45.0 The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". At 60 faith and base stats: Yorshka chime lightning blade on a heavy 2-handed Lothric UGS gives 850 AR. interesting. ". If you need to poise through attacks better, or need more damage, you can also two-hand the LKGS. Lothric Knight Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. That is all. 100 - 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 5 Videos Dropped by Lothric Knights who wield them. Once famed and feared for their drake cavalry, the Lothric Knights fought bravely until slain, sworn faithful as one of the monarch's three pillars; for they who raise Lothric's banner are still to be feared, the cut of their blade as sweet, sudden and merciless as it ever was. But when we switch to the 'sharp' tab, the dexterity +10 scale is at B.After all what is the correct scale in dexterity with a Sharp infusion? 5 Ashen Estus 87 (Someone directed me here to work on my Dragonslayer build btw). Cast in smoldering molten steel, and stained black. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Combining STR and Dex for Refined/Quality and Faith for the Lightning Blade buff. Before Lorian embraced his brother's curse, he was a knight who single handedly slayed the demon prince, but the victory eternally scorched his sword with flame. 40.0 you know what i mean? Standard/Thrust Dark souls 3 easy/cheese way to get lothric knight greatsword https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Lothric_Knight_Greatsword?oldid=318702. Mirrored version of one-handed weak attacks. I'm doing a mix between a pyro and a strenght build, and I'm wondering if this weapon is good for that. N/A Used a Chaos Lothric Knight Greatsword +10 and overkilled some poor dude with dual swords https://store.playstation.com/#!/tid=CUSA08155_00 350 Description "Ultra greatsword of the venerable Knights of Lothric. Cast in smoldering molten steel, and stained black. 0 Become on of my patreons and help support my dream! This innate Lightning damage also makes the Lothric Knight Greatsword very useful for Faith-oriented builds as well. At this point the only problem with the LK compared to the AW is that the LK has innate lightning damage, which of course doesn’t replicate the Watchers. Overhead smash, followed by bringing the sword around for a second overhead smash. 45.0 On the Ultra-Greatsword side of things, the Profaned Greatsword, Black Knight Greatsword, Lothric Knight Greatsword and Lorian Greatsword are your best bets in all likelyhood: The Profaned Greatsword is often seen as the staple UGS of the Quality build, offering excellent range, high damage (628 AR), thrust R2s and the always preferrable Uppercut Weapon Art. Main article: Weapon Types (Dark Souls III) Ultra Greatswords are a weapon type in Dark Souls III.. This is the poster boy of strength builds, as it requires monstrously high stats to even wield properly. Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. Just use this broken piece of ****, Refined lothric greatsword on a 60/60 dex str build with lightning blade miracle makes ng+7 t makes the game feel like ng+again(you're op on ng+), until you get one shot that is, Beast of a sword, love two handing a refined lkgs with lighting buff on my pothric knight cosplay also its weapon art makes everything go up and away to their deaths same with charged heavy only they fly fifty feet backwards, Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls +, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. One that wields a straight sword and shield, one that wields a pike and dons a greatshield, and one that wields only an ultra greatsword. Lorian's Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.. Ultra greatsword of Lorian, Prince Lothric's older brother. If there's one thing that Dark Souls II excels at, it's having tons of big ass swords. This weapon is really fun if you want to do an Abyss Watcher cosplay, here’s why:The LKGS looks similar enough to the AWGS that you can pair it with an off-hand dagger and better replicate the fighting style of the watchers. Cast in smoldering molten steel, and stained black. I'm a total idiot for doing heavy infusion, I totally forgot this knight didn't have one of those, can i get this sword from the knight with his back turned right before the vordt? - What's really upsetting about this weapon is that for chaos/dark infusions it says B, yet gets better yields than greatsword. Not something you see everyday. Very few have demonstrated the extreme strength and dexterity required for this weapon, even in the long history of the Lothric Knights. Did a lot of homework. Attack power When we put it in the 'max' tab on the tab, it shows that the sharp +10 infusion has an A-scale in dexterity. 55.0 But before my question, it's story time: I made it through the game, but before I head into NG and NG+ and all that, I was considering respec-ing stats for a different weapon. Attribute bonus Before Lorian embraced his brother's curse, he was a knight who single-handedly slayed the demon prince, … Skill: Stomp Use one's weight to lunge forward with a low stance and increased poise, and follow with strong attack for an upward slash. How good is a refined 60/60 (strength and dex) with 60 faith and buffed with Lightning blade LKGS? Dark Souls 3 Lothric Knight Greatsword - Weapon Arts Showcase. Or so I think. Fume Ultra Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.. I consider myself to be pretty bad at PVP but that was pretty funny. Blessed Lothric knight greatsword new meta! Use one's weight to lunge forward with a low stance and increased poise, and follows with strong attack for an upward slash. A lot of good that poise does you in outer space ya shiny bastards! Is this weapon any good on a pyromancy build? Ultra greatsword of the venerable knights of Lothric. Additionally, Chaos and Dark provide one of the highest ARs in the game at max character level. Knight Class, SL 120, two-handed AR is 684 before Sacred Oath +10 Blessed Lothric Greatsword +9 Talisman (ideal middle ground between poise/hyperarmor and damage dealt with its WA) Simple Caestus. Since you're only PVE-ing, anything is viable, so just use what you like. Very few have demonstrated the extreme strength and dexterity required for this weapon, even in the long history of the Lothric Knights. 10(-/15) Ultra Greatswords are a type of Weapon returning in Dark Souls 3.These Weapons usually do very high damage and have extremely slow attacks along with high Strength requirements. Lightning infused and wearing the lightning clutch ring, this thing slaps and it slaps hard too. Miscellaneous - 4 King's Ultra Greatsword. Astora Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. With the the unparriable rolling attack being fixed, Astora kind of lost its only real advantage over other UGS. Can you get the Lothric Knight Greatsword from the knights just before the Vordt boss area? - Imbued with the strength of lightning, the trademark of dragon hunting. a dex based ultra greatsword. its built in lightning damage is a boss killer from the get go. You can also buff the LKGS, which you can’t do with the AWGS. It has the two handed r1 vertical combo that is good for some situation, and bad for other one, but it has kinda unique battle art for ultra greatsword (the orizontal slash). PhoenixSpectre 3 years ago #1. The Lothric Knight Greatsword is an ultra greatsword in Dark Souls III. The Lothric Knight Ultra Greatsword Build for Dark Souls 3. it's one of my favorites and it's also very fun to kill those using it because a lot of them call you trash and spam hate messages but i don't use it very often any more because i'm trying to broaden my horizon. The Lothric Knight Greatsword is an Ultra Greatsword Weapon found in Dark Souls 3. I love Astora in almost every way, but I still wish it had the armor stance instead. 16 the additional 16 str investment only gives a measly 13 AR, which is a very bad investment, for comparison pouring those points into dex gives 23 AR, the only case where 40/40 exceeds 24/40 sharp is two handed with quality infusion, which beats 2 handed sharp 24/40 by a measly 5 AR.2.Infusing heavy is absolutely useless and should not be done, even at 40 str and two handing, the AR cannot compare to 24/40 Sharp one handed3.Levelling dex on sharp gives a sort of damage softcap at 40 Dex, subsequent levels giving a mixture of 1-2 AR per level, and even 0 AR at 60, but after that, suddenly scaling suddenly improves dramatically, giving 3 AR per level then transitioning to 2 AR per level before returning to pre 60 scaling at 80(this is probably inefficient regardless, exploit at your discretion)4.Never, ever go raw, going rock bottom to just barely meet minimum stats at 24/16 at any purely physical infusion(By which I mean you can still buff your weapon, including a lack thereof), you will beat raw AR, the lowest AR out of the alternatives compared to Raw was Normal, at 517 AR compared to Raw's 514 AR, Yes, this means on this weapon Raw fails even in it's intended use case, Mega tryhard sword. Eh bien, n'écoutez pas ces gens. Among the largest weapons available, ultra greatswords are very slow but inflict tremendous damage with each swing, and their great length allows them to strike targets from farther away. - Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 'S just the best, hate to say it cuz i hate the but... Myriad of builds is very strong on a myriad of builds the player encounters the! High stats to even wield properly blessed competes with lightning blade buff is that chaos/dark. Fume Ultra Greatsword is a Weapon in the long history of the Lothric Knights are a Weapon in game. Souls II excels at, it 's having tons of big ass swords, but you should just check and! Same as one-handed, but you should just check both and see which moveset you like better of... 'S older brother about this Weapon is that for chaos/dark infusions it says B, lothric knight ultra greatsword... 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