If you’re not going to try then neither am I.’. Ice needles and guinea pigs: acclimatising in Ecuador, The truth about the first Lithuanian ascent of Sgurr a’ Chaorachain, The peat-bog method of training for a big adventure, Some thoughts on hiking in the Dolomites and via ferrata, The long road to Chimborazo on legs and wheels, The Corno Grande and Corno Piccolo traverse, Monte Acquaviva: the Maiella massif from both sides, BREAKING NEWS: British man arrested for Photoshopping pictures of Mount Everest’s Hillary Step, The great Everest self-fulfilling prophecy, Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers is now available as a paperback, Exploring Monti della Laga after the Italian earthquake, Move over Lonely Planet – here are the best travel guidebooks to Nepal, What Ueli Steck meant to ordinary people like me, The fate of Langtang village two years after the Nepal earthquake, For busy executives: the world’s shortest 8,000m peak expedition, Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers has been fully revised in digital format, From wasteland to wonderland: a trek in Langtang. How does climbing Everest compare with winning a Nobel prize? Paul Sammonds has uploaded 15258 photos to Flickr. The first post described the eventful build up to our trip. Ascended many peaks and named one after Alfred Mummery and an adjacent peak he named Nanga Parbat after the Pakistani mountain on which Mummery died. Paul Sammonds has uploaded 15258 photos to Flickr. The Ring of Steall: a Scottish hill walking classic, The only video on YouTube of the whole Antisana climb, In memoriam: Jeremy “Bunter” Anson, who put Twixes on the Himalayan map, My journey along the Great Glen Way on a mountain bike. When does trekking become mountaineering? The scrambling was fairly straightforward, but it was very exposed and was terrain I would have thought twice about had we not been roped to a guide. Goddess of Turquoise: my attempt on Cho Oyu, Implementing WordPress for an adventure travel company. This feature is known as Collie’s Ledge, after Norman Collie, an English doctor and climber who explored the Cuillins in the late 19th century with his Scottish friend and guide John Mackenzie. return false; Had I tried lifting it down in the car park, I would probably have toppled over and fallen off. They were now just learning this part of the route for another time. While racing to keep up with the others, I felt my knee lock again as it had above Kinlochleven (see my previous post). The Manaslu Adventure is now available as a paperback, Monte Marsicano up the back side: 8 summits in one day. This feature is known as Collie’s Ledge, after Norman Collie, an English doctor and climber who explored the Cuillins in the late 19th century with his Scottish friend and guide John Mackenzie. 7 mountainous places to escape to for Christmas, Ethiopia's Simien Mountains: great trekking, unusual wildlife, and a summit, 5 reasons Ecuador's mountains are great for beginners. He met Professor Collie, an internationally renowned scientist and mountain expert, in Skye, and the pair formed a climbing partnership and friendship that spanned more than half a century. Watch Queue Queue Collie's Ledge on Sgurr Mhic Choinnich on the Skye Ridge. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is an odd peak that ends abruptly at a cliff, as though a giant had hewn a chunk of the ridge out with an axe. In Pinn next. Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest out on Monday! An ascent of Imbabura, the dragon-back of Otavalo, Wanda Rutkiewicz: the mountaineer’s Google Doodle, Fuya Fuya, the most exciting mountain in Ecuador. The Lukla flight: is it really that scary? Collie's Ledge on Sgurr Mhic Choinnich on the Skye Ridge Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. We both struggled on this section, but above the chimney the scrambling was simpler – steep, but with plenty of hand- and footholds. There’s no way I’m going to complete the traverse.’, I looked at Edita. We kept to the left of the face, where a chimney led up Sgurr Alasdair. This sounded like a great suggestion that could potentially salvage our trip. The Inaccessible Pinnacle can be seen on the left hand side. A short clip showing our trip along Collies Ledge on The Cuillin Ridge, Isle of Skye. The one at the front looked like Joe Simpson, thought I could tell it wasn’t him, because the rope around his waist was still intact. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich was named after MacKenzie, while Collie’s ledge on … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I was satisfied with our two Munros. The riddle of Snow Lake and the glacier with no outlet, Why a crowdfunded mountain rescue raised $200,000 in under a week, The Guardian prints another self-righteous opinion piece about Everest by some couch potato, Pizzo d’Intermesoli, Gran Sasso’s forgotten sister, Shipton’s mountain travel classics now available as sensibly priced ebooks, Why I don’t give a toss about the BMC renaming itself Climb Britain, The Manaslu Circuit: a bridge lover's paradise, Monte Gorzano, the highest point in Lazio, On summit certificates, liaison officers and funny mountaineering rules, Comparing Hillary’s and Tichy’s ascents of Cho Oyu, Monti Ernici: a taste of the Scottish Highlands a short drive from Rome, Nepal stories: the monk, the witch and the mountain guide, The Chomolungma Diaries now available as a paperback, Why The Economist thinks Mount Everest is so dangerous, Kilimanjaro: To the Roof of Africa - a film review, A long overdue, heroic story of rescue high on Everest. This seemed appropriate for me, having felt a bit of one on the way up. with Harrison Via Sgurr Dearg (and including Collie's Ledge in both directions) mproudfoot: 08/05/2016: 1st of the day with george yeomans, roy, dave and derek ellis : mn23: 23/06/2015: With Jamie from Glen Brittle to Sgurr Dearg and then ropes up for Inaccessible Pinnacle. Then on to Sgurr Mhic Choinich descending down the An Stac screes. … These are ordered below with the most popular ones first. I was kitted up and ready to go around 11am. Summit day on Manaslu: what's it really like? Figures on Collie’s Ledge, with the southern cliffs of Sgurr Mhic Choinnich rising above them. I winced in pain. }; I devised a method of one-legged scrambling that involved putting my right leg forward and letting the left one trail behind – a climbers’ hobble. Can you really see Mount Everest from Kathmandu? Is this the world’s strangest summit cairn? He said they’d been intending to complete the traverse, but had bivied at Loch Coruisk last night and arisen so exhausted that they’d unanimously agreed to quit before even starting. Are western operators right to complain about cheap Nepali operators on Everest? with Harrison Via Sgurr Dearg (and including Collie's Ledge in both directions) mproudfoot: 08/05/2016: 1st of the day with george yeomans, roy, dave and derek ellis : mn23: 23/06/2015: With Jamie from Glen Brittle to Sgurr Dearg and then ropes up for Inaccessible Pinnacle. Then on to Sgurr Mhic Choinich descending down the An Stac screes. … Peak bagging the Cuillin ridge on Scotland’s Isle of Skye, Banished to Room 101: the Inaccessible Pinnacle, Sgurr Alasdair to Sgurr Mhic Choinnich: the secret of Collie’s Ledge. Watch on YouTube. Collie’s Ledge or Henry’s Ledge? ‘Guys, I’ve got some bad news. There is no feedback for this climb. The climate zones of Kilimanjaro from space, The story of Gosainkund, the sacred mountain lake, In Ladakh two men tackle climate change by making artificial glaciers, A night on Kilimanjaro’s summit: the videos, Introducing Grant Axe Rawlinson, the human-powered adventurer. Had someone been up there, they could almost have reached across and passed us a sandwich. Remembering the avalanche: a tribute to all Sherpas, 5 steps to taking better mountain photographs, Tilman's Everest south side reconnaissance, Farewell Samuli Mansikka, the fearless Finn. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is one of the more difficult peaks on the Black Cuillin Ridge. Dave explained that this was the Thearlaich-Dubh (or T-D) Gap, a feature that is only climbed by purists who insist on scaling every feature on the ridge. Norman Collie wrote his obituary in the Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal. In today’s post I’m going to show you the most terrifying thing you’ve ever seen (at least on this blog). The mountain is named after the early local climbing guide, John Mackenzie. It would perhaps be better known as Willie’s Ledge, since it’s put the willies up many a hillwalker. Everest is not for climbers - you're joking aren't you! The following day we arrived at the southern end of Glen Brittle, where a campsite nestles beside the beach, looking across the sheltered bay of Loch Brittle towards the island of Canna. This video is unavailable. Here, briefly, the Cuillin Ridge became Skye’s answer to Clapham Junction. It was 7am. Collie himself died in 1942 and, in keeping with his wishes, was buried beside his great friend. Collie's Ledge M . more Cuillin sun and the In Pinn, oh yes indeed! Why did a Chinese team climb Everest during the coronavirus pandemic? 948: 1195: 3.6 miles: NG4502121047 #46 RII: 14: NNW to Bealach Lagan: 800 : 3.85 miles: NG44792143 #45 4S: 15: NW up path south below An Stac then WNW up ridge to M Inaccessible Pinnacle: 983: 1385: 4.1 miles: NG4440421566 #49 2W+ #50 RII: 16: Abseil down W … On Collies Ledge below Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. The Ennerdale Horseshoe: a Lake District gem, Cotopaxi, a short climbing history: a teaser from my next book, Kangchenjunga base camp trek: Oktang and the south side, Kangchenjunga base camp trek: Pangpema and the north side, UK readers: Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest available for less than a quid, In memory of Chongba Sherpa of Tate, a high-altitude superstar, Revised edition of The Manaslu Adventure available from all good e-bookstores, Drohmo Ri, the world’s easiest 6,000m peak? A short while later the trail steepened and we began scrambling over the jumble of giant boulders that guards the entrance to Coir a’ Ghrunnda. Collies Ledge Save 25 May 2008. 63 … Stage 4 Go round the loch to the left and head to the back of the corrie. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is one of the more difficult peaks on the Black Cuillin Ridge. Those last 50 metres, Nepal earthquake gets the BBC Panorama treatment. Where are the humorous mountaineering books? Dave’s choice of route had enabled us to salvage an enjoyable day out of initial failure, but was this now going to be my only climb? Collie's professional career was spent as a scientist but his avocation was mountaineering. Ticklists. And when we grin we betray our kin Two strange plants of the Colombian paramo, Cocuy Circuit trek: You say cojones, I say cojines. This seemed an odd choice of route, because it meant they would need to climb down into the cleft and back up the other side. Sgùrr MhicChoinnichis a mountain on the Isle of Skye in Inverness-shire.It is in the Black Cuillin range of mountains and with a summit at 3,110 feet it is classified as a Munro.. Like all the other Black Cuillin mountains it is made predominantly of gabbro rock and has little vegetation. We were now alone in the mist. Collie-perem (Collie’s Ledge), amely a Mhic Choinnich meredek nyugati oldalában halad egészen a csúcstól délre lévő Mhic Choinnich-átjáróig (Bealach Mhic Choinnich), alternatív útvonalat jelentve azoknak, akik erre tartanak. There is no feedback for this … There’s a great section of ridge that not many people climb. Bypass Collie’s Ledge (Moderate) After the initial few moves of Moderate climb, Collie’s is basically a grade 2 scramble and provides an amazing traverse high above Coire Lagan. Thanks for the company Neil and Andy, and thanks to all those who brought this fine bit of sculpture to fruition. By now the weather had soured, and we found ourselves shrouded in a thin mist. How the sale of England's forests drove me back into politics. The Denali concession: is it good for customer choice? I got up early and headed up The Great Stone Chute to Sgurr Alasdair before heading across Collies Ledge to Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. Following in Danny MacAskill's Steps on the Cuillin, The Inaccessible Pinnacle and Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Sgurr Mhic Choinnich – Last Hurrah for 2016, Finlay Wild runs sub 3 hours Cuillin Ridge Traverse, Munros One Hundred and Sixty Nine to Seventy, The last Cuillin Munros Day 2: Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Singin' in the Rain: Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Skye:A Good Alternative to a Royal Wedding, Day 1 on Skye and the Inaccessible Pinnacle is accessed, Black Cuillin: Banachdich to Mhic Choinnich (May 2007). I got up early and headed up The Great Stone Chute to Sgurr Alasdair before heading across Collies Ledge to Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. I found this section quite fun in a hair-raising sort of way, but I was happy to have both hands free, ready to grasp a rock should it be needed. Mhic Choinnich is named after the Victorian mountain guide John MacKenzie, an early pioneer who lived locally in Sconser, and who made a number of notable first ascents in the Cuillin. Includes the peaks of Sgurr Alasdair, Sgurr Dearg - The Inaccessible Pinnacle (Inn Pinn), Sgurr Dubh Mor, Sgurr nan Eag, Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Sgurr na Banachdich, Sgurr a'Ghreadaidh and Sgurr … The Cuillin are composed of gabbro rock which gives wonderful grip even when wet, but these mountains have steep faces and narrow ridges which invariably require scrambling or even rock-climbing to reach the summit. Swearing in travel writing: when is it acceptable? Alexander Nicolson, The British Ass. Today it was filled to bursting with luxurious camper vans and not a tent to be seen, the consequence of quarantine rules and COVID-19 restrictions. We reached the north ridge and turned up a narrow chimney. I gritted my teeth, but it was going to take more than that for it to perform like it’s supposed to. You don't need to go all the way to the bottom of the chute but can walk along beneath the rocky bits on your left and join the chute approx half way up. Did Edward Whymper make the first ascent of Carihuairazo? ‘It’s only a fiver a bottle,’ I quickly added. He said nothing. Is The Last Great Mountain by Mick Conefrey the last great book about Kangchenjunga? Between us, the route slanted down slabs then passed to the right of a buttress on a narrow path. Inaccessible Pinnacle The Inaccessible Pinnacle holds the title for being the most difficult Munro to reach in terms of technical climbing. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich How not to do the Cuillin Ridge, by cyclist Danny MacAskill. Why would anyone spend Christmas in Patagonia? (There are no route finding problems for this.) What does the Nepal Mountaineering Association do? The Ascent of Nanda Devi – how similar are they? If you keep reading then we assume you're OK with this. As forecast, the weather was fine and due to be rain-free for the next two days, and this had another consequence: we weren’t the only people attempting the infamous Cuillin Traverse. I’d never heard of speed wings, but apparently they’re nothing to do with fried chicken, and are some sort of cross between a paraglider and a parachute, which enable you to fly down but not up (some people might call this falling). I wondered what he thought of me and my rather tame knee injury, and what dare-devilry he had planned for us here on the Cuillin Ridge. Depending on how you’re feeling, we’ve still got Thursday and Friday to climb the other bits you haven’t done.’. I was thankful for cloud cover because this saved me from looking at the drops, ridges, ledges and horrible height too frequently. Help-Hill Map. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich & Sgurr Alasdair via Collie's ledge My last Munro experience was on Sgurr nan Gillean in September - almost a full year and in that time, I had started a dream job, Martha had started school and a pandemic was in full flow. Wetter than expected on the Cuillin Ridge today. This shower didn’t last long and we were… More About Ken ApplegateKen holds the UK's highest instructional award, […] We were already in the top half just by setting off this morning. All the other climbers had raced ahead of us as I hobbled along behind them. Humboldt and Boussingault on Chimborazo: how high did they climb? Is the Manaslu Circuit the new Annapurna Circuit? What mountain summit has the world’s longest view? In fact, the ledge was discovered in 1887 by Mackenzie and an Irish climber called Henry Hart. Bypass 2. We climbed Sgurr Alasdair via the South West ridge taking the chimney option not the bad step. Explore Paul Sammonds' photos on Flickr. Sgurr Alasdair & Sgurr Mhic Choinnich Skye By Fraser Smith. This time last year, Dave flew down a mountainous gully rather too quickly and landed in a crumpled heap. Of those who do, less than half finish. Not quite, Introduction to the Apennines – Part 2: Maiella, Archive footage of the 1955 first ascent of Kangchenjunga, Why I’m supporting the BMC’s Mend Our Mountains appeal, A peek inside the Himalayan Database, the archives of Elizabeth Hawley, Introduction to the Apennines – Part 1: Gran Sasso, Everesting on Everest: how mountaineers differ from endurance cyclists, Chimborazo’s role in proving Newton’s theory of gravity, Tomek Mackiewicz and Nanga Parbat: a Shakespearean mountaineering tragedy, Chimborazo Sea to Summit Challenge: the videos, Mountain, The Movie: pornography for outdoor folk, It’s the Everest silly announcement season again. We traversed along Collies ledge beneath An Stac where we had a minute to decide whether to go underneath along the slabs or up the crest. Switch to. I gazed at Ross’s giant pack. Nicolson was born in Skye and made the first recorded ascent of its highest peak in 1873. Today I was back up on Skye and had been asked to help get Paddy and Mark around the Cuillin Ridge in one day. Is mountaineering in Nepal becoming too expensive? ‘Or I could go over Sgurr Alasdair and descend the Great Stone Chute,’ I replied. For … The dark outline of Sgurr Mhic Choinnich was visible a few hundred metres away. At the car park, our guide Dave Fowler greeted another guide Caspar and his client Ross, who were also just departing for the full traverse. Introduction to the Apennines – Part 5: Monti della Laga, Why I don’t give away free books to readers in exchange for reviews. We still had some tricky scrambling down Sgurr Mhic Choinnich’s north ridge, then a big scree slope down into Coire Lagan. Before we had time to retrieve it, it had rolled down the slab and was winging its way down to Loch Coruisk. The marvellous story of Boris of Kathmandu, Hell or high water: a Peak Lenin modern pentathlon, Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest: please give your feedback on my book cover, The Corno Grande aperitivo: highest mountain in the Apennines, Sunshine and optimism in the High Pamirs: my attempt on Peak Lenin, Walking the Aran Ridge, another Snowdonia secret, To climb or not to climb? Before I could reply, Dave came to the rescue. Battle of the blockbusters: Herzog's Annapurna vs. Tichy's Cho Oyu, BREAKING NEWS: Flushing Toilet To Be Built At Everest Base Camp, When expedition operators should be taken with a pinch of salt, Learning the alpine skills: another update about my book. Here Dave told us about his speed wings accident last year. There are 2496 Walkhighlanders who have climbed Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. You carry on with Dave, but I need to descend while it’s still safe.’. The sorrowful tale of Little Mo the moorhen chick, Win a signed copy of The Baruntse Adventure, Llanganates, Tungurahua and unexplored Ecuador – the videos, My very first audiobook – Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest, narrated by Philip Battley. In fact, the ledge was discovered in 1887 by Mackenzie and an Irish climber called Henry Hart. Collie's Ledge on Sgurr Mhic Choinnich on the Skye Ridge. The Cuillin Traverse - to do or not to do? UKH Videos 22 Aug 2019 "A fabulous day on The Cuillin Ridge in Skye. The mountaineer's most frequently asked question. Collies Ledge on Sgurr Mhic Choinnich Isle of Skye - geograph.org.uk - 33308.jpg 457 × 640; 132 KB Rubha an Dùnain 2.jpg 900 × 582; 577 KB Sgurr Mhic Choinnich - Flickr - Graham Grinner Lewis (1).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.56 MB Includes the peaks of Sgurr Alasdair, Sgurr Dearg - The Inaccessible Pinnacle (Inn Pinn), Sgurr Dubh Mor, Sgurr nan Eag, Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Sgurr na Banachdich, Sgurr a'Ghreadaidh and Sgurr … Nirmal Purja’s ascent of all fourteen 8,000m peaks: why is it controversial? But now we see our pedigree I took it more carefully, but by allowing the stones to slide beneath me, it was easier on my knees. on Jun 2, 2008 3:14 pm. Alasdair to Mhic Choinnich via Collie's Ledge ... "A fabulous day on The Cuillin Ridge in Skye. « PREV NEXT » daw37. The Eighth Summit: the highest mountain in Central America, Frank Smythe is more interesting than George Mallory, How not to do a mountaineering presentation, Everest's most extraordinary false summit claim, George Mallory was murdered ... by Jeffrey Archer, The Epic of Everest - Captain John Noel's film of the 1924 expedition, The first winter ascent of Broad Peak - a tribute, Book review: Everest The First Ascent by Harriet Tuckey. I was exhausted just looking at it. We were still amongst the first to set out at 8:30am from the path by the sheep pens beyond the mountain rescue post. From the summit of Alasdair the plan had been to head over Sgurr Thearlaich and onto Sgurr Mhic Choinnich via either Collies Ledge or the King's Chimney, however it was getting wetter and wetter and a little to windy so we headed down the fast Great Stone Shoot. Made plain as in a glass, A hammer perhaps. The climb and scramble to reach the top of Sgurr Mhic Choinnich was far more exposed and scary than I had been prepared for. To receive email notifications of my blog posts about mountains and occasional info about new releases, join my mailing list and get a free ebook. On previous occasions I’ve found this campsite relatively quiet, with a handful of tents and the occasional solitary vehicle. Edita was so entranced that she dropped her water bottle. I found this section quite fun in a hair-raising sort of way, but I was happy to have both hands free, ready to grasp a rock should it be needed. But if my knee was listening to the story too, it wasn’t intending to cower in shame. Learn how your comment data is processed. The only feasible alternative for very experienced scramblers is to ascend via Hart's Ledge (commonly known as Collie's Ledge, though the first ascent has been reattributed). Is the mountaineer Phil Crampton Richard III's distant relative? Scafell Pike, the highest peak in England, from Wasdale. Since Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is itself named after the Gaelic form of Mackenzie, some people, including the official Scottish Mountaineering Club’s guidebook, Skye Scrambles, call it Hart’s Ledge. ‘But you’re strong. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. Is disaster reporting becoming too violent? This narrow ledge traverses round to regain the ridge line after about 100m, intimidating drops away into coire Lagan on the left give a very airy feel to this short section of the walk. ‘If you’re up for it, I can take you over Sgurr Thearlaich and across the gap to Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. Several operations later, Dave crawled out of hospital and began the long road to recovery. Dave ran down this, and we pretended not to see when he fell over. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Collies ledge and Sgurr Dearg. Summit Buttress West Face. I couldn’t physically bend the knee more than 90°, and this made stepping upwards an issue. So back down the Stone Shoot, I went and up another gully called Bomb Alley, whose name sums it up essentially. I had already accepted the inevitable on the way up the boulder field, but how was I going to break it to the others? Not even Dave could fly fast enough to catch up with it. I had filled a flask with coffee at the camp site and decide to take 3ltrs of water with me. All you need to know about the Everest fist fight, Top rock climber accuses sunbathers of cheating, Why Tenzing is the greatest Everest climber, A winter wonderland above the Bridge of Orchy, Sherpa hospitality as a cure for frostbite. First ascent of Aconcagua: a story of self-inflicted altitude sickness, Why I'm paying Nepal back for the good times, Book review: Sacred Summits by Pete Boardman. Should outdoor and mountaineering writers talk about politics? Sgùrr MhicChoinnich is a mountain on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.It is in the Black Cuillin range of mountains and is classified as a Munro.Like all the other Black Cuillin mountains it is made predominantly of gabbro rock and has little vegetation. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich summit . Did Everest’s Hillary Step collapse in the Nepal earthquake? Going to be like this... '' says film maker Murray Wilkie the climb scramble... Particularly exposed climb up early and headed up the Sgumain Stone Shoot over Alasdair Sgurr... To look into a volcanic crater undiscovered Ecuador: Cotacachi and the Guinea Pig.! Saw Dave gazing back at the camp site and decide to take more that... A knife-edge ridge by setting off this morning we found ourselves shrouded in a crumpled heap weather soured... Every month s up ridge to M Sgurr Mhic Choinnich: the videos route now involves an of... Murray Wilkie will there be a no.1 Amazon bestseller exposed and scary than I had filled a flask coffee... 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