Come Praise and Glorify: 6. Who can question any of His words? On July 26, 2019, Behold Our God will be … Artist. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. For a brief time he even considered atheism. Holy, Holy, Holy - Live: 10. We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Chords, and Singer Pro in C Major (transposable). ( Log Out / Georgina Ottaway Art. I sing part time with the worship team. I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow: 11. VERSE 3 Who has felt the nails upon His hands “Behold” is a responsible word. This is just a mild reenactment of […] Amen. Jesus knew that Nicodemus could identify with an Old Testament teaching so He referred to Numbers chapter 21 to describe this same concept of looking to God. Download our … Moses prayed and God told him to make a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Oh I could have looked until I could almost have looked my eyes away. O that somebody had told me this before, ‘Trust Christ, and you shall be saved’.”, Remember the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus? 5:9). All I Have Is Christ 4. From a biblical perspective the word “behold” has become archaic. He just said his redeemed choir would be made up of people from every tribe, people, language, and nation (Rev. Come let us adore Him! "Behold our God, seated on His throne. Almighty 6. Powerful lyrics include text from the cradle to the cross. Q. Since the title and the chorus include the invitation to “behold,” that will be our focus for this meditation. Who has held the oceans in His hands, who has numbered every grain of sand Kings and nations tremble at His voice, all creation rises to rejoice DOWNLOAD #OhEmGeeByForceCollabo – Behold Our God MP4 MP3 Another collabo with “The Acapella Company’ – same choir from i did the control song with. My prayer is that we will all “behold our God”! There are a number of different and quite appropriate themes we could develop from these lyrics. I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art: 13. However, it was a good blow, struck right home.’, The preacher went on, ‘and you always will be miserable — miserable in life and miserable in death — if you don’t obey my text; but if you obey now, this moment, you will be saved.’ And then he shouted at the top of his voice as I think only a Primitive Methodist can, ‘Young man, look to Jesus Christ. It beautifully describes someone who is focused on pleasing their Master.”. On February 28th, 2019 Sovereign Grace Music teamed up with Shiloh Church in Jacksonville, FL. They were convicted of their sin and asked Moses to pray to God for their deliverance. All the people had to do was look to the bronze snake and they would be cured. What a powerful, powerful performance of this wonderful, glorious song. Holy, Holy, Holy: 9. He Is Our God 3. Kings and nations tremble at His voice All creation rises to rejoice. Consider the following. They are good worship companions. God eternal humbled to the grave Jesus, Savior risen now to reign [Chorus] Behold our God seated on His throne Come let us adore Him Behold our King, nothing can compare Come let us adore Him [Bridge] He searched the scripture and even went outside of the Bible to look for help. Musician/Band. Behold Our God Demonstration Audio File. John Scott: Behold O God our defender: Mixed Choir: Vocal Score [Vocal Score] Oxford University Press. I was at a Sovereign Grace Churches songwriting retreat, along with my friends Ryan, Jon, and Megan Baird. Take some time to consider this for your congregation. Leah Wood Leah Wood to record a live project with their 120 voice choir, led by Joe Pace. This is quite a change over the centuries. Stream songs including "New and Living Way", "He Is Our God" and more. The following is Spurgeon’s reaction to this very direct message. This dramatic anthem magnifying God's sovereignty and majesty will be an inspiration to your congregation. Special Number - BBC Choir Sunday Afternon Service (12.29.19) BEHOLD OUR GOD Who has held the oceans in His hands? Behold Him. It was the fruit of a shared passion for God's Word, the gospel, the local church, an It works great with any instrumentation you use in worship. New and Living Way 2. He announced that his sermon text was Isaiah 45:22: “look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is none else.”. In the King James Version of the Bible, “behold” occurs 1298 times. The following quote comes from the Barnabas Bulletin – 0037 of Gospel Faith Messenger (, “To “behold” means to “see, to view, to face, to look out, regard, watch, consider, to behold intensely, to observe fully, to see mentally or prophetically, to look with attention and earnestness, to survey with accuracy, earnest spiritual contemplation, to look at purposely, to perceive, apprehend, learn, know, calling attention to what may be seen or heard.”. Like as when the brazen serpent was lifted up, the people only looked and were healed, so it was with me. Look! Gospel legend Joe Pace brings the Shiloh Church Choir and Sovereign Grace communities together for a powerful set of modern hymns and passionate worship. Grace Greater Than All Our Sin - Live: 8. Shop and Buy Behold Our God sheet music. It was obvious that this was the most fitting song to close our … Soloists: Anthony Valenzuela and Megan Lopez. Behold Our God, a song by Shiloh Church Choir, Sovereign Grace Music on Spotify. Who has numbered every grain of sand? So, to behold for the Christian is to look to God. Mary McDonald - Lorenz Corporation. It's at the Cross 9. Mini Motion. He was caught in a snow storm and could not get to his local Congregational Chapel to worship. When you receive the pdf file, please only print the number of anthems that you have purchased. All they had to do was look! Christ Be Exalted 5. When God sent his Son to save a people for his glory, he didn’t specify what kind of music they should use to praise him. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Our hymn of focus for this meditation is “Behold Our God.” It is a relatively new worship hymn inspired by … After a few minutes, a man who looked like a tailor or a shoemaker went up into the pulpit. Virtual Choir and Orchestra Project #2: Behold our God. Order today by calling the Collinsworth School of Music at (951) 343-4251! Download the Choir Sheet for Behold Our God by Sovereign Grace / The Village Church, from the album 30: Three Decades Of Songs For The Church. We hope you'll enjoy the fruit of our labors and join your voices with ours as we Behold Our God together. To “behold” for the Christian is to look to God, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit to see, observe and comprehend His will and ways through His Word, the Bible. Sevenoaks and Tonbridge Concert Band. Grace Greater Than All Our Sin: 7. 1.95 GBP - … Shilo Church Choir & Sovereign Grace Music Format: CD Digital: On February 28th, 2019 Sovereign Grace Music teamed up with Shiloh Church in Jacksonville, FL. God is always there. O Great God 11. he had a list of “works.” But, all he had to do was look because salvation is a gift from God. It was the wrong church, the wrong congregation, the wrong weather and the wrong preacher. C Em God eternal, humbled to the grave C Em7 G Jesus, Savior, risen now to reign [Chorus] C G/B Am F Behold our God seated on His throne C G Come let us adore Him C G/B Am F Behold our King, nothing can compare C G C Come let us adore Him! So he turned down Artillery Street in Colchester and arrived at the local Primitive Methodist Church. (LO.10-4907L). I heard this song and it touched me. Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds? Rather, it is based purely on the Word of God. Download the Choir Sheet for Behold Our God by Sovereign Grace/The Village Church, from the album 30: Three Decades Of Songs For The Church. Dance School. Stream ad-free with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Coming to Him is looking to Him. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Here are a few facts that support such a claim. This is a song all generations can embrace. Look! Behold Our God: 4. Behold Our God ... Our second project will be Behold our God. Due to the extreme weather conditions, there were only 12 – 15 people in the congregation. It means we have a choice – a choice to behold or not to behold. (Let Your glory fill the earth) C F/C You will reign forever! Behold our King—nothing can compare Come, let us adore Him VERSE 3: Who has felt the nails upon His hands? Jesus is going to be lifted up on the cross and all we have to do is look to Him to be saved from our sins. In Spurgeon’s account of his own conversion, he indicated that he had been “waiting to do 50 things” . Look! I had been waiting to do fifty things, but when I heard that word, ‘Look!’ what a charming word it seemed to me. You can subscribe to them here on youtube (The Accappela company). What Jesus is saying to Nicodemus and to us is that we all have the poison of sin in us. Behold Our God: The Backstory “Behold Our God” was not written based on any sort of crazy vision from God or a dream in the middle of the night. SATB choir, piano sheet music book by Various: Lorenz Publishing Company at Sheet Music Plus. Listen to Behold Our God by Shiloh Church Choir & Sovereign Grace Music on Apple Music. $11.99 In fact, the Bible… This attractive and expansive piece was composed for the Golden Jubilee celebration in St Paul's Cathedral. January 6, 2021 will mark the 171st anniversary of the conversion of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Print and download Behold Our God sheet music by Sovereign Grace Music. “Behold” is a prophetic word. Even worse, the preacher was apparently “snowed up” because there was no one to give the sermon. Behold Our God. Arranged by Paul Campbell in the key of C. Products for this song include chord charts , choir parts , and the orchestration . [Bridge] C F/C You will reign forever! There are opportunities for soloist and duet with choir backing in this powerful arrangement delivered by Joshua Spacht, perfect for churches with choir-led worship. Behold Our God features the energetic opener 'New and Living Way' plus 'Worship You Forever,' 'Almighty,' the title track, and more. Simply enter the quantity of anthems you would like to purchase and checkout. ... Choir. ( Log Out / I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow - Live: 12. supported by 10 fans who also own “Behold Our God” I am liking what I have heard! Listen to Behold Our God by CBU Choir and Orchestra on Apple Music. All we must do is look. Behold our God seated on His throne Come, let us adore Him Behold our King! Sale. Click to review . to record a live project with their 120 voice choir, led by Joe Pace. Nicodemus was a religious leader and teacher of the Jews. . There and then the cloud was gone, the darkness had rolled away, and that moment I saw the sun; and I could have risen that instant, and sung with the most enthusiastic of them, of the precious blood of Christ, and the simple faith which alone looks to him. Lora January 5, 2012 at 4:15 PM # I am blessed to be in this choir with Joshua Spacht. Angel Delights. Here is a description of what followed taken from Banner of Truth (January 1, 2000). Nothing can compare Come, let us adore Him! Musician/Band. Behold our King, nothing can compare, come let us adore Him!" In this passage in Numbers the people of Israel rebelled against God by criticizing Him for bringing them out of Egypt into the desert. You have nothing to do but to look and live!’ And I did look.’”. It represents the responsibility that is our part in the Christian walk. In February 2019, the Shiloh Church Choir and Sovereign Grace Music collaborated to record a new worship CD. Behold Our God - Live: 5. We behold the ways of God, then behold our own lives. Benefit Choir Benefit Dinner 2019. We won't have the orchestra for our performance, but I'm excited nonetheless! The Youtube link provided here is the exact arrangement we are doing. Who can teach the One Who knows all things? Certainly, he is among the most significant preachers of all time. It was written in 2011 by the team at Sovereign Grace Music which consisted of Jonathan, Meghan, and Ryan Baird and Stephen Altrogge. This worship hymn reminds us of God’s awesome majesty and power — and that we should praise Him always. Behold Our God by Sovereign Grace Music & Shiloh Church Choir, released 26 July 2019 1. He is considered by some as the greatest preacher since the apostles. God bless you! “I saw at once the way of salvation. On the cold wintry day of January 6, 1850, he was on his way to Sunday worship. See More triangle-down; Pages Interest Olivia Grace Piper Videos Behold Our God. VERSE 2 Who has given counsel to the Lord? It is a call to keep our eyes open, to make sure we are seeing and hearing clearly and accurately, so we can make those decisions that will glorify God. Behold Our God is a modern hymn I have grown to love in the past months. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Our pastor and friend has asked me to find more anointed songs than what we have been singing. So, God sent poisonous snakes to bite them and many died. Let’s see how this concept of “behold” was so important in his spiritual life. Change ), Barnabas Bulletin – 0037 of Gospel Faith Messenger,, Preached more than 600 times before he was 20, Preached at New Park Street Chapel, London for 38 years (until his death), Typically preached to over 5000 each Sunday, Once preached to an indoor crowd of 23,654, Founded a pastors college which trained almost 900 men during his life. Stream songs including "Christ Is Coming to the Earth This Night / Come, Messiah King (Live)", "A … I know not what else he said — I did not take much notice of it — I was so possessed with that one thought. It was the fruit of a shared passion for God's Word, the gospel, the local church, and vibrant congregational singing. Behold Our God. We have included two different but powerful version of the performance of this very uplifting worship hymn. $13.99 All we have to do is look for Him. Behold Our God by Shiloh Church Choir, Sovereign Grace Music Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. As a result of that beholding we seek to align ourselves more and more with that which we are beholding. In the more modern translation, the New International Version, it occurs 1 time! ( Log Out / Regular price Two worship teams united to celebrated what binds us together in spite of our different races, cultures, and backgrounds – King Jesus! SKU: MN0127911 With that in mind I want us to consider several examples of this concept. . John Scott's Behold O God Our Defender for unaccompanied SATB choir. Should have mentioned that it is the Parkside Christmas Concert video that contains Behold Our God with full orchestra and choir. That looking means to embrace, to believe, to receive, to love, and to obey. With a few strains of the refrain from ADESTE FIDELES, this anthem is perfectly orchestrated, making it … Listen to your favorite songs from Behold Our God by Shiloh Church Choir & Sovereign Grace Music Now. Check out Behold Our God by CBU Choir and Orchestra on Amazon Music. Bearing all the guilt of sinful man God eternal, humbled to the grave Jesus, Savior, risen now to reign CHORUS: Behold our God seated on His throne Come, let us adore Him Behold our King—nothing can compare Come, let us adore Him Tag Reply. ‘Well,’ said Spurgeon, ‘I did look miserable, but I had not been accustomed to have remarks made from the pulpit about my personal appearance before. Jesus states the following in John 3:14: “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”. ( Log Out / Thank you for your album! The Gospel Song 8. I Will Sing Your Praise Alone 10. Nevertheless it is a highly important word/concept in scripture. “The preacher managed to spin that out for ten minutes and then, running out of anything fresh to say, looked at his congregation and picked on Spurgeon, ‘Young man, you look very miserable,’ he said. We are looking for solid gospel songs for our church in Phoenix,AZ. Our hymn of focus for this meditation is “Behold Our God.” It is a relatively new worship hymn inspired by Isaiah 40: 12-14. Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span,enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?13 Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows him his counsel?14 Whom did he consult, and who made him understand?Who taught him the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding? 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