This item is available to borrow from 1 library branch. Susan Howe was born in Boston in 1937. 1 Star - I hated it 2 Stars - I didn't like it 3 Stars - It was OK 4 Stars - I liked it 5 Stars - I loved it. Layered and allusive, her work draws on early American history and primary documents, weaving quotation and image into poems that often revise standard typography. In such an atmosphere, literature was almost stiflingly omnipresent; for Susan Howe to find her own way of writing, it had to be escaped and found again by an indirect route. November 20, 2017 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share by email. Indeed, Howe, who turns eighty this year, has suggested it is likely her last book. Langdon Hammer writes "Inside & Underneath Words," a review of Susan Howe's Debths, for the new issue of NYRB.Hammer moves first through the classics: "My Emily Dickinson is a powerful book about Dickinson.But it’s still in print and a contemporary classic because it is also a powerful book about Howe." --Marjorie Perloff, Times Literary Supplement Customers who bought this item also bought. by Susan Howe. Debths, by Susan Howe. Coming after the publication of over thirty books and chapbooks, it is difficult not to read Debths, Susan Howe’s first full-length collection of poetry since Spontaneous Particulars in 2014, as the culminating gesture of her remarkable career.Indeed, Howe, who turns eighty this … Of course. ‎Winner of the Griffin International Poetry Prize A collection in five parts, Susan Howe’s electrifying new book opens with a preface by the poet that lays out some of Debths’ inspirations: the art of Paul Thek, the Isabella Stewart Gardner collection, and early American writings; and in i… Creator . At Hyperallergic, Douglas Messerli nods to Susan Howe's latest and rumored to be her last (though we certainly hope not) collection of poetry, Debths.The collection's title is culled from the pages of James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake. "Susan Howe's Debths, like Ashbery's so seemingly different lyric, finds "threads of Divinity" in the most unexpected of "Whispering red herrings"." November 2, 2017 By Riot Material Leave a Comment. Rate it * You Rated it * 0. Debths Susan Howe New Directions ($15.95) by Kevin Carollo. New Directions, $15.95 trade paper (244p) ISBN 978-0-8112-2685-1. I can let that go past….I just don’t know about that. Howe, Susan… (That her parents had divergent literary heritages, one American and the other Irish, further challenged Howe. On Susan Howe's new poetry collection, 'Debths.' Winner of the Bollingen Prize, she has been acclaimed as “the still-new century’s finest metaphysical poet” (Village Voice). Please make sure to choose a rating. The American poet Susan Howe's latest paranormal dive into the accumulated history of American language also serves as a terrific introduction to her work. “Coming after the publication of over thirty books and chapbooks, it is difficult not to read Debths, Susan Howe’s first full-length collection of poetry since Spontaneous Particulars in 2014, as the culminating gesture of her remarkable career. Services . Debths, the title of Susan Howe’s newest collection of poems, is borrowed from a word in James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake: Childlinen scarf to encourage his obsequies where he’d Reviewed by Landon Hammer. In a similar vein as Susan Howe’s previous work, Debths is a fascinating look at art across time. Biographie Jeunesse et formation. Resource Information The item Debths, Susan Howe represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in East Baton Rouge Parish Library. Susan Howe was born on June 10, 1937, in Boston, Massachusetts. The handling of time (before and after, past and present, etc) in “Disappearance Approach” reflects the traumatic sense of loss she experienced with the sudden death of her husband. Product Information. Debths ebook (ePub) Susan Howe (Auteur) Winner of the Griffin International Poetry Prize A collection in five parts, Susan Howe’s electrifying new book opens with a preface by the poet that lays out some of Debths’ inspirations: the art of Paul Thek, the Isabella Stewart Gardner... Lire la suite. Lisez « Debths » de Susan Howe disponible chez Rakuten Kobo. For a book whose name at first glance could be a typo, Debths is remarkably intentional. Mail Click here for the lowest price! Book: Debths. Social. Susan Howe, née le 10 juin 1937 à Boston, est une peintre, poète, professeure d'universit é, essayiste et critique littéraire américaine, appartenant au mouvement avant-gardiste et postmoderne américain. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Debths by Susan Howe. Biography. Debths by Susan Howe (New Directions, New York, 2017) To engage with this publication. Publisher: New Directions. There must come a time when established poets are no longer edited by others, when they become their own muse and judge, when it is only they who shepherd the differentiated flock of a collection of poems from start to finish. DEBTHS by SUSAN HOWE JUDITH ROITMAN Reviews. One of the preeminent poets of her generation, Susan Howe is known for innovative verse that crosses genres and disciplines in its theoretical underpinnings and approach to history. “Coming after the publication of over thirty books and chapbooks, it is difficult not to read Debths, Susan Howe’s first full-length collection of poetry since Spontaneous Particulars in 2014, as the culminating gesture of her remarkable career. Debths Susan Howe. A collection in five parts, Susan Howe's electrifying new book opens with a preface by the poet that lays out some of Debths' inspirations: the art of Paul Thek, the Isabella Stewart Gardner collection, and early American writings; and in it she also addresses memory's threads and galaxies, "the rule of remoteness," and "the luminous story surrounding all things noumenal." Can I as an undereducated, 76 yo, addled by the years and habits, dyslexic and short on memory…can I still find something. Author of more than a dozen books of poetry and two of literary criticism, Susan Howe’s recent collection of poems That This won the Bollingen Prize in 2011. Indeed, Howe, who turns eighty this year, has suggested it is likely her last book. Coming after the publication of over thirty books and chapbooks, it is difficult not to read Debths, Susan Howe’s first full-length collection of poetry since Spontaneous Particulars in 2014, as the culminating gesture of her remarkable career.Indeed, Howe, who turns eighty this … Bringing with it the inevitable reductionism. Navigate; Linked Data; Dashboard; Tools / Extras; Stats; Share . Although there is also a great bit that will not be found or looked for. More specifically, this examination finds a double movement in both collections between Tell readers what you thought by rating and reviewing this book. Debths by Susan Howe (New Directions, New York, 2017) We are perhaps as much as we’ve ever been or will be in a Susan Howe moment. More By and About This Author. OTHER BOOKS. Salt Lake County Library Services.… Susan Howe (born June 10, 1937) is an American poet, scholar, essayist and critic, who has been closely associated with the Language poets, among other poetry movements. Susan Howe’s New Poems: Debths. Susan Howe’s “That This” is a heart-wrenching mind-bender. Add a review * Required Review * How to write a great review Do. Debths, Susan Howe. Share your thoughts Complete your review. Debths (2017), by the contemporary American experimental poet Susan Howe. Tangible Things: The Matter of Susan Howe by Thomas Lewek Adviser: Matthew K. Gold “Tangible Things: The Matter of Susan Howe” examines materiality in two books, That This (2010) and . Susan Howe’s Concordance was first published in 2019 as a limited-edition artist’s book by The Grenfell Press, and subsequently adapted & elaborated for a trade edition from New Directions, released in May of 2020. An extract from “ Inside & Underneath Words,” in the September 28th issue of The New York Review of Books. Paperback, 9780811226851, 0811226859 Debths $15.95 A collection in five parts, Susan Howe's electrifying new book opens with a preface by the poet that lays out some of Debths' inspirations: the art of Paul Thek, the Isabella Stewart Gardner collection, and early American writings; and in it she also addresses memory's threads and galaxies, "the rule of remoteness," and "the luminous story surrounding all things noumenal." Debths. Click here to read and listen to an excerpt. The phrase “music before counting” comes from Debths, Howe’s new collection of poems. Poet: Susan Howe. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. 2018 Griffin Poetry Prize judge Ben Lerner presents the 2018 International Griffin Poetry Prize to Susan Howe for Debths. Her latest collection, Debths, is out today from New Directions.

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