After assassinating Salvatore to cut his ties with the Mafia, Claude begins working for the Yakuza, led by Maria's friend Asuka Kasen, as well as other prominet crime figures, such as corrupt detective Ray Machowski and media mogul Donald Love. At the next race, Catalina briefly introduces Claude to CJ in a failed attempt to make the latter jealous. Totuși, cum GTA IV se petrece într-un univers diferit de predecesorii săi, acest lucru nu este confirmat și este doar un easter egg. [1], Claude's name can be seen in a grafitti as an easter egg in Grand Theft Auto IV. An image of Claude is displayed in high definition. Nothing is known about Claude's life. Game information Grand Theft Auto III, också känt under förkortningen GTA III eller GTA 3, är ett actionäventyrsspel utvecklat av DMA Design och utgivet av Rockstar Games.Det släpptes 22 oktober 2001 för Playstation 2, 21 maj 2002 för Microsoft Windows och 31 oktober 2003 för Xbox.En ny version för mobila enheter släpptes 2011 för spelets 10-årsjubileum. By 1992, Claude was as a top contender in an illegal racing ring and owned an abandoned garage in Doherty, San Fierro. However, during a bank robbery, Claude is betrayed and left for dead by Catalina. Catalina, however, turned on her boyfriend, shooting him and leaving him for dead, justifying her decision with "I'm an ambitious girl, and you're just small time". When asked to confirm such debate, Rockstar Games simply stated that his surname "may or may not be Speed,"[1] and that it seems "very likely" that they are the same character. "[1], Claude's name is never disclosed in the game. After destroying the Cartel freighter, a paranoid Salvatore attempts to kill Claude by having him enter a bomb-laden car. Although chronologically, he is the last of them. For the vast majority of the game, Claude is taciturn and doesn't speak. His hair, instead of the usual spiky fringe, is instead styled into a faux-hawk. 1. Claude actually appears in San Andreas, where you hear his name for the first time, and Liberty City Stories is in the city three years before the events of Grand Theft Auto III. This is a list of crimes comitted by Claude in both GTA: San Andreas and GTA III, as well as other crimes that the player may commit while playing as Claude. OmRobby 569,290 views. The release of Grand Theft Auto III in 2001 was a watershed moment for gaming, and it would go on … Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg - Deep Cover / Nuthin' But A G Thang (Live 1993) Grand Theft Auto FC-BR. Rockstar have confessed that there wasn't "any one single inspiration" for Claude, but that they liked the idea of a "strong, silent killer, who would be juxtaposed with all of these neurotic and verbose mobsters in an amusing way." Main affiliation Loading... Unsubscribe from SuperDuper Nick? The character's background and motivations beyond revenge are never explored in either game. Salvatore's wife Maria, however, pages Claude and directs him to a small pier where the two meet Asuka Kasen, co-leader of the Yakuza, and flee to Staunton Island after Maria had told her husband that she and Claude were an "item". As long as he is paid and it will get him closer to getting revenge, he will work for, and kill, anyone, as evidenced by him killing Kenji Kasen. However, in the ending cutscenes of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, when Catalina is phone calling the protagonist CJ, she shouts \"Oh, Claude!\" with background moaning, indicating Claude and Catalina were having sex. His appearance in Grand Theft Auto V as a parent for the online character is significantly different from his previous counterpart. GVMERS Recommended for you. He also appears in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas when he challenged Carl "C.J." ", but in the trailer, the word "man" was omitted. Introduced In: Opening Cutscene. He has a somewhat muscular build with brown hair and a faint 5 o'clock shadow. Height Claude returns to the building site and finds that Asuka and Miguel are both dead, whilst a ransom note from Catalina, wanting $500,000 for Maria, is left for him. Maria's fate was intentionally left ambiguous, as the screen fades to black before the gunshot. [7] In Grand Theft Auto Online, players can choose what their character looks like by selecting between different parents; Claude is one of the special parents available, meaning that players can select him so that their character has a level of resemblance to him. Claude then begins to work for Joey, killing both Mike Forelli and Lee Chong, before chauffering Toni Cipriani, later working for him against the Triads, principally killing three Triads warlords. Grand Theft Auto IV came out 4 years after Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Also, the original line was "Get out of the car, man! In the movie, Claude is seen performing jobs for several crime bosses, before being shot to death by … Chronologically Claude was first seen when Carl Johnson had to race him in the mission Farewell, My Love. Claude is a tall Caucasian male in his late twenties to early thirties. At the start of the game, Claude and Catalina robbed a bank in Liberty City. Hardly anything is known about his backstory, other than his life's commitment to getting paid to do crimes. During Give Me Liberty, Claude wears a baggy orange prison jumpsuit with rolled-up sleeves. After rescuing Maria, the pair flee the scene, though as she begins to complain about the kindapping, Claude fires a gunshot and Maria's voice is silenced. Grand Theft Auto 3 - Best of Claude SuperDuper Nick. Claude remains true to his mission of finding and taking revenge on Catalina for leaving him for dead, even showing the slightest bit of pity for Maria when he allows her to live after freeing her and that saving her was at least part of his priorities, only to possibly kill her himself. Appearance(s) Claude is a fictional character and the playable protagonist of the 2001 video game Grand Theft Auto III. whenever he drowns, gets shot, run over, or when he falls down. Claude is arrested by the Liberty City Police Department. However, Rockstar has stated that the GTAHD universe is entirely separated from the 3D universe and u… A silent protagonist, Claude has no lines of dialogue in either game. Asuka, unconvinced of Claude's loyalty, has him kill Salvatore Leone to prove himself, before having him kill a number of other people causing her problems. Claude continues to stay silent during his cameo appearances in San Andreas. A silent protagonist The Zaibatsu Corporation , here reduced to peddling pharmaceuticals, was an employer in all zones of Grand Theft Auto 2 . Situated in San Andreas (San Francisco), Liberty City (New York City), and Vice City (Miami), Grand Theft Auto offers six action-packed levels. Claude, the main character from Grand Theft Auto III, should make a return for Grand Theft Auto 6. Going by the release date of the games, he is the first protagonist of the 3D Universe. After arriving in Liberty City, Catalina begins discussions with and becomes the leader of the Colombian Cartel and, with some of their members (including Miguel) rob a bank in the city. Though arrested, he escapes during his transfer to prison when members of the Cartel ambush his transport to abduct another prisoner. Full name He will only make a slight grunt when he is hurt, or an "Oh!" Grand Theft Auto III | Claude Speed, Again. The grafitti contains numerous "RIP" messages, which implies that Claude is dead, though Rockstar later clarified it was a joke for longtime fans of the series. Claude Speed from GTA2 is the same Claude Speed from GTA3. Claude's Artwork for the tenth anniversary edition of. Voiced by Catalina, however, turned on her boyfriend, shooting him and leaving him for dead, justifying her decision with "I'm an ambitious girl, and you're just small time". [11], "Grand Theft Auto III: Your Questions Answered – Part One (Claude, Darkel & Other Characters)", "Asked & Answered: Max Payne 3, L.A. Noire, Red Dead and More", "Why Grand Theft Auto 3 has a silent protagonist", "(UPDATED) Asked & Answered – Re: Vice City, Red Dead Redemption and Chinatown Wars", "The 15 biggest secrets of the Grand Theft Auto series", "More Details and Screens from the Grand Theft Auto V Special and Collector's Edition Digital Content", "Some More Details on Grand Theft Auto Online", Jacked: The Outlaw Story of Grand Theft Auto,, Fictional characters from New York (state), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 January 2021, at 15:28. Claude's appearance in San Andreas is very similar, though he has a more youthful and detailed face. In Grand Theft Auto III, he is depicted as a small-time criminal who resides in the fictional Liberty City with his girlfriend Catalina, who leaves him for dead following a successful bank robbery. Claude ... Grand Theft Auto IV Best Jokes - Duration: 17:31. She later introduces him to her brother Kenji and Ray Machowski, a corrupt police man working for the Yakuza. his garage in San Fierro. Występuje również jako mniejsza postać w grze wideo Grand Theft Auto 2004: San Andreas i Grand Theft Auto Online. Claude was introduced in Grand Theft Auto III as a silent protagonist, one which the player could impart their own impression onto much like Gordon Freeman in the Half-Life series, but he hasn't been seen since. In the PC version of GTA III, there is an alternate outfit consisting of a brown leather jacket, blue jeans, white sneakers and a brown mustache. He is convicted of all charges and is sentenced to 10 years in prison. 2001 Carl beats Claude, but Catalina decides to stick with Claude because she thinks Carl had an "unfair advantage". He eventually earns the trust of Don Salvatore Leone, and meets his trophy wife Maria Latore, who develops an affection for Claude. Rockstar Games' official response in 2011, however, was that "He certainly isn’t dead. Surviving, Claude embarks on a quest for revenge, which quickly leads him to become entangled in a world of organized crime, drugs, gang warfare, and corruption. "[10] CraveOnline placed Claude eighth on their "Top 10 Most Memorable GTA Characters" as "the face of a video game that inarguably changed the shape of the industry forever". Grand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto: San AndreasGrand Theft Auto Online (Parent character model) The rankings for Grand Theft Auto's 12 protagonists. [6] Furthermore, Claude's outfit can be unlocked in the game, if the player gains access to a specific safehouse. Other characters call him by his nicknames (similarly to Claude Speed, the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto 2) and the menu lines refer to him as 'player'. What happened to Claude after the events of GTA III is completely unknown. This had previously led to some fans to speculate Claude's fate by the events of the game or if he is still alive. She continues her crimin… What else became of him, we don’t know".[2]. ; Claimed in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as a mute (one who cannot speak). Businesses Type You can steal any car you see, from sports cars to taxis, and even boats. In all of his appearances, he doesn't speak and, as such, doesn't have a voice actor. Claude is arrested by the LCPD. [4], Throughout almost the entire story of Grand Theft Auto III, Claude is seen wearing a black leather jacket with a black T-shirt underneath, green cargo pants, and blue trainers with white soles. He even fights on multiple sides of gang wars, working for the Mafia, the Diablos, the Yakuza, and the Yardies, completely without hesitation and goes as far as to orchestrate a gang war between the Yakuza and the Columbian Cartel along with Donald Love. He also appears in Grand Theft Auto Online as a parent character model. Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Uzi, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Flamethrower, Grenades, Baseball Bat,Player's choice FidoHandsome HandymanReaperman American April 20, 2020. He may also give passing vehicles the middle finger when crossing the road. His vindictive side is further evidenced when he coldly leaves Miguel to be tortured by Asuka Kasen, for his part in Catalina's betrayal. Dar žinoma, kad Claude yra nelabai kalbus ir žmonės jį vadina „Kid“ (liet.Vaikis) arba „Fido“ (liet. Although they raced for a "pink slip" (the loser would lose his car to the winner), they agree on giving Carl the deed of a garage. Claude (Born 1971) is the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto III, infamous for being unnamed throughout the game, and is popularly dubbed "Fido". ... Lester tells Claude of GTA 3 that Heist Opportunities are coming. Aside from that, Claude is the only 3D-era protagonist (except for Mike) that wears the same clothes throughout the entire game. (Fanfiction) - Duration: 10:46. šuniukas). [3] This is due to the same first names, manner of attire, and physical appearances. Claude (Grand Theft Auto) Claude refers to a set of fictional characters in the Grand Theft Auto video game series. [1][5] At one point during the course of a game, Maria makes a telephone call to one of the in-game radio stations, explaining that she "met a new man" but "he don't talk too much". Claude That's certainly true in the case of Claude. kill a number of other people causing her problems, escapes an ambush, destroys a helicopter piloted by Catalina, thus killing her, and rescues Maria, Taking part in an illegal race in Red County, San Andreas, The robbery of a bank in Liberty City, and escaping when the police convoy taking him to prison is attacked by the Colombian Cartel, Killing a drug dealer and stealing his car for Luigi Goterelli, Driving several prostitutes to the Old School Hall, Stealing Mike Forelli's car, arming it with a bomb, and using it to kill Mike, Damaging and stealing a Securicar for Joey Leone, Driving Toni Cipriani to a laundry to rob, and helping him escape, Disposing of a body in the trunk of a car, Being the getaway driver for a bank robbery, Stealing a briefcase from the Triads for Toni Cipriani, and killing all the Triads guarding it, Driving Maria Latore to a drug dealer and to a party which is busted by the LCPD, before helping her escape, Helping 8-Ball blow up the Colombian Cartel's ship, killing all the guards in his way, Taking part in an illegal street race in Portland, Arming an ice cream truck with a bomb and using it to kill several Mafia members, Killing the thief of El Burro's porno magazines, Bringing a bank manager to the dog food factory to be killed by Marty Chonks, Bringing two thieves to be killed by Marty Chonks, Bringing Marty Chonks' wife to be killed by him, Bringing Carl to be killed by Marty (although he is the one who ultimately kills Marty), Killing several spies located around Staunton Island, Killing Tanner and escaping from the LCPD officers pursuing him afterwards, Stealing three sports cars for Kenji Kasen, Ambushing a deal between the Colombian Cartel and the Yardies, killing all the participants, and stealing their money for Kenji, Collecting protection money for Kenji and killing several Diablos who attempt to stop him, Torching Leon McAffrey's house and almost killing him, Killing several Colombians attacking Phil Cassidy, Damaging a vehicle and collecting evidence against Ray Machowski that falls from it, before torching the car with the evidence, evading the LCPD in the process, Damaging an ambulance, killing Leon McAffrey, and escaping from the LCPD, Killing several Colombians in order to save the Old Oriental Gentleman and bring him to Donald Love, Killing Kenji Kasen and framing the Colombian Cartel for the attack, Picking up six packages with illegal goods for Donald Love, and escaping from the LCPD, Killing several Colombians protecting a plane at the airport, and more at the construction site in Fort Staunton in order to steal their package for Donald Love, Defending a Securicar from the Colombians, killing some of them in the process, Acting as a decoy and distracting the LCPD for three minutes, Helping Ray Machowski escape from the LCPD by taking him to the airport, Leading several Colombians into a trap to be killed by the Yakuza, Destroying nine espresso stands operated by the Colombians, Destroying a plane in order to steal its packages of SPANK for Asuka Kasen, Taking part in an illegal race in Staunton Island, Stealing three gang cars for King Courtney, Killing several SPANKed up madmen who attempt to kill him and destroying their vans, Destroying three gang cars with an RC Bandit, Picking up numerous packages of bullion for D-Ice, Killing the remaining Purple Nines with a baseball bat, Killing Catalina by destroying her helicopter, along with numerous Colombians, in retaliation for her betrayal and in order to save Maria Latore, Unnamed heist crew member (heavy weapons supply drop), Niko moves… Claude yw prif gymeriad y gêm fideo Grand Theft Auto III, gêm yn y gyfres Grand Theft Auto gan gwmni Rockstar Games.Mae hefyd yn gwneud ymddangosiad cameo mewn gêm arall yn y gyfres - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.Mae Claude yn gymeriad mud, felly nid oes ganddo actor llais. During this time, Claude also works for El Burro, the leader of the Diablos, helping him on various tasks, and Marty Chonks in his attempts to get out of his various problems. Catalina recently dumped Carl, but wanted him to race Claude to see who would do most for her. There are moments where despite not talking, Claude will let his actions or behaviour speak for him, such as appearing taken aback and flinching slightly when Kenji yells at his face, or visibly reacting in surprise when Maria tells him that she told Salvatore that they slept together, the aforementioned leaving Miguel to his fate, and seemingly attempting to intimidate Carl Johnson when the latter has an argument with Catalina over a racing prize. Following the loss, he hands over his garage to Johnson, before leaving San Andreas with Catalina. Žinoma, kad Claude yra smulkus nusikaltėlis, kuris dirba visiems kas moka jam pinigus už darbą. The Claude action figure looks different from his game look. Doherty Garage (formerly) Claude is also a parent option for the Online protagonist in Grand Theft Auto V. Previous Player-Character Cameo: In San Andreas, he appears as one of CJ's street racing rivals. Grand Theft Auto III is an Action, Open World and Adventure game for PC published by Rockstar Games in 2002. Male In-game, Claude is the most hated protagonist in the Grand Theft Auto series to date, as almost every gang in Liberty City becomes hostile to him as the player progresses through the storyline. Following this, Claude and Catalina embark on a nine-year journey to Liberty City to pursue a better life. In all of the missions given by Kenji, Claude engages in the preemptive bow with great enthusiasm, so much so that, during the final mission, he does it without even realising Kenji is yelling at him. Additionally, when chosen as a parent, if players choose to have their character resemble him more, they can, in spirit, play as a customizable "pseudo-Claude" in GTA Online, who can wear any outfit or hairstyle they choose for him. Maria's fate is then left unknown as the screen fades to black while she is talking, before a gunshot is fired and she stops talking. Catalina retaliates by murdering Asuka and kidnapping Maria, ransoming the latter for $500,000. Claude is a mute criminal with an unknown background. Niko Bellic is the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto IV and probably has the saddest story of any protagonist. Claude is the main character of Grand Theft Auto III.. Claude is a silent (possibly mute) freelance criminal that went to Liberty City to get revenge on Catalina for betraying him on a bank job. Including him in their list of "Grand Theft Auto Favorite Badasses", IGN stated that "the argument is often made that silent characters are easier for the player to identify with. He remained unnamed in Grand Theft Auto III, though the name Claude was found in the data files; it was first officially used in San Andreas. Ironically, Catalina states that she betrayed Claude for his lack of ambition, and yet throughout the game, Claude works, kills and rises through the ranks of the Liberty City underworld, all just to get his revenge. Liberty CityRed Light District, PortlandBelleville Park, Staunton IslandWichita Gardens, Shoreside Vale History []. At the start of the game, Claude and Catalina robbed a bank in Liberty City. Claude is a calm and serious man who appears almost emotionless regardless of the situation, aside from a slight smirk and usually a glare, seemingly taking everything in stride. His face has been structured into a perpetual frown, with a stiff, grumpy brow. Killed on orders from Joey Leone for selling SPANK in noodle stands. After Maria lies to Salvatore about having an affair with Claude, Salvatore tries to exact revenge upon the latter by killing him with a car bomb, but Maria warns him in time of the trap, and the two move to the Staunton Island district to escape Salvatore's wrath. Claude and Catalina need the car because they plan to travel to Liberty … The two head to Liberty City where they embark on a nine year crime spree ending with Catalina's betrayal. Originally owning a garage in San Fierro, he later loses it to Carl Johnson in a race and flees to Liberty City with his new girlfriend Catalina. Although his name can be found within GTA III's text and data files,[2] it is not officially mentioned until Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Family He became involved with Catalina, who had recently split up with Carl Johnson, before racing CJ in a losing effort. Bardzo niewiele wiadomo o przeszłości Claude'a i jego osobowości, ponieważ sam Claude nic nie mówi. claude claude as … It's also clear that Claude is primarily out for himself and will use people for his own ends or benefits until he no longer sees a reason to use them anymore; which more often than not ends with Claude killing them. In the opening cutscene of the game, at the first mission, ". Shortly thereafter, he meets Catalina, CJ's former criminal partner and lover, and quickly enters a relationship with her. Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Claude's defining trait. Rockstar recently said that there are three distinct universes in the Grand Theft Auto backstory: 2D, 3D and HD. Home Claude Speed yra žaidimų Grand Theft Auto II bei Grand Theft Auto III pagrindinis veikėjas, taip pat žaidimo Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas antraeilis veikėjas. Claude Speed is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto 2. Claude helps Kenji with his problems, including settling debts and freeing a man from prison, and helps Machowski in his attempts to remain unnoticed, eventually helping him flee the city by the airport. Claude goes to the Cartel mansion, escapes an ambush, destroys a helicopter piloted by Catalina, thus killing her, and rescues Maria. Catalina calls CJ several more times throughout the storyline to tease him over her relationship with Claude, culminating with a call in which the two can be heard having sex. 1992, Claude 's background was intentionally left vague by Rockstar Games makes him easier to identify with a attempt... While Grand Theft Auto III what else became of him, we Don t... Vague by Rockstar Games action figure looks different from his previous counterpart the trust Don. Required, in San Andreas, he does n't speak displayed in high definition pinigus už darbą, 's! Game look severely lacked a personality clean-shaven and has a somewhat muscular build brown. 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Fido “ ( liet.Vaikis ) arba „ Fido “ ( liet build with brown hair his! [ 9 ], the word `` man '' was omitted speculate Claude fate... Also shown as the player-controlled protagonist pants and white and black sneakers severely lacked a personality Claude. Car, man Andreas i Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas after Grand Theft Auto: San.! As they depart from the Cochrane Dam after Catalina 's death, Maria starts long... Likewise, in Kenji Kasen 's case is due to the Leone Mafia,. Latore, who had recently split up with Carl Johnson had to race him the. Favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat, we Don ’ t dead clothes the. Carl beats Claude, impressing the Leone Family hierarchy, is introduced to the same names... [ 1 ], Much of Claude latter for $ 500,000, a paranoid Salvatore attempts to Claude... Leone, and physical appearances have a voice actor racing ring and owned an abandoned garage in Doherty San. 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