, Scotland, United Kingdom $ 46.99 $ 26.85 / 1000ml. First sip is........ smooth (a weasel word if there ever was one), soft, and simple. I didn’t actually mind the original Black Grouse and its limited premium spin-off the Black Grouse Alpha Edition. COMPARE PRICES. 60-69: Meh... glad I tried it so I have the palate experience, but I'm not gonna chase this down again. 95-100: Have yet to taste something I'd rate here. Taste: Very thin mouthfeel. Being a blend they didn’t actually peat the barley specifically used for this whisky, like with a single malt, but instead have taken fully matured Islay whisky and blended it with some Famous Grouse. The Famous Grouse Scotch Whisky. Color: 1.3 Russet Muscat. At the end of the day it's all poison so I'm not going to force myself to choke it down just to feel like I'm saving a few dollars. Køb Famous Grouse Smoky Black fra The Famous Grouse og flere tusind andre dagligvarer hos I had a bottle of that and didn’t think it was awful for a budget blend. Thanks for taking the bullet for us on this one, good review - thanks for sharing! It is a dark, russet golden appearing whisky with smoky, soft, musky aromas. Sweet, fruity malt behind it. Finish: A bit hot with the pepper heat, but overall faint and quite short. No complexity, no nuance, just a straightforward, sweet, smoky dram. A dark, handsome Grouse, Smoky Black has been expertly blended using a rare peated malt to produce a deliciously smoky yet sweet whisky. I'm not familiar with scotch cocktails, but I am wondering if there is one this bottle would be good in. a subreddit for Scotch enthusiasts of all walks of life and of all levels of knowledge on anything Scotch Whisky related. ??? The Famous Grouse Smoky Black (1 x 0.7 l) 4,4 von 5 Sternen 54. 8 | Excellent | Really quite exceptional. Go to shop Internet Wines & Spirits. Content is the same as with Black Grouse, it’s Famous Grouse Blended Whisky mixed with peated Glenturret malt and Islay malts. I've never drank a scotch whisky before that tasted like straight up vodka mixed with whisky. My understanding is that around 2015, the Black Grouse was rebranded Smoky Black. COMPARE PRICES. Final Thoughts: Once I got my nosing strength correct, it is a rather pleasant nose if you can avoid the acetone note. A full name is required. Yuck! Review #14 - The Famous Grouse Smoky Black. Famous Grouse Smoky Black was renamed from Black Grouse at the end of 2015. The Famous Grouse Smoky Black (previously The Black Grouse) blends more peated malt whiskies, including a rare version of Glenturret, with exceptional grain whiskies to produce a richer, lightly smoky and smooth flavour. 80-89: Fantastic! Nosing too aggressively reveals the young age in acetone notes presumably from the grain whisky. I then let the glass sit for 10 minutes or so and come back for a more thoughtful examination. I consider that one passable, although it's been a while since I tried it. Nose: Sherried fruit notes of red apple and cherries, honey, charred wood smoke. Thanks for the review. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 4 | Sub-par | Not bad, but many things I'd rather have. Ok as a second glass. Jetzt kaufen! COMPARE PRICES. Tasting methodology: I pour 2oz neat into a Glencairn at room temperature and promptly shove my nose in the glass for a first impression. The palate is sweet, almost like a young rum. Versand frei ab 50€ » Paypal Direkt, Rechnung » Versand auch nach Österreich. It's not worth it. Sweet, smoke, malt, very little else. Famous Grouse Whisky Chocolate Truffle Bar. Discover the lengths we go to ensure that every bottle is perfectly balanced & smooth. I don't know what to say. COMPARE PRICES. "The Famous Grouse Smoky Black (previously The Black Grouse) blends more peated malt whiskies, including a rare version of Glenturret, with exceptional grain whiskies to produce a richer, lightly smoky and smooth flavour. Discover the smokier side of The Famous Grouse, with Smoky Black. The taste is flavourfull with spice and dried fruits. Die Aussagekraft der Testergebnisse ist besonders relevant. Die Zubereitung von Famous Grouse Smoky Black Blended Scotch Whisky ist ein raffinierter Prozess, bei dem qualitativ hochwertiges Malz und Getreide, gekonnt gemischt werden. Curiosity got the better of me since I always heard the Scots like to … The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 0 - Der Testsieger unter allen Produkten. Wie sehen die Nutzerbewertungen aus? I only bought it because of the hype on the Internet. Full name allows only a maximum of 46 characters. Levering direkte til døren, nemt og ligetil. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Drinking this now, fairly bland. From the UK's No.1 Whisky brand, The Famous Grouse Smoky Black offers a great introduction to peated whisky. Auch wenn diese ab und zu nicht neutral sind, bringen die Bewertungen in ihrer Gesamtheit einen guten Anlaufpunkt. In much the same way as smoking salmon adds to the flavour profile of salmon. The Famous Grouse Smoky Black is a blend of peated malt whiskies like Glenturret and grain whiskies to produce a richer, lightly smoky and a smooth flavored whisky. I want a bottle on my bar all the time. If I get something I don't like, I usually just see if he wants it next time he comes over for drinks, Review #14 - The Famous Grouse Smoky Black. It will however remain on my bar as a mixer. My brain recognized the whisky notes but also kept telling me I was drinking vodka and I am not a vodka drinker. The Famous Grouse is a brand of blended Scotch whisky, first produced by Matthew Gloag & Son in 1896, and currently produced and owned by The Edrington Group. Just dump it. Explore a smokier side to our Famous whisky.
Explore a smokier side to our Famous whisky. The standard Famous Grouse was more in the Johnnie Walker Red "almost undrinkable" class for me. We can't actually ship Famous Grouse Smoky Black to you in United States at the moment. Famous Grouse Smoky Black: Famous Grouse Smoky Black ist der Nachfolger von The Black Grouse. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 35cl (3) £8.50. Overall: This is NOT a Scotch I drink neat, at least not until writing this review. TASTING. Gets ya through an evening easily. USA: (IL) Fairview Heights . The Famous Grouse has taken its Black variant and transformed the whisky and appearance into the Smoky Black. Explore a smokier side to our Famous whisky." Is this a joke?! The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 0 - Unser Gewinner . I don't feel bad about drain-pouring awful scotch. I've been drinking it in Rusty Nails since the BG days, and didn't notice much change (but also didn't pay much attention), FAMOUS GROUSE SMOKY BLACK ABV: 40% Bottle Opened: several months Source: 1.75L handle purchased locally for 48 USD. Famous Grouse Whisky. 90g (2) £1.50. The single malt whiskies used in The Famous Grouse blend include the Edrington-owned Highland Park and The Macallan. The Famous Grouse Whisky. Comparing another cheap smoky blend like Teachers it'just so much better. Die Redaktion hat im genauen The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 0 Vergleich uns jene genialsten Artikel angeschaut sowie die brauchbarsten Informationen zusammengetragen. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Famous Grouse Smoky Black Whisky Schottland ist für seine Whiskys auf der ganzen Welt bekannt. Huge hit of ethanol with a hint of acetone on the nose. Thanks for reading. Versand frei ab 50€ » Paypal Direkt, Rechnung » Famous Grouse Smoky Black: Famous Grouse Smoky Black ist der Nachfolger von The Black Grouse. Bottom shelf stuff at the local Total Wine. Expertly blended using a rare peated malt to produce a deliciously smoky yet sweet whisky. Bottom shelf stuff at the local Total Wine. From the UK's No.1 Whisky brand, The Famous Grouse Smoky Black offers a great introduction to peated whisky. I will sometimes add a bit of filtered water after several sips neat. Famous Grouse Smoky Black – Blend mit leicht-rauchigem Aroma. Couldn't agree more unfortunately. Oddly, Im wondering if this is actually 40% abv, sends really light. Was sagen die Amazon Nutzerbewertungen? Whiskey: Famous Grouse Smoky Black Scotch. A special treat I will savor when I can. Honeyed apple juice and a slight pepper heat. Its emblem is the red grouse, Scotland's national game bird.. Tasting methodology: I pour 2oz neat into a Glencairn at room temperature and promptly shove my nose in the glass for a first impression. Whisky The Famous Grouse Smoky Black Scotch Blended Whisky | 40 % vol | 0,7 l. Preis ab 19,40 Euro (03.12.2020). Is this different from The Black Grouse? The Famous Grouse Smoky Black. 35cl (86) £8.50. I have a friend who will drink literally anything. Innerhalb des Landes gibt es einen Scotch Whisky, der sich besonders großer Beliebtheit erfreut, obwohl er international nicht ganz so berühmt ist wie andere Spirituosen der Marke. Finish: Not much, but what there is, tries to be sweet, but there is an astringent smokiness to it. Perfectly clear with no sediment. Its the same. 0-59: What is this? $48 for the handle is too much - lol. Originally created for the Swedish market, The Black Grouse was released in 2007. Now I have a liter of this and wonder g what to do with it. Review #10 on r/scotch. Vodka. A new name and packaging for the excellent 'Black Grouse' blend sees it become Famous Grouse Smoky Black. ex. This is, however a blend I drink a lot of (thus the nearly empty handle), My evening cocktail for many many years: The Rusty Nail. I didnt find the Black Grouse awful as well. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. FAMOUS GROUSE SMOKY BLACK ABV: 40% Bottle Opened: several months Source: 1.75L handle purchased locally for 48 USD. Although the JW Double Black also has an astringent note to it that may turn some off, it was immensely more enjoyable than this bottle and I think a worthwhile upgrade if you are looking for a smoky blend. This is where a blended peated scotch whisky substitutes well, like this Famous Grouse Smoky Black that aims to provide a similar experience at a fraction of the price. 1l (101) £18.00. Curiosity got the better of me since I always heard the Scots like to drink this stuff. Smoky Black wird meisterhaft destilliert und in den besten Fässern, unter den besten Bedingungen, gereift. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Meet The Black Grouse, the rakish cousin of The Famous Grouse. he Famous Grouse Smoky Black (previously The Black Grouse) blends more peated malt whiskies, including a rare version of Glenturret, with exceptional grain whiskies to produce a richer, lightly smoky and smooth flavour. This bottle noses and tastes very young. sales tax. Did I lose a bet?! The famous Grouse range continues to expand and after a revealing session with the Master Blender Gordon Motion, a new appreciation for this famous blend was gained.Growing up in Scotland, the original blend with it’s iconic imagery is everywhere. Not really any peat. 70-79: Nothing to get overwrought about, but if the price is right, I'd drink this any time. The grain whisky in Famous Grouse Smoky Black is far more obvious and rough. The product was renamed at the end of 2015. Famous Grouse Smoky Black, formerly known as the Black Grouse. First Impression: Hmmmm... this isn't how I drink this normally. Overall feels like a younger, less refined, and more obvious grainy and slightly smokier Johnnie Walker Black Label. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, there's no bad scotch, just better scotch. My thought is that while the smoke is more apparent here than in Johnnie Walker Black Label, the JW Black is much more enjoyable at a few dollars more along with a 12 year age statement. After 10 minutes: Very little on the nose but ethanol and a bit of smoke. After a moment I take my first sip, again, just looking for first impressions. Ever optimistic I guess. a subreddit for Scotch enthusiasts of all walks of life and of all levels of knowledge on anything Scotch Whisky related. The Black Grouse was a step up whereas the Snow Grouse represented a pursuit of foreign markets who preferred a cool malt without the whisky taste. We're working on a solution. Is this different from the Black Grouse? Alle The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 0 im Überblick. I know vodka is not what grain whisky is as it is aged like malt whisky and certainly not distilled like vodka, yet this was the first and most prominent note on my palate that my brain immediately thinks of with each sip. After a moment I take my first sip, again, just looking for first impressions. Although not mentioned by name anymore, the … This blend is based on peated Islay malts, and offers 'reassuring smoothness with aromatic, peaty flavours'. The Famous Process Each year 43 million bottles of The Famous Grouse are enjoyed in no less than 94 global markets. Price: $22.99 at the local Total Wine. Again, I welcome any feedback you might have. If so, this is noted in the review. History The Gloag family started as wine merchants in the early 1800s in Perth, Scotland, with Matthew Gloag purchasing wines and whisky from distillers around the country. The Black Grouse is a peated version of The Famous Grouse. 90-94: Truly amazing. Priced at circa £20, Smoky Black is at the lower end of the market for whisky, but for a blend a little more lavish. The finish is long, smoky, and aromatic. Discover the smokier side of The Famous Grouse, with Smoky Black. Decided what the hell and grabbed a bottle. COMPARE PRICES. Discover the smokier side of The Famous Grouse, with Smoky Black. I know my rating below puts this solidly in the "Meh" category. Assertive, bold, marvellously smoky and smooth, The Black Grouse demands to be appreciated. Unfortunately it goes downhill from there. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Famous Grouse Smoky Black Full Review I find myself at a bit of a loss with this review, being honest the whisky tastes like a smoked Famous Grouse which adds to the enjoyment of the drink. Smooth, peaty and aromatic, this is a complex yet approachable blend with hints of dried fruit and soft smoky notes. ;(. A dark, handsome Grouse, Smoky Black has been expertly blended using a rare peated malt to produce a deliciously smoky yet sweet whisky. 70cl (12) £15.00. Been a while since I always heard the Scots like to drink this any time and! My rating below puts this solidly in the Johnnie Walker red `` almost ''! Us on this one, good review - thanks for taking the bullet for us on this,... Drink literally anything but ethanol and a bit of famous grouse smoky black reddit water after several sips neat adds! Overwrought about, but what there is one this bottle would be good in bought it of! Up vodka mixed with whisky. 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