Example Sentence. There abound "beautifully laid out gardens, public and private, and solidly constructed roads, some of them bordered with bamboos and other delicately-fronded trees, and fringed with the luxuriant growth of semi-tropical vegetation.". Luxuriant in a sentence. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Examples were pulled from our literature database and sorted, but have not been approved by an editor. It has a fleshy rootstock, creeping beneath the surface of the soil and sending up luxuriant tufts of narrow, swordshaped leaves, from 4 to 8 ft. above sea-level, and in the midst of rich plantations and luxuriant tropical vegetation. The word luxuriant preferentially means profuse (vegetation) or thick (hair). Luxurious means (1) marked by luxury or (2) characteristic of luxury.Luxuriant means (1) characterized by rich or profuse growth, (2) producing abundance, or (3) excessively florid or elaborate.So luxurious often has to do with monetary wealth, while luxuriant describes types of abundance that do not necessarily relate to monetary wealth. Because Amber prefers simple clothes, she does not buy luxuriant outfits. In the spring months, thousands of tourists visit the luxuriant gardens near the art museum. A circlet of gold coins bound her brow, shining in bright relief against the luxuriant masses of chestnut hair. The Armenian highlands, which run generally parallel to the Caucasus, though at much lower elevations (5000-6000 ft.), are a plateau region, sometimes quite flat, sometimes gently undulating, clothed with luxuriant meadows and mostly cultivable. 1, Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank. with luxuriant woods of oak and beech, and above these again and up to an elevation of 4000 ft., surrounding the hills with a dense dark belt, are the forests of fir which have given the name to the district. Considering, however, that it is generally believed that Bryophyta and vascular plants are descended from an algal ancestry, it is natural to suppose that, prior to the luxuriant vegetable growths of the Carboniferous period, there must have existed an age of algae. To a certain extent this is indeed the case; but though Vaishnavism, and especially the Krishna creed, with its luxuriant growth of erotic legends, might have seemed peculiarly favourable to a development in this direction, it is practically only in connexion with the Saiva system that an independent cult of the female principle has been developed; whilst in other sects - and, indeed, in the ordinary Saiva cult as well - such worship, even where it is at all prominent, is combined with, and subordinated to, that of the male principle. liana vines and luxuriant foliage are now in place. How to use luxuriant in a sentence. 32. A lower wall of wider circuit protects the luxuriant gardens in the outskirts. In consequence of the deficient rainfall over the greater part of the country the flora is not luxuriant and there are no large forests. Life here cannot help seeming dingy and poor in contrast with that luxuriance and splendour. luxuriant foliage of the trees can obscure sea views. Synonyms for luxuriant include lush, rich, prolific, abundant, flourishing, rank, dense, thriving, exuberant and fecund. Swamp forests and luxuriant growth were encouraged by the warm moist air. Polymnia grandis (Montagnaea Heracleifolia) - A half-hardy shrub with large, much divided, and elegantly-lobed leaves, about 3 feet long, presenting luxuriant masses of foliage. Around the pond grows a profusion of luxuriant trees. Water is plentiful in the Elburz, and situated in well-watered valleys and gorges are innumerable flourishing villages, embosomed in gardens and orchards, with extensive cultivated fields and meadows, and at higher altitudes small plateaus, under snow until March or April, afford cool camping grounds to the nomads of the plains, and luxuriant grazing to their sheep and cattle during the summer. Heaving in a distant sight more luxuriant green than ever. Vegetation is generally luxuriant, and forest clothes portions of the mountain slopes. With the exception of some stunted willows the islands are practically destitute of trees, but are covered with a luxuriant growth of herbage, including grasses, sedges and many flowering plants. In spite of the frequent overgrowth of a luxuriant imagination, the leading ideas of really primitive cosmogonies are extremely simple. The poet wore a luxuriant black moustache and imperial, and a slouched hat which shaded the forehead. 4), its mild climate, and its luxuriant vegetation (though in summer there was some malaria in the low ground). On the other hand, a luxuriant forest growth covers a very large part of the republic, including the southern plains of the Amazon tributaries, the foothills, slopes and valleys of the Cordilleras, a larger part of the northern plains, and the whole surface of the Western Cordillera and coast. A luxuriant form, a skin mellow and ruddy as a ripe peach, and such eyes! The country, which is very fertile and is covered with luxuriant herbage, has many villages and a considerable population. 49. The pastures are everywhere luxuriant, and the wooded heights and winding glens, in which the tangled shrubbery is here and there broken up by open glades and flat meadows of green turf, exhibit a beauty of vegetation such as is hardly to be seen in any other district of Palestine. Thus a shoot will grow more vigorously whilst waving in the air than when nailed close to the wall; consequently a weak shoot should be left free, whilst its stronger antagonist should be restrained; and a luxuriant shoot may be retarded for some time by having its tender extremity pinched off to allow a weaker shoot to overtake it. myrtillus) and the arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus) extend very far northward; raspberries and red and black currants form a luxuriant undergrowth in the forests, together with Ribes dikusha in East Siberia. The vegetation of Transylvania is luxuriant, except of course in the higher mountain zones. In the valleys the soil is particularly fertile, yielding luxuriant crops of wheat, maize, barley, spelt, beans, potatoes, flax, hemp, hops, beetroot and tobacco; and even in the more mountainous parts rye, wheat and oats are extensively cultivated. Extract from : « Imogen » by William Godwin; Nor could Nature, here in her most luxuriant mood, relieve it from its sordid aspect. it is clothed with oaks, poplars and brush, while luxuriant vineyards abound. Now there is a zone of the equatorial Andes, ranging between about 4000 and 6000 feet altitude, where the very best flavoured coffee is grown, where cane is less luxuriant but more saccharine than in the plains, and which is therefore very desirable to cultivate, but where the red man sickens and dies. luxuriant in a sentence - Use "luxuriant" in a sentence 1. 2. Examples of luxuriant in a Sentence an older man who still has a luxuriant head of hair a luxuriant coat of fur Recent Examples on the Web Earlier this month, the royals released their Christmas card, showing Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall sitting cozy on a bench in his luxuriant garden. Definition of Luxuriance . A brown creature, with luxuriant flowing mane and tail. The vegetation is luxuriant except in the Rudolf region,. The most striking general fact as regards climate in the archipelago is that wherever that part of the south-east monsoon which has passed over Australia strikes, the climate is comparatively dry, and the vegetation is less luxuriant. luxuriant definition: 1. growing thickly, strongly, and well: 2. pleasantly thick or full: 3. growing thickly…. Source(s): https://shorte.im/a0FCt. The water-works and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the Territorial government, and to the plentiful water-supply is partly due the luxuriant vegetation of the city. But while the province in many parts presents a landscape of luxuriant beauty, it is a prey to the ravages of disease, principally malarial fevers due to the extensive swamps formed by waters stagnating in the forests, and to the frequent incursions of the Goklan and Yomut Turkomans, who have their camping-grounds in the northern part of the province, and until about 1890 plundered caravans sometimes at the very gates of Astarabad city, and carried people off into slavery and bondage. fostering on the steep surrounding hills a vegetation unusually luxuriant for the latitude. in circuit, and of suburbs containing luxuriant gardens. The plant-life of the Carboniferous was exceedingly luxuriant and varied, and the system is rich also in fossils of fishes, crustaceans, mollusca, insects and other forms of animal life. The palaces, completed in 1627, are now in ruins, but the gardens with their luxuriant vegetation and gigantic cypress and orange trees are well worth a visit. Its bed is generally rocky; its banks are high and covered with luxuriant vegetation. . The decline in stock-breeding resulted in a considerable growth of trees and chaparral over the greater part of the plain. All the lakes of the series are shut in by high mountains, those surrounding Lake Abai, together with the islands with which its surface is broken, being clothed with luxuriant vegetation. If these be too luxuriant, they yield nothing but leaves; and if too weak, they are incapable of developing flower buds. Behind the luxuriant jungles of the sub-tropical coast, once over the main range, we find the purely Australian flora with its apparent sameness and sombre dulness. The Persian ladies hair is very luxuriant and never cut; it is nearly always dyed red with henna, or with indigo to a blue-black tinge; it is naturally a glossy black. 5, Hair that's thick and luxuriant needs regular trimming. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Round most of the islands there is a luxuriant coral growth; but, as the reefs lie at no great distance, and follow the line of the coast, the inter-island channels are comparatively safe. 1. marked by complexity and richness of detail 2. displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses 3. produced or growing in extreme abundance. (verb) to Ulban Bay in the Sea of Okhotsk (close :by the Shantar Islands), its peaks clothed from top to bottom with luxuriant forest vegetation, ascending 4500 to 6000 ft. Vegetation is luxuriant and comprises a great variety of tropical and sub-tropical species. Answer Save. 2, Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter. The year is divided into a dry and wet season, the first from June to December, when rain rarely falls, the streams dry up and the cameos are burned bare, and the second from January to May when the rains are sometimes heavy and the cameos are covered with luxuriant verdure. The surface of the summit (the highest point is variously stated at 3549, 35 82 and 3850 ft.) is broken into small valleys and hills, and is covered with luxuriant vegetation, its flora including the superb orchid Disa grandiflora and the well-known silver tree. in circuit, and of suburbs containing luxuriant gardens. 0 0. His long luxuriant hair falls about a sensitive face. The western side consists of stony but fertile plains, which are well cultivated and produce luxuriant crops of grain, with some cotton, vines, almonds and figs. Luxury In A Sentence. The humble prince refused to live in the luxuriant eight-bedroom house he inherited. Our knowledge of the Triassic vegetation is far from extensive; this is no doubt due in part to the fact that the conditions under which the Triassic rocks were deposited were not favourable to the existence of a luxuriant vegetation. Heavy rainfall, high temperature and fertile soil combine to cover the greater part of the state, and particularly the alluvial regions and the coast swamps, with a most luxuriant subtropical vegetation, both arborescent and herbaceous. At the time of which we write, the vegetation of the isle was not very luxuriant. The monarchy lay stifling in the midst of a luxuriant feudal forest which surrounded its only two towns of any importance: Paris, the city of the future, and Orleans, the city of learning. The formation of the larger islands is volcanic, their surface rugged, their vegetation luxuriant, and their appearance very 1 The notation n! The vigorous upright bush of medium height is well-clothed with luxuriant bright green foliage. Among the more mountainous regions of the south-western part of Arabia, known as Arabia Felix, the summits of which rise to 6000 or 7000 ft., the rainfall is sufficient to develop a more luxuriant vegetation, and the valleys have a flora like that of similarly situated parts of southern Persia, and the less elevated parts of Afghanistan and Baluchistan, partaking of the characters of that of the hotter Mediterranean region. Some of the volcanic soil is barren, but much of the district is clothed in luxuriant vegetation. an epicurean banquet Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. 3, This new luxuriant yatch is near completion. Favourite answer. In every direction can be seen luxuriant valleys through which rivers thread their silvery way, wild chasms, magnificent waterfalls - that of Maletsunyane has an unbroken leap of over 600 f t. high, and thickets of tamarisk along the river beds, and on either side the jungle is high and more luxuriant than on the open plateau. These conditions are particularly characteristic of the northern regions; in the south the vegetation on the uplands is more luxuriant. It contains luxuriant forests of palmtrees, which constitute the chief wealth of the people. Click for more examples 1. All Rights Reserved. Dictionary But while the province in many parts presents a landscape of luxuriant beauty, it is a prey to the ravages of disease, : 2. 1. Some of the volcanic soil is barren, but much of the district is clothed in luxuriant vegetation. It is adorned with several pretty gardens with a luxuriant southern vegetation. I'm afraid that his voice simply does not reach the same gorgeous peaks of luxuriant smoothness as the honeyed tones of some of his colleagues. The ground was luxuriant with colocynth, whose runners and fruits looked festive in the early light. In addition to its inferior size, the coyote is also shorter in the leg than the wolf, and carries a more luxuriant coat of hair. The vegetation of the small and narrow islands, all encompassed by the sea, is very luxuriant, and the products, principally nutmegs, mace, and other spices, include also rice and sago. The old stone wall at that time was an irresistible invitation to … Definition (adj) marked by complexity and richness of detail Synonyms: elaborate. above the sea, the limit of the luxuriant growth of that hardy conifer in Britain; and in moist valleys or on imperfectly drained acclivities Norway spruce is more suitable. a sentence with luxurious and luxuriant? 3. the poet's luxuriant imagery. The vegetation is similar to that of Paraguay and the Chaco, and aquatic plants are specially numerous and luxuriant. When the first settlers arrived, in 1897, it was covered with a dense forest of great trees and luxuriant under-shrubbery. The forests throughout most of the state have a luxuriant undergrowth consisting of a great variety of shrubs, flowering plants, grasses, ferns and mosses, and the display of magnolias, azaleas, kalmias, golden rod, asters, jessamines, smilax, ferns and mosses is often one of unusual beauty. The early colonists found quite half the surface of the archipelago covered with dense, evergreen forest, a luxuriant growth of pines and beeches, tangled and intertwined with palms, ferns of all sizes, wild vines and other parasites, and a rank, bushy, mossed undergrowth. The clay and low-fen furnish a luxuriant meadow-land for the principal industries of the province - cattle-rearing and cheeseand butter-making. 2. The droughts to which the island is recurrently subject are, however, a not unimportant drawback to the industry; and though the best ranges, under favourable conditions, are luxuriant, nevertheless the pastures of the island are in general mediocre. Vegetation is generally luxuriant, and forest clothes portions of the mountain slopes. Immediately to the south and west of Kandahar is a stretch of well-irrigated and highly cultivated country, but the valley of the Arghandab is the most fertile in the district, and, from the luxuriant abundance of its orchards and vineyards, offers the most striking scenes of landscape beauty. Founded in 1854, it is well-built, provided with boulevards and surrounded by luxuriant gardens. The young trees vary in size of leaf, rate of growth, and in habit-some being dense and rigid, and others freer and more luxuriant. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 68. above the sea, it presents a succession of beautiful valleys and steep mountains, covered with rich woods and luxuriant vegetation. German Translation of “luxuriant” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. What does luxuriate mean? I felt luxurious stretching in the luxuriant sunshine. We know very little of the ancient methods of cultivating the vine, but the Romans-no doubt owing to the luxuriant ease with which the vine grows in Italy-appear to have trained it on trees, trellis work, palisades, &c. The dwarf form of cultivation now common in northern Europe does not appear to have obtained to any extent. 8, This stretch of land was once covered with, 14, The virginia creeper was a little more, 23, There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and, 24, In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with, 25, He was well over six feet, his hair was black and his eyes gleamed amber from between, 26, One yellowy hank was swiped forward from the nape of his neck, while the other originated from his, 27, She looked down at him, at the dark, even features, the long eyelashes and the, 28, The hair was already thinning and perhaps to compensate he had grown a, 29, And a woman stripped naked to the waist, her, 30, A tall, bespectacled figure, his face half concealed by a, 2, There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and. For he wore a pair of long, luxuriant black whiskers such as have n't been seen since Victorian times. The houses being seemingly embowered in the luxuriant verdure of the Sahel, the effect is imposing and picturesque, and has given rise to the Arab comparison of the town to a diamond set in an emerald frame. Viewed from the sea, the top of one wall just appearing above the next produces a barren effect; but the aspect of the land from a hill in early spring is a beautiful contrast of luxuriant verdure. The vegetation is almost tropically luxuriant - palms, wild pineapples, and ferns growing profusely, and the valleys being filled with wild beans and patches of taro. On the thick layer of black earth by which the steppe is covered a luxuriant vegetation develops in spring; after the old grass has been burned a bright green prevails over immense stretches, but this rapidly disappears under the burning rays of the sun and the hot E. Ranking during the early centuries of its existence as one of the greatest cities of Islam, Marrakesh has long been in a state of grievous decay, but it is rendered attractive by the exceptional beauty of its situation, the luxuriant groves and gardens by which it is encompassed and interspersed, and the magnificent outlook which it enjoys towards the mountains. 4 years ago. Certain large natural pits which are found in the plain behind, and have luxuriant gardens at the bottom, are supposed to have originated the myth of the Gardens of the Hesperides. 4, Her luxuriant hair fell around her shoulders. When the crop is luxuriant it is necessary to put a roller over it first, to facilitate proper burial by the plough. richly abundant, profuse, or superabundant. In many districts the coffee and cotton plants are indigenous and luxuriant. north of Santa Plena, there is an abundance of moisture and vegetation is luxuriant; 33 m. The wood is less abundant, and the vegetation less luxuriant. : Help Advanced Feedback Android iPhone/iPad API Blog Privacy Copyright © 2021 Datamuse luxuriant. There is no more valuable border flower, and when well placed in the rock garden it is effective, especially if the luxuriant shoots are allowed to hang down. Examples of luxuriant in a sentence: 1. They are now overgrown with luxuriant vegetation. To take luxurious pleasure; indulge oneself. Far from impressed, the Arcadians immerse him in the Well of Truth, from which he emerges transformed into a … 2. Vegetation is exceedingly luxuriant and varied. Madeira Vine (Boussingaultia) - B. baselloides is a luxuriant trailing plant of the Spinach order with shoots 16 to 20 feet long, flowering late in autumn, the flowers small, white, fragrant, and becoming black as they fade. The inhabitants support themselves mainly on the produce of their luxuriant gardens; but the increasing trade of Beira has withdrawn the bulk of the commerce from Sidon. Its wild grasses are luxuriant and a shrubby growth is found along many of its streams. Luxuriant sentence examples. Examples of Luxuriant in a sentence. In the time of the Arabs these were the chief canals, and the cuts from the main channels of the Nahr `Isa, Nahr Sarsar, Nahr Malk (or Nahr Malcha), and Nahr Kutha, reticulating the entire country between the rivers, converted it into a continuous and luxuriant garden. The absence of vegetation on its shores, due to the scanty rainfall and general want of fresh water - except in the neighbourhood of springs like `Ain Feshkhah and `Ain Jidi, where a luxuriant subtropical vegetation is found - accounts for the story that no plant could live in the poisonous air which broods over the sea. The luxuriant growth of palms is the most characteristic feature of the vegetation. Many species of indigenous palms abound, and in places the forests are indescribably luxuriant. 1 decade ago. Behind the Friedrichsbau is the Altan (161 o), or castle balcony, from which is obtained a view of great beauty, extending from the town beneath to the heights across the Neckar and over the broad luxuriant plain of the Rhine to Mannheim and the dim contours of the Hardt Mountains behind. To the north-east of the Fort is the Lake, a ramifying sheet of fresh water, which adds greatly to the beauty of the site of Colombo, its banks being clothed with luxuriant foliage and flowers. Definition of luxuriant written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. On the west, with the drier climate, the forest is less luxuriant and dense, and the hill-sides and the valleys better cultivated. Arid upland plains and parched hillsides take the place of the rich verdure and luxuriant arborescent growth of Imeretia, Svanetia and Mingrelia, the districts which occupy the valleys of the Ingur and Rion and the tributaries of the latter. There are luxuriant tropical forests in the coast region of Buganda, in Busoga, west Elgon, western Unyoro, eastern Toro, the central Semliki valley and north-west Ankole. When Mahomet spoke of the goodness of the Lord in creating the clouds, and bringing them across the cheerless desert, and pouring them out on the earth to restore its rich vegetation, that must have been a picture of thrilling interest to the Arabs, who are accustomed to see from three to five years elapse before a copious shower comes to clothe the wilderness once more with luxuriant pastures. luxuriant in English translation and definition "luxuriant", Dictionary English-English online. Relevance. The humid climate causes the foliage here, as in other parts of Malaya, to be very luxuriant, and the contrast presented by the bright green on every side and the rich red laterite of the roads is striking. Privacy Copyright © 2021 Datamuse luxuriant - Dictionary definition and meaning for luxuriant. Shaded the forehead Adjective forms related to the noun luxury are luxuriousand luxuriant ). A profusion of luxuriant are exuberant, lavish, lush, rich, prolific, abundant flourishing... Ringed by a fine sand beach and forest clothes portions of the frequent overgrowth of a imagination. Jungle extended for… examples of luxuriant trees to facilitate proper burial by the suburbs growing in extreme abundance growing extreme... To the noun luxury are luxuriousand luxuriant he wore a luxuriant southern vegetation date partly from Lombard... 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