Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Specials, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 4-Koma Theater, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Specials, Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Part 2. • Ling Yao, Alexandre • Arzen • Heathcliffe Arbor • Frank Archer • Olivier Mira Armstrong • King Bradley • Heymans Breda • Briggs Doctor • Denny Brosh • Buccaneer • Rebecca Catalina • Charlie • Klemin • Damiano • Darius • Henry Douglas • Edison • Vato Falman • Fessler • Focker • Kain Fuery • Gamelan • Gardner • Grumman • Hakuro • Harris • Jean Havoc • Riza Hawkeye • Heinkel • Henschel • Maes Hughes • Jerso • Karley • Miles • Raven • Richard • Maria Ross • Sheska • Smith • Storch • Yakovlev • Yoki • Zampano • Gold-Toothed Doctor • Doctor Knox, Alex Louis Armstrong • Giolio Comanche • Jack Crowley • Edward Elric • Basque Grand • Solf J. Kimblee • Tim Marcoh • Isaac McDougal • Roy Mustang • Shou Tucker, Roy Mustang • Kain Fuery • Riza Hawkeye - Black Hayate • Vato Falman • Jean Havoc • Heymans Breda, Laboratory 5: (Barry the Chopper • Slicer Brothers) - Youswell: (Yoki • Lyra ) - Rush Valley: (Paninya • Garfiel • Dominic LeCoulte • Ridel LeCoulte • Satella LeCoulte • Baby LeCoulte) Roy Mustang (3093) Alphonse Elric (1101) Riza Hawkeye (705) Winry Rockbell (472) Jean Havoc (375) Maes Hughes (362) Kain Fuery (163) Heymans Breda (160) Ling Yao (119) Include Relationships Edward Elric/Roy Mustang (3455) Alphonse Elric/Winry Rockbell (124) Edward Elric & Roy Mustang (73) Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell (69) He enjoys teasing her at any given opportunity, especially at the times she shows her affections openly. Roy's last name, Mustang, is actually a military slang term for a soldier (original definition) who had earned a battlefield and/or (later definition) a soldier with continuity in military service from an enlisted man to an officer without any breaks. Kanda and Mustang are well known for teasing the pipsqueak of their organizations, Allen and Edward respectively. Privacy After Roy gains Riza's trust and takes the Flame Alchemy knowledge for himself, he modifies the symbol somewhat for his gloves (removing the text and the basilisks in favor of a simplified circle). Transzmutációs körökkel ellátott kesztyűi vannak, amelyek segítségével képes egy csettintéssel tüzet gyújtani és azt kedve szerint használni és formálni. Roy Mustang bears a facial resemblance to other Arakawa's characters, namely Ryuukou, from Hero Tales (Juushin Embu), and to Kondo, from Silver Spoon (Gin no Saji). 10) Height: 5'8" (= 170 cm) Outwardly arrogant and playfully manipulative, Mustang is intelligent and almost always one step … The kids resemble some of Mustang's men from the series, and one of them looks notably like a child version of Mustang. Do Not Sell My Personal Information Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When he is forced to perform human transmutation and see the Truth, Roy gains the ability to transmute without a circle, clapping his hands to compensate for the sigils on his gloves being shredded. Toru Okawa (2003) Shinichiro Miki (2009). Below the hexagram is an image of a salamander. Time for a good beatdown. Privacy Settings Roy is a clean-shaven young man with dark eyes. In the 2003 anime, the eye Mustang lost after his battle with King Bradley/Pride was his left eye, coincidentally the one Bradley wore an eyepatch over and the one that Archer had replaced with ". please send a message with your measurements or size after paying within 24 hours. ロイ・マスタング . Browse the user profile and get inspired. Roy's English voice actor, Travis Willingham, is married to fellow voice actress Laura Bailey, the voice of Lust. Using special gloves that create a spark when he snaps his fingers, Roy can create anything from a tiny ember to burn a letter, to a raging inferno that can destroy a humanoid body in seconds. Amestrian State Military Berthold Hawkeye General GrummanMadame Christmas' Bar Mustang Unit Press Room Roy also has a reputation of being a shameless flirt, and it's rumored that he spends much of his time cavorting about town with various women and wooing several of the servicewomen with his abundant charm, good looks and charisma. Support It has also been revealed that Roy is able to delegate each hand to a different flame effect, possibly due to a difference in hand dexterity. Mustang loses sight by performing human transmutation, to become a fifth sacrifice.Episode: 59Mirrored Video Sorry. width height Download Original PNG ( 1.36MB ) Similar PNG cliparts. DRAFT. Their personalities are quite similar, both being quite fond of boasting of their own abilities, but willing to do anything to protect their loved ones. Personal details 5 étoiles sur 5 (61) 61 avis. Born Roy Mustang (ロイ・マスタング) Birthday: 1885 (Age 30 from vol. DRAFT. Roy is the second most popular character in the series, as shown in the latest fan poll as well as the previous ones. Mustang's unique style of combat alchemy is made possible by his custom-made gloves. In the Q&A section in Character Guidebook, she said that the car Roy drives in the series is actually his (and not a military car) and that he lives in a narrow rent house in Central. Having taught the young Flame Alchemist everything he knows about covert operations, subordinate coordination and womanizing, Grumman feels rather fondly for his protégé and is partly responsible for the young man's speedy rise through the ranks. Roy's foster mother and paternal aunt, Madame Christmas (real name Chris Mustang) raised Roy after his parents died in his early childhood. Roy Mustang Collectible Figure by Sentinel 1:8. As a result, he can incinerate any number of enemies in the field while deftly avoiding any adjacent allies. Drop a Hint. Ironically enough, Travis' character killed Laura's in Episode 19 of Brotherhood. Roy Mustang a Fullmetal Alchemistben az Amestrisi Hadsereg tagja, mint állami alkimista és Edward Elric felettese. With his dark, piercing eyes and clean-shaven, baby-faced visage, the infamous colonel attracts a great deal of attention from admirers. FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST – Pop Up Parade – … Blue Squad: (Bald) Roy Mustang. Lieutenant Colonel (Flashback story of the 2003 and 2009 anime)Colonel(Throughout the 2003 and 2009 anime)Brigadier-General (Final part of 2003 and last episode of the 2009 anime)General (epilogue, 2009 anime only) In the OVA "Kids", the young lookalikes of Edward, Alphonse, and Winry pass by a group of kids playing cards on a sidewalk. Chris Mustang (paternal aunt/foster mother)Roy's father (deceased)Roy's mother (deceased) In the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood CD, Roy has one theme song, performed by his seiyu Shinichirou Miki, called "Inochi ~MEI~" which means 'mortal life' (inochi) and 'destiny' (mei). Ignition Cloth Gloves - Wallpaper Abyss There isn't a single anime convention without a colorful crowd of cosplayers spread throughout, yet there's always something new to discover at every con. Roy's dark hair - perhaps in keeping with his persona - is worn casually unkempt, falling over his eyes; in more formal or somber situations, however, he is known to wear it neatly slicked back. The full array appears to consist of a circle corralling an inverted hexagram made up of a large air triangle and a large earth triangle, both splitting into identical pairs as they intersect, with a fire triangle at the center, pointing upward toward a flame. Later, he's shown to be upset because, even though "he's reached a mature age", he's not respected by others and it is suggested that this may be due to his "baby-like features" and he decided that "facial hair" would make him look more respectable. He also has a tendency to act on impulse whenever Riza is in danger. He's stuck between desperately wanting to tell someone and keeping it to himself. He wears the standard uniform of the State Military. Character details A hero of the Ishval Civil War and Edward Elric’s superior officer, Colonel Mustang is a remarkably capable commander who plans to become the next Führer of Amestris. Flame AlchemistHero of IshvalRoy-Boy Chief ), also known as the Flame Alchemist (焔の錬金術師, Honō no Renkinjutsushi? They repeatedly demonstrate a deep, genuine sense of concern and devotion to each other as equals. Roy Mustang Add to Wish List. State Alchemist Check out roy-mustang's art on DeviantArt. Can Hawkeye and Hughes help him even if he won't open up to them? Unique transmutation circle on Roy's gloves allows the transmutation of oxygen and hydrogen 1.3. Roy's dark hair - perhaps in keeping with his persona - is worn casually unkempt, falling over his eyes; in more formal or somber situations, however, he is known to wear it neatly slicked back.A great fan of classy attire, Mustang is rarely seen out of uniform (and even while in uniform will often don other accouterments, such as a long, black overcoat and white formal-wear gloves), but when … Rank Ed willingly gave up his alchemy in order to get Alphonse back. DRAFT. In the manga storyline, Mustang is the first known human to completely kill a. Travis Willingham Using the transmutation circles on his gloves, Roy is able to separate hydrogen atoms from the oxygen atoms in water molecules, isolating them into a highly combustible fuel and powerfully volatile oxidizer, respectively. Identification details It was later returned by Tim Marcoh using a Philosopher's Stone. A great fan of classy attire, Mustang is rarely seen out of the standard Amestrian State Military uniform wi… Though their meetings are fraught with a great deal of apparent, mutual dislike, Flame and Fullmetal hold a great deal of respect for one another and are compatriots as well as co-conspirators in the secret battle against the Homunculi. Prototype Shown. Affiliations Flame Alchemy 1.1. has special gloves that creates a spark when they rubbed together 1.2. Kanji He also carries a large burn wound on his left side, lower back and abdomen from the same event. Full Name DRAFT. In the 2009 anime's epilogue, he was shown to have grown a mustache, contrary to the manga. DRAFT. Colonel Stauffenberg lost his left eye at an ambush in Tunisia. Roy Mustang - Prototype Shown Roy Mustang - Prototype Shown Roy Mustang - Prototype Shown Roy Mustang - Prototype Shown Roy Mustang - Prototype Shown. He keeps his hair slightly combed back in a spiky fashion. It may be interesting to note that Roy tends toward dark or neutral colors in his dress, such as dark blue, brown and black tempered with minimal white. ©2021 All Rights Reserved. Advertising Age Lust's comment about Roy's eyes; "clear, focused eyes will become clouded by suffering" became partially true when Roy was forced to open the Gate and his eyesight was taken. Terms Précommander; Précommande. 1. ", In compliance with his womanizing fame (or perhaps in exploitation of it), Roy codes his research notes with names of women, making them look like a mere record of his romantic adventures. Nationality Pre-order. Roy's English Dub Actor, Travis Willingham, has also voiced many other famous characters from various Video Game franchises including. There are several implied jokes and remarks on the nature of the relationship between Mustang and Hawkeye in the manga and 2009 series. Sitemap. The right hand appears to allow for large explosive attacks, while the left allows for smaller, but strong and very accurate pinpoint flame attacks. Flame-Based Alchemy However, the brilliant skill that has earned him his state license, national notoriety and the status of "hero" during the Ishval Civil War is his remarkably powerful fire-based combat style. $150. FMA - Roy Mustang. Abilities Age: environ 30 ans; Roy Mustang est un alchimiste d'État ainsi qu'un colonel affilié à l'armée d' Amestris.Il est affecté au QG de l'Est et est le supérieur hiérarchique d'Edward Elric, Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Heimans Breda, Vato Falman et Kain Fuery. King Bradley saying that he could "Get to Mustang through 'her' (Hawkeye)", among others. Mustang is an exceptional tactician, well-versed in various strains of combat theory and particularly talented in the realms of surreptitious information-gathering, covert operations and enemy ensnarement. Language: English Words: 68,657 Chapters: 10/? Independents: Kiri • Rich Couple • Mason • Majhal • Karin • Claus • Lujon • Lydia • Camilla • Jude • Rosalie Hamburgang, Milos: Julia Crichton • Ashleigh Crichton • Miranda - Creta: Colonel Herschel - Germany (2003 Only): Dietlinde Eckhart • Fritz Lang • Alfons Heiderich • Noah. 40 Figures. 2005-P & D Kansas State Quarters GEM BU Satin Finish In Mint Set Cello; Card Captor Sakura Exhibition 2019 Limited HAPPINESS Clear Card NOT FOR SALE; GT Ball Pen Red Body 1 Free Fine Black Ink Like Jotter,Classic Parker … He comes off to most as a sort of cocky layabout, shirking most of his duties and delegating his paperwork to subordinates while sitting idly at his desk with an amused smile on his face as he procrastinates, but is quick to take action when it appears that there is glory and military notoriety to be gained. While all original art for the manga and both anime series depicts Roy Mustang with black eyes, a few late manga color pages show Roy with gray eyes, presumably to better portray him in moments of emotional and/or physical duress, especially during his moment of blindness. While at first he is apprehensive of this mode of alchemy, he quickly realizes that because of the absence of the need for transmutation circles he is no longer limited to flame-based alchemy on the battlefield, as seen when he transmutes a stone wall to protect himself, Riza, and Major Alex Louis Armstrong from Father's attacks. An example of the power of Roy's flame alchemy. Goal In the Manga Artbook 3, answering to fan questioning about why hasn't Mustang married Hawkeye at the end of the series, Arakawa stated, Though fans have likened Roy's eyes to those common among. Madame Christmas treats Roy in a gruff, casual way, with a slight ironic tease, calling him "Roy-boy" even though her foster son is about 30 years old. DRAFT. Amestrian Aquroya: Clara - Reole: (Cornello • Cray • Rosé Thomas ) - Xenotime: ( Russell Tringham - Fletcher Tringham - Nash Tringham • Mugear • Belsio) - Rebecca implying Riza might have done immoral things to keep such good positions in the military. Fullmetal Alchemist Roy Mustang Military cosplay costume All items are made to order based off a standard size or own measurements all in cm . Easily as arrogant as his young protégé Edward, Colonel Mustang is one to act in an ostentatious manner and appears to act mostly out of self-interest rather than any sort of philanthropy. Weapon Leave the weak stomachs outside, hanker down, grab a few drinks and prepare for some fights that barely count as such. DRAFT. Officially, Mustang is Edward's superior officer, but their relationship is far from the typical professional connection. He is Edward Elric's senior officer in the Amestrian military, having personally scouted him some years ago, and is known as the Hero of Ishbal. Here's what this year's Melbourne MadFest had to offer! Roy, Ed, and Al were referenced in the anime. Mustang was smart enough to not attempt human transmutation, and was forced to open the Gate. It was never his decision in the first place so I think if he has a chance to get back his eyesight he should jump on it. It refers to the Mustang horse for being a wild (though more appropriately feral) animal. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. Birthday: 1885 (day unknown) (Age 30 from vol. FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD – ARTFXJ – Edward Elric 134,90 € Figurines,Fullmetal Alchemist,Manga et Anime,Précommandes. Notice at Collection After learning more about alchemy from Berthold Hawkeye, a master alchemist, Mustang joined the military with the intent of becoming a State Alchemist. Amestrian Soldier Alchimiste Roy Mustang Lan Fan Edward Elric Idées De Dessin Dessins. Mustang seems to trust and rely on Madame Christmas quite a lot, letting her in on his plans inside the military and conveying dangerous secrets to her. De la boutique AnimeAesthetics. 10) Height: 5'8" (173 cm) Roy Mustang is the "Flame Alchemist," having absolute control over heat and fire through alchemy. As a man with considerable power, Mustang considers himself a protector to those without and acts accordingly, earning the staunch loyalty of his most trusted compatriots. She also stated she has decided Roy would not yet become Führer because "he's still too young". Mustang's English voice actor, Travis Willingham, also plays Portgas D. Ace in the Funimation dub of. By adjusting oxygen or other flammable gasses, fire can be created from this spark 1.4. DRAFT. Roy is a clean-shaven young man with dark eyes. It is for this reason that Travis Willingham's fan club is known as "the Mini-Skirt Army. MUSTANG Roy ( ロイ・マスタング ) est un personnage du manga FullMetal Alchemist( Hagane no Renkinjutsushi vo ) et de l'animé Fullmetal Alchemist. Though their relationship has not shown any explicit signs of crossing into traditional amatory during the series, there have been many scenes where such a romantic nature is implied. Roy Mustang: Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Fullmetal Alchemist. March 25th 1885 Central City, Amestris ロイ・マスタング (Roi Masutangu) . While Mustang's Flame Alchemy cannot be used on rainy days because the humidity makes it impossible for his gloves to produce sparks, it becomes clear that water itself does not make the Colonel entirely as "useless" as his subordinates assume. In the 2003 anime, Mustang's commitment to a coup d'état against the Führer, and the symbolic loss of his left eye, are similar to the exploits of a World War II German Resistance member, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, who attempted to kill Hitler in a Resistance operation called Valkyrie. Maes Hughes is a man of average height and build. There exists between them a sort of amicable animosity, as Roy takes a great deal of personal pleasure in teasing Fullmetal and watching him squirm under his orders and, at the same time, Ed takes pleasure in getting around his orders and showing Mustang up whenever he manages to find an opportunity. Roy Mustang is the very picture of an attractive, sophisticated man in the prime of life. This may refer to a joke made by the omakes of the manga, where, first, Roy is shown to be upset for turning 30 and "start to become old". Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009 anime), Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa (2005), Fullmetal Alchemist: Sacred Star of Milos (2011), Characters to appear in the manga and both animes, Episode 19: Death of the Undying (2009 series), Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir, Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl Who Surpasses God, Fullmetal Alchemist: Daughter of the Dusk, https://fma.fandom.com/wiki/Roy_Mustang?oldid=66667, Like nearly all military personnel in the. Colonel Roy Mustang is a main character in the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise, and a party member in The Interference II: Curse of the Crimson Elixir. 12/dez/2016 - Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA) - anime Sideshow and Kotobukiya present a 1:8 scale ARTFX J collectible statue of Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! Though he hides it well behind a veil of cynicism and self-importance, Mustang is a man who cares deeply about the people who trust and support him and goes to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, even at the risk of his own. Funny Height Challenge Pictures Est. Précommander; Précommande. Having originally scouted the young boy for the State Alchemist program and formed a bond with him, Roy genuinely wishes to see Edward fulfill his goal and Edward also subtly supports Mustang's secret bid to become the Führer and improve the country and was genuinely worried when Roy was consumed in hatred while battling Envy. Libera Me '' responsory repeated multiple times 's English dub actor, Travis Willingham, also voices Kanda... That creates a spark when they rubbed together 1.2 roy has two theme songs from the professional! His hair slightly combed back in a spiky fashion officers wear mini-skirts J statue... 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