Consequently, when he was elected as a Trustee in 1996, he was appointed the Board's representative to the Planning Commission. Board meetings take place on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at Redford Town Hall, 15145 Beech Daly, Redford, MI 48239. CITIZENS ARE REQUESTED TO BE COURTEOUS AND TO REFRAIN FROM PERSONAL ATTACKS ON BOARD MEMBERS, TOWNSHIP STAFF, OR OTHER MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE. Earldaegraphics. Library Board of Trustees. The Charter Township of Redford Board of Trustees seek to recruit a new Superintendent. An independent evaluation of a fire engine up for possible replacement will be completed prior to Redford’s Board of Trustees’ final vote on a budget for Fiscal Year 2017. The guidelines Redford Township follows in determining eligibility are set by the Michigan Department of Treasury. The Board observes the Open Meetings Act (PA 267 of 1976) and Robert's Rules of Order. Township Archives; Beautification Commission; Calendar; Community Shots; Clubs ... Board of Trustees. Lily spent 12 years working as a record retention clerk for the Michigan Court of Appeals, keeping that job through 2008 when she was elected Treasurer of Redford Township by 79 percent of the vote. The buses are getting old and falling apart. kim has always been a fighter for the citizens of redford and for responsible, ethical governance. Experience that he feels gives him a leg up on the other candidates for the position. The Redford Township District Library is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees that serve four-year terms. The public is urged to contribute questions by submitting them to lwvmail [at] Click here for the current Board Meeting E-Packet . When speaking to the Board on any issues please approach the dias, speak into the microphone and give your name and address. In addition to the supervisor, clerk, and treasurer, there are four trustees.Four-year term. The Charter Township of Redford, Michigan enhanced its organizational flow chart by adding the position of Township Superintendent allowed under the Michigan Charter Township … Public Hearings are scheduled near the beginning of the meeting when posted. Hutchinson Area Optimist Club. On November 4, 2014, Redford Township voters approved 1.4 mills of supplemental operating funds for a period of 8 years. Board of Trustee meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month @ 6:30pm. The following sports leagues are ran by separate organizations and parent groups, Redford Township is not affiliated or responsible for these organizations. 15145 Beech Daly Road In parking lot in back of Town Hall. Agendas are available to the public at each meeting and are posted in Redford Town Hall, Redford Community Center, Fire Administration Bldg., Redford Library, and the Leo Snage Public Services Bldg., including the Redford Township website The Library Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 7:00pm will take place virtually. Meeting Information; Judges; Parks Commission; Other Elected Officials; Departments. The Zoning Board of Appeals holds public hearings on variance requests and interpretations of the Zoning Ordinance. That’s the message Senior Services Adviser Dorothy Thompson gave the Redford Township Board of Trustees Tuesday about the Dial-A-Ride program… McRae served on the Board of Trustees from 2004 through 2016. The Charter Township of Redford Board of Trustees seek to recruit a new Superintendent. Her election is historically significant because she is Redford’s first black Trustee. The Finance Department is responsible for the annual fiscal year end financial statements that are audited by the independent audit firm of Plante Moran CPA's. The guidelines Redford Township follows in determining eligibility are set by the Michigan Department of Treasury. Washington Township residents Heather Snyder and Rich Bieser shop at a local Meijer store. If you would like to speak at the Township Board meeting, Form - Click here. At the meeting she was able to highlight the district. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION. “This election is a time for unification, and I believe I can help unite the board.” McRae states. This was a feat, as Lily was not only the first Hispanic elected in the Township… If you are interested in serving or volunteering, please contact the Clerk's Office. Search the Catalog; My Account; Library of Things; Recommended Reading. Nonprofit Organization. 15145 Beech Daly Road The Promising Future Board of Trustees Patricia Kennedy, for Trustee … Meeting Information; Judges; Parks Commission; Other Elected Officials; Departments. Tues - Thurs 8:30am-4:30pm. Details Here. Another way the Redford Township Board of Trustees and the school district might be able to partner is by continuing to have a student serve on the board as the youth trustee. Board of Trustees; Budget; Contact Us; Leadership Team; Mission & History; News; Policies & Publications; RTDL Employment; Support RTDL. Consistent application of these policies and procedures will provide an atmosphere of fair and uniform treatment of all employees. Board of Trustees meetings are the second & fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in Town Hall, 15145 Beech Daly Road, Meetings are called to order and adjourned by the Supervisor/Chair in absence of the Supervisor. Al Elvin for Oak Park School Board. Board of Trustees. Friends of the Library; Support the Library; Volunteering; Books & More. The Sandbox Foundation is “open for business” Services are currently limited to curbside pick-up, limited lobby access, and computer reservations by appointment. 1. ... ZBA meetings are open to the public and held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 p.m., in the Redford Township Hall Board Room, located at 15145 Beech Daly Rd. This individual must have the skills and experience to guide the township with an appropriate combination of economic and community development, interpersonal, leadership and operational skills. The Board appoints residents to serve on various commissions and committees, such as the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Board of Review. If you are attending a Board meeting for the first time, the following information will be helpful: The agenda contains a list of items to be discussed by the Board of Trustees. Currently a student from the South Redford District holds this position. Print the form, complete it and send it to the following email: Continue reading August 4 2020 Primary Election – Redford Township. Our experience has shown that many of these problems could have been solved much faster if they had been discussed with the Township Superintendent, prior to the meeting. Sparks flew during a heated discussion that, at times, turned personal Tuesday evening over hiring a business liaison for Redford Township. I will help Redford build a sense of community and teamwork. Once comments become redundant, the Supervisor/Chair may close the discussion. The Friends also raise … Read More Charter Township of Redford Budget Public Hearing Notice Fiscal Year 2017 / 2018. A dozen candidates will contend for four open trustee positions starting with the Aug. 2 primary. Redford Township, is a “inner-ring suburb” located a few miles west of Detroit within Wayne County. Print the form, complete it and send it to: Redford Town Hall Monday, June 22, 2020 - 8:15pm. Details Here. If you would like to speak at the Township Board Meeting, click here. In March of 1972, RTHC made a proposal to the Redford Township Board of Trustees that the Commission board be expanded from five members to seven. January 26, 2016 - Redford Township's Financial Director gave a report on the Township's telephone system and information about the upcoming Township budget review. ALL MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND CITIZENS ARE URGED TO ATTEND! Board of Trustees; Budget; Contact Us; Leadership Team; Mission & History; News; Policies & Publications; RTDL Employment; Support RTDL. Redford Township Board of Trustees Candidates Forum. Agendas are available to the public at each meeting and are posted in Redford Town Hall, Redford Community Center, Fire Administration Bldg., Redford Library, and the Leo Snage Public Services Bldg., including the Redford Township website Graphic Designer. Redford TV, Redford, Michigan. The Library Board acts … Budget (2020-2021) Revenue: Taxes $1,886,500 … Read More Give us a call at (313) 531-5960. The majority of the library’s funding comes from local property taxes. At the Library. Township Board meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at Redford Town Hall, 15145 Beech Daly Road, Redford, Michigan 48239. Financial Service. Click here for the current Board Meeting E-Packet . Monday, June 22, 2020 - 8:15pm. Please check the Wayne County Election Results website for official election results. Redford Township officials were scrambling to find a way to staff the clerk's office for the election after a judge sidelined the sitting clerk. The township has 25 voting precincts with 34,974 registered voters. 2. Friends of the Library; Support the Library; Volunteering; Books & More. The owner of a vacant home next to a strip center says she will likely sell it after the Redford Township Board of Trustees denied her request to rezone it for commercial use Tuesday evening. 2020 Elections, Business, Community, Heroes of Redford Township, Opinion, Public Notices, Redford Township Government, Savant Literary Magazine, Township Government, Uncategorized The Promising Future Board of Trustees Patricia Kennedy, for Trustee Ana Roca, for Trustee … The Promising Future Board of Trustees Patricia Kennedy, for Trustee Ana Roca, for Trustee Torima Gorsuch, for Treasurer – Redford Connection The Promising Future Board of Trustees Patricia Kennedy, for Trustee Ana Roca, for Trustee Torima Gorsuch, for … Board of Trustee meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month @ 6:30pm. Redford Township, Michigan 48239. Any changes in the meeting schedule are posted on the bulletin boards at Redford Town Hall, Redford Community Center, Redford Public Library, Leo Snage Public Service Bldg., Fire Administration Bldg, and the Redford Township website. Political Candidate. The Charter Township of Redford Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the proposed township budget for fiscal year 2017 / 2018 Redford Township Hall 15145 Beech Daly Redford Township, MI 48239. Rules and Regulations Redford Township Police And Fire Civil Service Commission Firemen and Policemen Civil Service System - Act 78 of 1935 Township Civil Service System - Act 246 of 1965 Redford Township Board of Trustees Candidates Forum. In addition, please provide a copy of his/her “Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim” form (MI-1040CR) that has been completed, signed and shows that a refund is due with the Treasury Dept. Every seat on Redford Township’s Board of Trustees will be contested this election year. About the Clerk's Office; Elections. Friends of the Library; Support the Library; Volunteering; Books & More. 629 likes. The Redford Union Schools and the South Redford Schools each appoint one Library Trustee. The official page of the Charter Township of Redford Government Station known as Redford Township Television. Email:, 24/7 Drive up BALLOT DROP BOX Search the Catalog; My Account; Library of Things; Recommended Reading. Eight years on the Zoning Board of Appeals gave Garth Christie a solid background in zoning and planning issues. At the Library. For this reason, a "Citizen's Comment" time (3 minutes each) is provided for residents following the "Roll Call", If you wish to address the Board on any issue not on the agenda please fill out a "Citizen Comment" form and hand it to the Deputy Clerk. The Charter Township of Redford Board of Trustees seek to recruit a new Superintendent. MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Redford Township Board of Trustees FROM: Diane Webb, Superintendent DATE: December 8, 2020 RE: Superintendent’s Report Phone: 313-387-2750 Her parents taught them “we could be whatever we wanted to be. Pat McRae For Redford Township Supervisor . If you would like to speak at the Township Board meeting, Form - Click here. Consideration of special assessment districts for sewer and water projects, Consideration of the annual Township budgets and establishment of the yearly tax levy. Please stand for the Pledge of Allgiance and the invocation. Meeting Information; Judges; Parks Commission; Other Elected Officials; ... Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Quarterly Performance Reports; Redford Interfaith Relief; Wayne County Neigh. Absentee Voter App; FOIA; Services; Community Development . The Clerk's Office provides a myriad of services ranging from elections to garage sale permits. The purpose of ths Manual is to set forth the policies and procedures of Redford Township and to assist the Board of Trustees Appointed Employees in understanding the employment relationships with the Townshp. Redford Town Hall 15145 Beech Daly Road Redford Township, MI 48239. The Friends are committed to programs which will bring Redford citizens into the library until these visits become a part of their way of life. The Redford Connection endorsed John Keenan for Redford Township Trustee in their October issue: I am recommending Pat McRae, Mike Sullivan, John Keenan and Jay Johnson for the Board of Trustees. Each policy will be reviewed on a regular basis in … The township's thrice-elected supervisor, Kobylarz was stripped of administrative duties Feb. 15 when the Board of Trustees voted 4-2 to appoint Don Wood, who had been the township … Give us a call at (313) 531-5960. Supervisor's Office ; Superintendent; Clerk's Office. Jackson grew up in Detroit with a big family – she was one of five children. In the end, the township Board of Trustees … The Township Board of Trustees conducts an annual public hearing each March to provide citizens an opportunity to comment on the annual budget prior to its approval. In a hurry? Editorial Staff July 31, 2020 August 1, 2020 Leave a comment. At least three seats on Redford Township’s Board of Trustees will be up for grabs during this fall’s general election in November. provided there are pending appeals. At regular meetings, all agenda items consist of discussion and a vote. Board of Trustees. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. The agenda contains a list of items to be discussed by the Board of Trustees. Former Redford Township Trustee, Pat McRae has filed to run for Township Supervisor in 2020. The Planning Commission holds public hearings on requests to rezone properties or amend the map or text of the Zoning Ordinance. Five Trustees are appointed by Redford Township. Redford Township, MI 48239, Phone: 313-387-2750 Board of Trustees; Budget; Contact Us; Leadership Team; Mission & History; News; Policies & Publications; RTDL Employment; Support RTDL. Print the form, complete it and send it to the following email: Candidates have been invited to participate in a Zoom Forum. Redford has a current balance of $663,000, but the MMRMA recommends a $1.2 million reserve for the township, Michael Rhyner, executive director of the MMRMA, told the Redford Township Board … 2020 Elections, Business, Community, Heroes of Redford Township, Opinion, Public Notices, Redford Township Government, Savant Literary Magazine, Township Government, Uncategorized. I am the past President of the Redford/Livonia Little League, as well as the past President of the PTO for Stuckey Elementary and Hilbert Middle School, respectively. Click here for Township Board Meeting Agenda. In March of 1972, RTHC made a proposal to the Redford Township Board of Trustees that the Commission board be expanded from five members to seven. of the State of Michigan and to the Redford Township Tax Office. In compliance with the Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988, the Charter Township of Redford advises each of its appointees that: The library’s fiscal year is April 1-March 31. Community Organizations Redford Township has over 50 organizations The Charter Township of Redford, Michigan enhanced its organizational flow chart by adding the position of Township Superintendent allowed under the Michigan Charter Township … Vote for four (4). The unofficial winning candidate appears below. Political Candidate. Library cards expire one year after the date of issue. Redford isn’t about building fortresses. Please report a lost card immediately. Voters approved a 1 mill operating fund in perpetuity in 1994. The proposal was granted and two new members were appointed: Dominic Paris and James Reid. People often come to Board meetings expecting to present their particular problem and get an immediate answer. The report was given to … Political Organization. 7:00 p.m. If the problem has not been resolved after discussing it with the Superintendent, you should address the Board at a regular meeting. Get a Library Card Redford Residents Library cards are free for all residents of Redford Township. I've been a coach for baseball teams for years, and I will bring that spirit of Teamwork to the Redford Township Board of Trustees. In addition to the supervisor, clerk, and treasurer, there are four trustees. Edward Jones-Financial Advisor: Jake Neu. Any changes in the meeting schedule are posted at the Redford Town Hall, Redford Community Center, Fire Administration Bldg., Redford Library, and the Leo Snage Public Services Bldg., including the Redford Township website Morrison Security. Please contact the following numbers for more information and registration. Absentee Voter App; FOIA; Services; Community Development. Our community is governed by a board of directors consisting of a supervisor, clerk, treasurer, and four trustees elected at large. That seemed to be the consensus of the Redford Township Board of Trustees at a joint study session Tuesday with the township… Redford has 25 voting precincts with 36,000 registered voters. Board members are provided extensive information on each item under consideration in advance of the meeting, The Board is happy to receive public comment and respects the rights of citizens to participate in the legislative process. Redford Township Board of Trustees Choose 4. Township Government Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer and 4 Trustees elected at large. The Board of Trustees holds Public Hearings for: If a number of people are present to speak for or against the same matter, the Board asks the group to choose a spokesperson(s) to represent them and voice their concerns. Regrettably, the live forum is not open to the public. Or email us below and we will answer your question in 1 – 2 business days. This race has concluded. Nine out of a dozen hopefuls vying for Redford Township’s Board of Trustees participated in Wednesday’s League of Women Voters Candidate’s Forum at Thurston High School. Redford Township Ice Arena: 313-937-0979; Wayne County Parks: 734-261-1990; Youth Sports. The public is urged to contribute questions by submitting them to lwvmail [at] i have served in redford politics and have personally seen the mismanagement of township ethics and mistreatment of citizens and employees. In a hurry? Redford Town Hall COVID-19 Policies and Planning Preparedness and Response Plan Reopening Policy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests FOIA Policy Written Public Summary FOIA Procedures and Guidelines Pension and OPEB Reporting Retirement System Annual Report-2020, Form 5572 Retirement System Corrective Action Plan, Form 5597 Planning Documents Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023 Policies, … At least three seats on Redford Township’s Board of Trustees will be up for grabs during this fall’s general election in November. The official YouTube channel of the Charter Township of Redford. ALL PUBLIC COMMENTS SHOULD BE FRAMED TO PROVIDE A POINT OF VIEW, GAIN INFORMATION, SHARE A CRITICISM, OR EXPRESS A CONCERN. Each one brings a special talent to the board. He retired from the reserves at the rank of Captain and is a member of the VFW Post 345 and American Legion Post 271 in Redford Township. Meetings are held at Redford Town Hall, 15145 Beech Daly Road. Supervisor's Office; Superintendent; Clerk's Office. Leo Snage for Redford Township Trustee. Linda Jackson joined the Redford Township Board of Trustees last year after receiving more votes than any other candidate. i fully endorse kim taylor in her reelection as redford township board of trustee member. The Friends of the Redford Township District Library is a nonprofit, volunteer organization interested in supporting and stimulating the use of the library’s resources and services. Or email us below and we will answer your question in 1 – 2 business days. Tuesday, March 14, 2017. Meetings are for consideration of Township Business. About the Clerk's Office; Elections. In addition, please provide a copy of his/her “Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim” form (MI-1040CR) that has been completed, signed and shows that a refund is due with the Treasury Dept. Click here for Township Board Meeting Agenda. Calling the rat problem “unbearable,” several residents discussed the issue with the Redford Township Board of Trustees during a study session on Tuesday. Services are currently limited to curbside pick-up, limited lobby access, and computer reservations by appointment. Security Guard Service. Kindly be advised that at its regular meeting on May 15, 1989, the Board of Trustees approved motion #89: 183 which established Redford Township as a drug-free work place. To get a … The Board of Trustees is the policy making body for Redford Township. The spokesperson may ask the members of the group to stand and be recognized. For individual emails please go to "CONTACT US". of the State of Michigan and to the Redford Township Tax Office. The township Board of Trustees voted 4-2 Thursday, during a special meeting, to appoint Don Wood the township … Candidates have been invited to participate in a Zoom Forum. This Board was created through the vote of the residents of Redford Township and meets monthly. “It’s a problem. The Board of Trustees is the policy making body for Redford Township. The proposal was granted and two new members were appointed: Dominic Paris and James Reid. Redford Township Board of Trustees Candidates Forum. The policy manual of the Redford Township District Library shall consist of policies issued by the Library Board of Trustees as required, for the purpose of setting forth policies for the operation of the library. Redford Township has a new form of government. At the Library. Any changes in the meeting schedule are posted on the bulletin boards at Redford Town Hall, Redford Community Center, Redford Public Library, Leo Snage Public Service Bldg., Fire Administration Bldg, and the Redford Township website. Users are responsible for all items on a card, including any lost or damaged materials. Regrettably, the live forum is not open to the public. 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