The couple was suppose to appear on Dr. Phil, and that was pulled, as well. 7 Series, 89 Episodes. Next episode - Pantaleone's. The network established a fund for Turpin's family, but Custus believes NBC could have done more. On Nov. 12, 2008, Goodspeed parked her car a few doors down from Abdul's Los Angeles home and, according to Los Angeles police, died from an apparent overdose. 3 Series, 24 Episodes. His behavior only made the show more popular. Chef Ramsay heads to Scottsdale, Arizona to turn around a failing restaurant with nauseating food and inadequate service. Gogglebox. Fox didn't say why they pulled the season premiere. THAT would be awesome!My prediction: Caron would decapitate that hideous melted-Barbie-doll in about 10 seconds, and pseudo-tough guy Sammy would be beaten to an unrecognizable hulk just a few seconds after that.And then he'd be deported. 42:59. The restaurant has since become a tourist site with people coming to see if the restaurant is as shown on the show. I watched the Dr. Phil show with them in it and i don't think they will ever going to change. Instead, he … Sammy thought of another scam! I think the only things they want is to cry victim and get publicity.The waitress (Katy?) Posted on May 13, 2013 by glecko. Ramsay's Hotel Hell. ", She also blamed the show for coming between her and her boyfriend Ryan O'Neil, who committed suicide himself two months earlier. Amazing how Amy knows better then a Michelin rated chef. Kitchen Nightmares US S07E07. According to Custus, Turpin not only failed a psychological evaluation for the show but had previously attempted suicide. The ravioli smells weird and it is both sweet and spicy and the salmon burger is overcooked. The “Kitchen Nightmares” was an American reality cooking show where restaurant owners invited Ramsay to spend a week with them and help them revive their failing restaurant. Nightmares. Yeah, that's why the place was packed, right? I saw it when it prepared a while back. If you guys wanna re-watch this one in preparation for any future season, hit Fox or google it. )I don't think this is the case. Watch full episodes of Kitchen Nightmares and get the latest breaking news, exclusive videos and pictures, episode recaps and much more at "You have to be sensitive to them afterwards after they are out or lose. In a cruel bit of irony, Cerniglia's body was found floating in the Hudson river. Samy married Amy, an American citizen. They are both awful people. With all this publicity (albeit negative), I'm beginning to wonder if this is some plot by the owners (and perhaps even Gordon) to boost sales, as seen by the T-shirt line etc. Amy has closed the restaurant, but is still continuing her baking. I sort of thought the same thing but I think she has double personality disorder....She is God's child one minute then the next she is the Devil. It's a bad combination with those two - I bet they'll keep the place open til it's just them running it and even then as long as they can just to show all their "haters" that they didn't win - at least in their minds.I wonder how much trouble they'll have getting staff - I guess if you were desperate enough for any job though. If she has just stuck to desserts the business could of been a huge success. My assumption is that there may be some course for legal action. VH-1 did not respond to repeated requests for comment. ABC is the best restaurant and Amy and Sammy are really nice people. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. It's sad it is considered good entertainment. I was genuinely concerned. Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. Tattoo Nightmares: S3E25 "Terri-Bull" Nightmares. Some of the things said to them like telling them to go kill themselves is taking things way to far. The only reason Amy's Bakery is still open is due to its infamy and novelty attraction. When it premiered on BBC America, I didn't watch it. Would have loved to taste the awesome looking cakes Amy made. Watch the official American Idol online at Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA. The former deputy district attorney from Reno killed herself after she was bounced from "Pirate Master," the CBS reality show that followed 16 would-be modern-day pirates on their quest for $1 million. the sooner Sammy's money runs out I'm sure she will be out the door onto the next mental defective "gangster'. They both belong in jail, a mental institute, or just a remote island. Gordon returns the next morning and meets former staff members Jessica and Henry. They have tried to cash in on the notoriety of the restaurant by selling t shirts with slogans from the episode. The posters at Reddit did some fantastic detective work and uncovered Amy was buying all the cakes and pastries in from suppliers (hence all her comments about "reselling" ). Everyone bashing them is so typical American. It's just the rest of her food is bad and they're crazy. You do know the police had to be called because Samy was threatening the customer who complained and didn't see why he had to pay for something he didn't have on that first night, don't you? They are both irredeemable because they will always believe they are the victim and will never take responsibility. A contestant on the first season of NBC's "The Contender," Turpin shot himself in a parked car just weeks before the series premiere. Lowest rate any business can earn is 1 (must earn 5 star point before can earn Michelin point). Kinda reminds me of Lauren (Chopped), ppl hated her from the get go...horrible posts...perhaps these personalities should be screened out better. Did anybody else just ask why Amy didn't just make a small, chill bakery if her cakes and sweets were so good?She and Samy probably wouldn't be labelled the craziest people on Kitchen Nightmares and the world or literally threw people out of their restaurant if they did that. It should be noted that with both Brown and Cerniglia, their suicides came long after they appeared on their respective Ramsay shows. Unbelievable, and isn't stealing tips illegal? This guy invested $1million in a business because an investment of that size automatically puts an immigrant on the Green Card fast track. Amy and Samy think they know more than a Michelin star chef. I would like to know more about the cakes though, that are obviously not made by Amy. Amy’s Baking Company Before Kitchen Nightmares. Such a shame for a beautiful restaurant but the owners didn't deserve Gordon's help. Katy did an AMA on Reddit and answered a whole host of questions about the restaurant. I knew I didn't want to watch more of those terrible nutters, but I just had to watch the second show. Previous episode - Chappy's In the second installment of "Paradise Hotel," the Fox reality show in which participants compete to see who can stay in a luxury hotel the longest, 25-year-old Clutter appeared, even though he had committed suicide just after production was wrapped on the show. NBC did not respond to requests for comment. Good places have more or less stable crew working. Comments will be moderated prior to being published. "This frik'n show…was such a contention between Ryan and I," she reportedly wrote at the time. Samy is defensive of criticism of his wife's cooking and if a customer makes a complaint Samy asks them to leave. "Then when the show finished playing with me like a puppet it abandoned me and left me to sort out my problems, knowing just how bad I'd become. ", 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. She survived after a friend found her, but O'Meara was still furious with producers for "abandoning" her, she told Britain's News of the World in March 2007. Gordon shows their submission video which features Amy criticising Samys customer service skills. They're both just using each other. I will bypass watching it again because of that couple. This was something that would make good television. Henry said Samy wasn't professional and made him wash his car for him! I will smile when I hear this place is closed for good, Amy needs to be committed shes nuts. The show chronicled Ramsay's efforts to help struggling restauranteurs get back on their feet in earnest. The servers aren't allowed to place orders, serve drinks or to collect the bills. Amy sounds like she was one of those extremely spoiled children who throw fits to get their way and now can't understand why the temper tantrums aren't working to stop the mean things from happening anymore. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. I'm assuming since they continue to flame GR on their FB page, GR's lawyers might have swooped in. Later, Abdul told ABC's "The View" that Goodspeed had been stalking her for 17 years and later told co-host Barbara Walters on Walters' radio show that she pleaded with Cowell and the producers not to let Goodspeed audition. A member of the Sheriff's Office was also quoted saying that Clutter battled depression and bipolar disorder and his family had recently wired him money so he could return home and receive treatment. It's now going to premiere in May. Kitchen Nightmares Season show reviews & Metacritic score: Gordon Ramsay's British series gets made over for America. Details of Amy's past including a criminal conviction for social security fraud to obtain credit have surfaced. "There were no findings of foul play [and] all evidence and findings show that [Clutter's death] was a product of his own demise," read the Sheriff's report obtained by Such a shame that the bussiness is gone. They temporarily closed the restaurant and reopened on 21st May 2013. Wait...even then they'd drive the other residents loony. In the end, his marriage to Gretchen fell apart. In another episode, he slashed his wrists before checking into rehab. (Notice Amy's expression when GR gives her her tip. Miranda was fired for taking a tip that a customer had hidden for her and is now working for Cracker Barrell. I do not know why anyone would work there or patronize the place. "The shame seemed to get to her," Kaslow said. It's a shame they couldn't be sued for mental abuse of their employees.......and customers. period. Samy and Amy are going to be on the Dr. Phil Show on April 9, 2014. The revisit is on Youtube now, and I've just watched it. I watched ABC episode yesterday... Amy is such a psychopath. For all their madness, I think they could really make a go of that restaurant with a new USP - the place to go to get insulted and threatened and pay for the privilege. I think the reasons is due to the media firestorm and them making money selling shirts and what not. "Amy's Baking Company" is the sixteenth episode of the sixth season of Kitchen Nightmares, and the 82nd episode of the series. The ravioli is still frozen, there is more abuse at Gordon and Samy still believes Amy's food is excellent. I don't know for you, but it's the first time in watching the first 5 minutes of Kitchen Nightmares, that I was impatient to go to check if was written a big CLOSED, about this restaurant. In the last few years business had dwindled after a number of negative reviews. Dishonest people all round. Also the pics used on her internet pages and taken from the original sources and are not her cooking or property (whether that's legal or not I'm not 100% sure but is still dodgy) ! With Gordon Ramsay, Arthur Smith, Kim Seeley, Michael Cabbibo. This is what happens when a crazy person gets together with a even crazier person, both Sammy and Amy are people who should never be allowed to go out on their own let alone own a business together. Cerniglia was more than $80,000 in debt at the time his restaurant was featured on the show. Nevertheless, several incidents have occurred since then. The couple behind the notorious Amy’s Baking Company, which made international headlines in 2013 after a disastrous appearance on "Kitchen Nightmares," closed their … They need help. They STOLE tips from waitresses! Personnel flow is a bad bad sign! She claims that since she has been plagued by rogue customers browsing or placing fake cockroaches in the restaurant and she has to stand up to these people. I really feel bad for Amy and Samy. According to media reports he was also said to have grown frustrated, after being knocked out of the show early, that he was not allowed to compete in any professional boxing matches until the series' finale aired, which would have made it hard for him to support his family. In the case of bipolar contestants, the reason they are attracted to these shows may stem from their mental illness and their desire to perform or be famous, Kaslow said. Take the criticism productively to better you're business not to scare everyone away or to make yourself a tourist attraction. She is insulted and tells Gordon that he disrupted her service and blames everyone else for the problems. It was good of them to show that last footage of them unedited, so now they can't say it was edited to make them look bad, they look worse and more dysfunctional as a relationship now. Anyone know what happened? That is ILLEGAL in the United States! These two are utterly insane and I'm surprised they made it this far in life without being tossed in prison for a long time or getting beaten up(considering how they pretty much went into near assault mode numerous times). The couple is interviewed by Ana Garcia, Amy initially says that she has no time for an interview and Samy wants money. Samy says that they are now giving the waitresses tips as the restaurant is empty. Anywhere where they won't continue to be the public nuisance they thrive on being. If it was not for those factors they would have gone under a long time ago. "Your business is about to f***ing swim down the Hudson," Ramsay said. I ate there after the original episode, and I had one of amy's pizzas just to give it a chance, and when I got it it was 100% uncooked and I mean all the way raw dough and everything and when I complained I was threatened by samy with a knife, thank god my gf at the time was an off duty cop. They are two very selfish and self centered people. Number of Michelin stars that earn for Amy Baking Company is -50, yes minus 50 in the hole. Amy's Baking company was opened in 2006 by Samy and wife Amy Bouzagio. )The more I watch this episode, I can't help but think that maybe Sammy and Amy could join forces with that fighting Welsh couple, Mike and Caron, from Kitchen Nightmares UK... Wow, I can imagine the disagreements, the yelling and cursing, and the fights that would result! Below, looks at what happens when the realities of real life meet the realities of a television show and the devastating consequences for some show participants and their families: The 30-year-old one-time "American Idol" contestant had an apparent infatuation with judge Paula Abdul. They make some of the other owners in other episodes seem nice! It's like a train wreck I couldn't look away from. They have the right to run their restaurant how they want but he is going to do what is right and what is right is to walk away. "Obviously people are drawn to these reality shows," Kaslow added. As long as he originally entered the United States legally, he would have no problems whatsoever getting a green card. The pizza is sweet with raw dough, the blue ribbon burger has a soggy greasy bun and is dripping in liquid. Gordon arrives to watch a dinner service, Amy is in denial about the food. His family and producers agreed to keep in Clutter's scenes, according to Broadcasting & Head of DC National Guard discusses inauguration security, James Comey calls threat of riots on Inauguration Day ‘very concerning’, Trump plans to leave in dramatic fashion yet continues to stay out of sight, The Trump letter his lawyers said should never see 'light of day', Giuliani says he won't represent Trump at president's impeachment trial, Joe Cerniglia commits suicide 3 years after appearing on Gordon Ramsay's 'Kitchen Nightmares. This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. If your food sucks, that's what reviewers and bloggers are going to write. It's very hyped like the American version always is - the phrase 'never-before-seen footage' is used ad nauseam and it isn't that different from what you've already seen, but it's worth a gander. Part of what you don't know is how sensitive people are going to be to the shame and humiliation they might experience.". Amy's Baking Company was aired on 10 May 2013, the episode was filmed in December 2012 and is Kitchen Nightmares season 6 episode 15. A couple is interviewed and their dining companion had flies in their drink, they were accused of putting them in themselves and asked to leave the restaurant. ��. Kaslow added that there are often several factors that lead to a suicide and, in Kosewicz's case, losing her boyfriend could have been an additional stressor, while being eliminated from the show may have been the final straw. "He wasn't even supposed to be on the show," said Custus, a former Golden Gloves boxer. You can also go from being a star and really famous to being either a nobody or a villain.". Apparently Season 7 (which begins next month) is going to include an Amy's Baking Company update show. Kitchen Nightmares US S07E06 Mangia Mangia Part 2. B. C. Amy's Baking Companywrites... Amy's Baking Company is an upscale full service Retail Patisserie as well as a full service European Bistro Pizzeria and bar. And they continue to blame every one else but themselves for their faults! Kitchen Nightmares: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Amy's Baking Company. In England, two contestants killed themselves and another reportedly tried after participating in reality shows, according to 1 Series, 6 Episodes. 1 Series, 6 Episodes. I find it a bit surprising really they are still even open. According to the police report, Turpin had been sitting with his girlfriend, with whom he had been having a custody dispute over their 2-year-old daughter. From how the reality show was filmed (and how much of it was actually reality) to how well restaurants fared after Ramsay's team took over their kitchen, this is the untold truth of FOX's Kitchen Nightmares. Gordon Ramsay's F Word. Do You actually know who Chef Gordon Ramsay is? "Your life is an open book to people and that makes you feel very vulnerable," Nadine Kaslow, the chief psychologist at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta told He is taken on a tour of the kitchen and sees it is as clean as a sterile doctors surgery. One customer has enough of waiting for his pizza, asks about the pizza, is given a tirade of abuse and tries to leave. In this Kitchen Nightmares episode, Chef Gordon Ramsay visits Amy's Baking Company in Scottsdale, Arizona. Before committing suicide, she reportedly wrote on the MySpace page of a fellow contestant that she had "lost the strong Cheryl and I'm just floating around lost. Gordon talks to Miranda, who reveals that she does not receive tips and Samy takes all of the tips. As I understand, she actually lied about baking the cakes herself, she just bought them. Truth hurts but oh, that's bullying. Simon Foster was found dead on April 15, 2008 presumably from an excess of methadone and alcohol, after he did English version of the show "Wife Swap" with his then wife Jane. But after the cameras left, Terrill was reportedly still struggling with parenting solo. Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell and Back. It's okay to be not perfect Amy. Unbelievable! Maybe they will soon close if they continue going down the road they been going. In the show's final episode, there was a dedication message to Kosewicz. Not sure. Shortly before the Kitchen Nightmares … I just watched the episode yesterday on Hulu. On "Kitchen Nightmares," the often outspoken Ramsay unleashed on Cerniglia, a 39-year-old husband and father of three. These people do not deserve to own a restaurant, and I feel sorry for her cats. Samy runs front of house and Amy runs and cooks in the kitchen. People with mental illnesses are obviously vulnerable. Amy sacks Katy for no reason at all but Samy tries to stop Amy from firing her. "They have no control or they lose control. Can't wait! He wishes them good luck and Gordon Ramsay walks out the restaurant. Abc kitchen kitchen nightmares. He was banned from entering France and Germany. She says that the initial Facebook comments were not them but because of internet trolls they are now reacting. The staff talk about what happened since the episode, they fired everyone and then begged the staff to return. 10 … Why markets see the US Senate result … She says she is quitting as she has had enough and Amy calls her a poisonous viper. So anyone who is interested in position of restaurant worker there should think twice. Pity that GR didn't took some time to explain to Amy that business is not personal. Watch and learn. Gordon Ramsay is aa fake chef who knows nothing about food and uses these shows to inflate his already gigantic ego. Amy's Baking company was opened in 2006 by Samy Bouzagio and wife Amy Bouzagio. So sounds like he's got money to burn for a long time. That's why he did not go back himself. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Specialties: A. He has more experience at cooking food and running restaurants in his little finger than Samy and Amy will ever have in their lifetime. Those with spam links, offensive language or of an offensive nature will not be published. I'm thankful Gordon walked away and the drama didn't continue. In this Kitchen Nightmares episode, Chef Gordon Ramsay visits Amy's Baking Company in Scottsdale, Arizona. Mentally stable contestants are also vulnerable, especially when the pressures of competition and the public eye prove too great. On July 4, 2008, he called Georgetown police from the cemetery where his father was buried and threatened to shoot himself in the chest. Before Gordon arrives Amy and Samy prepare for his visit by doing a big clean up. The episode goes through the social media outbursts and interviews with Buzzfeed and Huffington Post writers talking through the media surrounding the show. Ramsay hadn't tasted the cakes.He complimentated them with the cakes, because they LOOKED very nice. Originally the show covered his Oct. 12, 2007 death by saying Clutter, a former call center employee, had fallen during a climbing accident. Amy only cooks one ticket at a time so the diners are waiting a very long time to get their food. "When people feel very publicly shamed and humiliated that's a risk factor for suicide. I just don't understand why GR would want to come back to a "restaurant" that had so many faults, he left! All the worse considering they were the only good thing in the restaurant. Samy runs front of house and Amy runs and cooks in the kitchen. This doesn't make any sense. Even though this popular restaurant makeover show was cancelled in 2014, there are still plenty of behind-the-scenes secrets that you probably never knew about Kitchen Nightmares. Gordon Ramsay visits struggling restaurants across America and spends one week trying to help them become successful. But Bonaduce has continued to seek the limelight as a radio personality. "The note was so public and was, in part, blaming the TV show.". Authorities told reporters that the cause of Cerniglia's death is under investigation, but "no criminality" is suspected. ", In an earlier interview on "Good Morning America," she said, "what people don't realize, this was a serious, serious situation. Both of them though seem a little off, like delusional and kind of paranoid. Yelp reviews were mostly negative after the episode aired with some loyal customers posting positive reviews. Nowadays, its so darn simple to find what you are looking for. If those two treat customers and employees like s--t, it's no wonder they're not doing well! They lose the boundaries that we all hold," Kaslow said. Gordon sits down with the couple and samples a slice of Amy's cake, that he brands as delicious. Also, on ABC's Facebook page, they do nothing but trash GR, so why did he go back? Gordon sits down with the owners and is astounded by their responses as they remain in denial about their food. In response, the husband and wife team allegedly began posting torrents of abuse directed at commentors on their business's Facebook page. She thinks customers love the frozen ravioli so Gordon takes them into the restaurant and they are 86ed. Two know-it-all, delusional owners with no restaurant or cooking experience. Amy planned to focus on an online cookery school and to sell her desserts to businesses. In 2007, Cerniglia was featured on celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay's restaurant rehab show, "Kitchen Nightmares.". Glad to know they closed.I tweeted about it when I saw (a repeat? Perhaps he needs the time to film for another location for the season premiere? Reality shows in other countries have experienced similar tragedies, proving it's not just an American phenomenon. The Georgetown, Ky., single dad appeared on the ABC reality show "Supernanny" in January 2008, seeking help in managing his two sons, Lane, 11, and Tate, 5, after their mom abandoned them. For some reality TV participants, the drama hits only after their series goes on the air. The chaos continues when Samy leaves a pasta dish off an order and Amy wants to send Katy home for asking a question. (notice Gordon does not go in person - was he perchance afraid of the 'gangster'? If I could've gone back in time and known what she was going through, I wish that we could've spent time trying to help her, but we genuinely didn't know.". "My regret in all of this was that we didn't know how troubled this person was. Amy is such a nasty nasty person. Other people in other episodes who have deserved to succeed have not, and so, they have been forced to sell their restaurants; and yet these two whackos are still around! ABC Entertainment declined to comment. the owners claimed that their Facebook account was hacked, criminal conviction for social security fraud to obtain credit. Server Katy tells Gordon that the problem in the restaurant is Amy and Samy. Gordon tells her she is too far gone and says to end the show. The walk is shown as being "a mess" and also Amy explaining there has been a few incidents with customers and that she has been retaliating to Yelp reviews. In 2004, Chef Gordon Ramsay partnered with Channel 4 to bring Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares to life. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay featured the bakery, boutique and bistro on his show "Kitchen Nightmares." Most of us when we've had a public failure is not when we want to be on morning TV," she said. Please remember though that Dr. Phil is trained psychologist and therefore knows what he is talking about. I don't think they have any actual legal grounds to stand on, but I think GR & Co are smart enough to know that it would not be wise for him to do that. I'm pretty sure I know what's going on here. :-). According to entertainment web site, the former child actor tried to kill himself by swilling Vodka and Vicodin after his wife Gretchen asked for a divorce during the filming of the reality show – and just prior to the Sept. 12, 2005 premiere. Amy has a tantrum about a glass of water and threatens to go home. I think they are both nuts she can't take criticism everybody knows you need more kitchen people you can't just cook one meal at a time. Fox did not respond to requests for comment. I have to say, this is the only episode that severely boiled my blood. that's how you lose customers. Negative comments were responded to with a tirade of abusive and insulting posts ;on Facebook by Amy and Samy but the owners claimed that their Facebook account was hacked. Amy's Baking Company closed in September 2015 due to problems with the landlord. ', earlier interview on "Good Morning America,". Kitchen Nightmares Episode: 6.16 Amy's Baking Company & Bistro a.k.a. Thanks God, they closed! The "Partridge Family" star allowed VH-1 cameras to follow every detail of his life for "Breaking Bonaduce," including even an apparent suicide attempt. At the time, Reuters reported that prescription pills, along with CDs and pictures of Abdul, were found in the car. They were more constrained, but the same crazy thoughts that everyone is against them was still there. They believe they were set up and the episode was not fair. ", Cowell defended himself and the show's producers in an interview in Us Weekly magazine in December 2008. A place to walk into and be deliciously overwhelmed by a… They did, she said, for the "entertainment value. Carina Stephenson, a 17-year-old English girl, took her life in May 2005, two weeks before her role on the UK reality show "The Colony" was to air. The episode first aired on May 10, 2013 and centered on Gordon Ramsay attempting to help Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, owners of Amy's Baking Company in Scottsdale, Arizona. The food that is received is sent back including under cooked pizza and poor salads. 23.3k Followers, 439 Following, 1,497 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Amy Bouzaglo (@amysbakingcompany) Jo O'Meara, who appeared on England's "Celebrity Big Brother," downed pills and whiskey after she was accused of being a racist and a bully on the show and received death threats when it was over. Nightmares. "Why did you become a chef-owner if you haven't a clue how to run a business?". Sept. 28, 2010 -- Yet another reality TV participant has met a tragic end. there is something terribly wrong with this woman...she needs therapy! of) the episode & they replied, which freaked me out! It's Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Chef Gordon Ramsay didn’t return to Scottsdale, Ariz., to update “Kitchen Nightmares” viewers on one of the most-hated reality TV couples. Gordon arrives the next day and praises how great Amy's pastries on display look. Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares received widespread acclaim, as well as BAFTA, and Emmy awards. Police stayed on the phone with him for nearly an hour, but in the end the 37-year-old Terrill took his own life. Walked out, not being able to pursue her dream of owning a restaurant lied!, right a dinner service, Amy initially says that Gordon represented them in a cruel bit of,... Risk factor for suicide pear and fig prosciutto pizza, and greasy, soggy burgers, never any! He gave her them or not April... are you by any chance related to Amy????... 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